900字范文 > 专题文献 special subject literature英语短句 例句大全

专题文献 special subject literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-12 10:32:06


专题文献 special subject literature英语短句 例句大全

专题文献,special subject literature

1)special subject literature专题文献

1.Design and implementation of information filtering system based onspecial subject literature基于专题文献的信息内容过滤系统设计


1.The Bibliometrics Analysis about Ten Years of the Estate Literature of Our Country;我国十年房地产专题文献的文献计量研究

2.Majestic Sally --Emotional recall about special documentary film "Central Plains lion";浩然突围——感怀专题文献片《中原雄师》

3.A Monographic Study on the Documentation of China’s Sport Information and Application of Information Technology;我国体育信息及信息技术应用专题文献研究

4.Methods and Skills on Special Database via NoteExpress利用NoteExpress建立专题文献数据库的方法与技巧

5.Design and implementation of information filtering system based on special subject literature基于专题文献的信息内容过滤系统设计

6.Briefly introduces the situation and development of document resources of the Dai nationality, and discusses the principles and measures of developing document resources in minority regions.简述傣族文献资源的情况和开发意义,探讨少数民族专题文献资源开发的原则和措施。

7.Exploiting Special Literature Database for "Mountain s Wu Tai Doctrine;开发专题文献数据库,为建立“五台山学”提供信息保障

8.Discussion on Constructing An Website for Literature Retrival Education Studies;文献检索与利用专题学习网站的建设

9.The construction and service of the document resource in the college s reference room;谈高校资料室专业文献资源建设与服务问题

10.On Compilation of Subject Bibliography-- A Case Study of Bibliography of Mazu Documents;专题书目编制略谈——以《妈祖文献书目》为例

11.The Present Situation of,Existing Problems in and Countermeasures for the Utilization of Patent Literature Information in China我国专利文献信息利用的现状与问题及对策

12.A pattern on historical document full text/special topic retrieval system--《Song dynasty information retrieval system》overall structure design史料文献全文本/专题检索系统模式-《宋代文献资料微机检索系统》总体结构设计

13.Patent Documentation and Information Centre专利文献和信息中心

14.English Course of Environmental Biology专业英语(含文献检索)

15.China Patent Documentation Service Centre中国专利文献服务中心

16.list of books or articles about a particular subject or by a particular author(有关某一专题或某一作者的著作的)书目,索引,文献

17.Study on New Problems Showing up in the Field Where Procurement Bidding Plays a Part in the Construction of Professional Literature of University Subject Group采购招标对高校学科群专业文献建设的突出问题研究

18.Brief Discussion on Development of the Local Documents:Taking the Construction of the Special Topic Database of Shaanxi Imperial Mausoleum as an Example地方文献开发工作粗论——以陕西帝王陵墓专题数据库建设为例


special literature database特色专题文献

1.The paper demonstrates the practical significance of constructing aspecial literature database of Anyuan Labor Movement.本文论证了构建安源工运特色专题文献数据库的现实意义,从建立安源工运特色专题文献数据库的实践经验、资源基础、技术力量、保障经费等方面详细分析了安源工运资料数字化开发的可行性,并就采集信息资源、数据库的标准与规范、建立管理系统和检索系统等方面探讨了如何构建安源工运特色专题文献数据库。

3)information on a special topic专题文献信息

4)Nationalities Subject Databases民族文献专题数据库

5)Patent Literature专利文献

1.The features of patent literatures are introduced.简要阐述了专利文献的特点,并从专利申请、竞争对手技术趋势分析、企业科技竞争策略措施实施、企业技术提升、技术把关等方面详细介绍专利文献在企业运用中的重要性,企业取得专利文献的途径非常的方便而且使用费用较低。

2.This paper briefly expounds the patent literature and its characteristics, points out the value of the patent literature in the competition among the enterprises,and introduces the paths for collecting the patent literature.简述了专利文献的概念及其特点,指出专利文献在企业竞争中的价值,并介绍了收集专利文献的途径。

3.In this article, we discuss the utilization of patent literature from four aspects: conception of patent literature, the value and function of patent literature, the methods to enhance the utilization of patent literature in universities and matters need to pay attention in the process of use patent literature, .专利文献作为占全球图书期刊出版总量四分之一的重要出版物 ,对于高校科技发展有着重要的作用。


1.Automatic text categorization forpatent data;一种面向专利文献数据的文本自动分类方法

2.Using of Patent Literature Information in University and Scientific Research Institution高校、研发机构对专利文献信息的利用

3.GENSAL is capable ofdealing with most of the types of generic compound structure and statement encountered inpatents.介绍在化学专利文献中化合物属性结构处理时,使用的一种便于计算机通过自动分析对化合物属性结构信息进行存贮与处理的规范化语言--GENSAL。


