900字范文 > 中国德育 Chinese moral education英语短句 例句大全

中国德育 Chinese moral education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-08 14:11:25


中国德育 Chinese moral education英语短句 例句大全

中国德育,Chinese moral education

1)Chinese moral education中国德育


1.New Starting Point of Chinese Moral Education Research--Comment on Chinese Moral Education Research;中国德育思想研究的新起点 ——评《中国德育思想研究》

2.Moral Education in Chinese Colleges Should Adopt the Theory of Managing the State according to Law and through the Rule of Virtue;依法治国与以德治国在高校德育教育中的实践

3.Study on Basic Moral Norms in Our School Moral Education;我国学校道德教育中的基础德目研究

parison on Moral Education at School in China and U.S.A and Its Revelation to Chinese Moral Education at School;中美学校德育的比较及对中国学校德育的启示

5.Exploration of Moral Education in Universities and Colleges through the Comparison between China and Western Countries;由中西方德育的对比探索我国高校德育模式

6.cultivate one s morality;文明修身——“以德治国”在高校德育教育中的体现

7.Some Enlightenment for Modern Education from Chinese Ancient Moral Education中国古代德育思想对当代德育的若干启示

8.On the Important Role of Moral Education in National Development论德育教育在国家发展中的重要作用

9.Evolvement of Moral and Aesthetic Education in Modern Music Education History in China;中国近现代音乐教育史中德育和美育的演变

10.Reflections on the Ethical Virtue of Traditional Chinese Medical Ethics--On Strengthening Education of Traditional Chinese Medical Ethics论中国传统医德的德性价值——加强中国传统医德教育

11.The Application of New Teaching Methods in German Vocational Education in Sino-Germany Class;德国职业教育新教法在中德合作班中的应用

12.Study on German FH Education and Its Practice in China;德国FH教育及其在中国的实践研究

13.Sun Yat - sen s thought of morally educating the people and the traditional theory of moral education;论孙中山的国民道德教育观与中国传统德育思想

14.John Dewey s Theory of Moral Education and School Moral Education in China;从杜威德育观看当代中国学校德育——读杜威《民主主义与教育》

15.Revelation to China from German vocational education reformation;德国职业教育对中国职业教育改革的启示

16.On the Thoughts Governing States by Virtue and is Applied in the Morality Education in Higher Schools;论“以德治国”思想及其在高校德育中的落实

17.Setting Virtue Standard and Virtue Acquisition-On the Value Appeal of Ancient Chinese Education;“立德”与“成德”——论中国古代教育的价值诉求

18.On Chinese Traditional Moral and Contemporary High Education Morality Education;浅谈中国优秀传统道德与当代大学生道德教育


moral education with Chinese characteristics中国特色德育

3)the transformation of moral education in China中国德育变革

4)China"s moral tradition中国德育传统

5)modern Chinese moral education当代中国德育

1.The gaming between science and humanity——A developmental study of themodern Chinese moral education科技与人文的博弈——当代中国德育发展趋向研究

6)moral education in Chinese college中国大学德育

1.In order to improve the depth and extent,moral education in Chinese college should absorb environmental education and extend to four arrangements of the object contents,and should develop curriculum resource,adjust educational strategy and introduce diverse teaching methods to help undergraduates to achieve the harmonized development between individual and community,environment and the future.环境教育是当今世界教育发展的主流和新趋势,它的实践价值与中国大学德育的深化改革具有很高的关联度。


