900字范文 > 知性德育 knowledge moral education英语短句 例句大全

知性德育 knowledge moral education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-14 22:31:47


知性德育 knowledge moral education英语短句 例句大全

知性德育,knowledge moral education

1)knowledge moral education知性德育

1.Theknowledge moral education stresses on teaching and learning of the morality.知性德育专注道德知识的教与学,注重道德思维能力的训练,不是真正意义上的德性培养,要想使学校德育有所成就,就必须构建生活德育模式。


1.Establishing the New Concept on the Moral Education--From the Knowledge Moral Education to the Life Moral Education;构建德育新理念——从知性德育到生活德育

2.Predicament and Transcendence of Intellectualizationin School Ecological Morality Education;学校生态德育的知性化困境及其超越

3.Unity of Theory and Practice:The Inevitable Choice of Practical Result of Moral Education in Universities;知行统一:高校德育实效性的必然选择

4.On the Necessitating of Moral Training in Colleges Under the Circumstances of Knowledge Economy;论知识经济条件下高校德育的开放性

5.Constructing the Moral Education Mode "Knowledge,Life and Integrity"“知情型—生活化—整体性”德育新范式建构

6.Social Activities and Communication: Regulation Field for Moral Education and Training Ground for Virtues;社会性活动和交往:德育的调节场和德行的践履地——陶行知德育过程思想探求

7.Knowledge Foundation of School Moral Education and Moral Education Curriculum Reform;学校德育的知识基础与德育课程变革

8.Transition from "Knowledge-based Mode" to "Morality-based Mode;从“知识本位”到“德性本位”——教师创造教育观的整体性与根本性转型

9.The Study of Moral Cognition Development and Moral Education Strategies of Kindergarten Teachers Training School Students;幼师生道德认知发展及德育对策研究

10.The Approaches About Students Medical Ethics Cognition and Education;医学生的医德认知与医德教育的途径

11.Moral Education Epistemology of “Knowing-practice-knowing ” and Its Practice of “Embodying-Tao”;“知—行—知”德育认识论及其“体道”实践

12.The Study of Sports Moral Cognition and Behavior in Youth Athletes of Team Events我国同场对抗性集体项目青少年运动员体育道德认知与行为研究

13.On Humanist Moral Education and Actual Effect of University Moral Education;试论主体性德育与高校德育的实效性

14.On Social Moral Education and Subjective Moral Education;论社会性道德教育与主体性道德教育

15.Moral Education Idea and It s Reform--The Trend of Hunanistic Moral Education in the New Century;德育理念与德育改革——新世纪德育人性化走向

16.On the Moral Inspiration of Tao Xing-zhi sThoughts of Moral Education to College Students;论陶行知德育思想对大学生德育的启示

17.The Practical Significance from Tao Xingzhi s Idea on College Moral Education;论陶行知德育思想对大学生德育的现实意义

18.Intellectual Economy Calls Changes in MoralEducation out of Misconceptions --The New Visual Angle in University Education in Ethics;知识经济呼唤德育走出误区——高校德育的新视角


informative moral education知性道德教育

1.On one hand,it confirms the necessary and important role of moral knowledge teaching;on the other hand,compared with traditionalinformative moral education,it again makes exceedingly creative interpretations in terms of contents and implementing approaches.与传统的知性道德教育相比,道德知性教育在内容和实施途径等方面都进行了超越性的创释。

3)moral-perceptive education道德知性教育

1.The birth ofmoral-perceptive education is of theoretical and realistic signifcance to moral education of our country.道德知性教育概念的提出对于我国德育工作有着重要的理论和现实意义,它肯定了道德知识的传授在道德教育中的必要性和重要性。

4)cognitive moral education course认知性德育课程

5)A Brief Discussion on Moral-Perceptive Education浅议道德知性教育

6)the morality one knows德性所知


性德育性德育性学名。性教育内容之一。是培养一个人使之符合社会文化所要求的做一个男人或女人所要遵从的行为规范和道德标准。 诸如青少年如何正当地交往与对待异性朋友,如何适当地选择恋人并发展和保持高尚的爱情,如何正确地处理好婚前的性接触,如何搞好婚后的夫妻关系等等。
