900字范文 > 创新政策体系 innovation policy system英语短句 例句大全

创新政策体系 innovation policy system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-18 14:21:20


创新政策体系 innovation policy system英语短句 例句大全

创新政策体系,innovation policy system

1)innovation policy system创新政策体系

1.This article proposes a dynamic model to explain the relationship between national innovation system andinnovation policy system.本文在对相关文献回顾的基础上,提出了国家创新系统与创新政策体系之间的互动关系模型。


1.A Study on New York State Government s Policy System for Science & Technology Innovation;纽约州政府科技创新政策体系研究及启示

2.Research on the Dynamics between National Innovation System and Innovation Policy System:In the Perspective of Knowledge Flow基于知识流动视角的国家创新系统与创新政策体系互动关系研究

3.Study on the three-dimensional analytical framework towards the innovation policy system of SMEs;基于三维分析框架研究中小企业创新政策体系

4.The Related Problems on Structuring the Policy System of Technology Innovation in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises;构建中小企业技术创新政策体系的思考

5.Building an Innovative Policy System in the View of Social Formation Process社会生成过程视角下的创新政策体系构建

6.The Policy Research on Building and Perfecting the System of Technological Innovation;技术创新体系的建立与完善政策研究

7.On Government Policy in Promoting the Establishment of National Creation System;论推进国家创新体系建设的政策取向

8.A review on the researches of national innovational system: Theory and policy国家创新体系研究:理论与政策并行

9.On Pushing the Innovation of Policy System about Rural Science and Technology by Law略论依法推进农村科技政策体系创新

10.Study on the Policy Support Systems of Technical Innovation of High-tech Enterprises;高新技术企业技术创新政策支持体系研究

11.To Study the System Construction of the Policy and Law about the Science and Technology Innovation Service Agency科技创新中介服务政策法规体系建设研究

12.General Overview of Swedish National Innovation Systems and Its Technology Policy瑞典国家技术创新体系及技术政策要点

13.Research on Our Country Information Inductry Technical Innovation System and Policy;我国信息产业技术创新体系及政策研究

14.Study on the Policy System of Government Fiscal and Taxation Incenting Enterprises Independent Innovation;激励企业自主创新的财税政策体系研究

15.Study on the Policy System Supporting Technology Innovation of Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan;台湾扶持中小企业技术创新的政策体系研究

16.The System of Local Technologic Innovation:Theoretical Foundation and Policies Focus;地方技术创新体系:理论依据和政策焦点

17.Regional Policy-support Mechanism for Promoting Innovative Activities:Demonstration in Taizhou;建设促进创新活动的区域政策体系——以台州为例

18.Discussion on the Proposition and Conceptual System of Cluster-based Innovation Policy;产业集群创新政策的提出及理念体系探讨


the system of national innovation policy国家创新政策体系

3)Regional policy innovation sy区域政策创新体系

4)innovation of systems and policies体制与政策创新

5)policy innovation政策创新

1.The development of higher education and thepolicy innovation;高等教育的发展与政策创新

2.The paper then puts forward the strategic plan including technology innovation,policy innovation and mark.文章从能源结构效率、污染的环境成本、石油资源供给形势等几个方面论述了实现气态能源跨越式发展的战略意义,并从我国天然气发展的现状出发,论证了实现气态能源跨越式发展的资源、市场与产能可行性问题,提出了跨越式发展的战略设计,包括技术创新战略、政策创新战略和市场开拓战略。

3.The paper expounded the point of view thatpolicy innovation is the key to deepen Cooperation of agriculture of Fujian and Taiwan.本文从闽台农业的依存性,闽台农业发展的制约因素,闽台农业竞争力等方面,分析与论证了闽台农业合作能创新闽台区域农业竞争力,并阐述了深化闽台农业合作,政策创新是关键。

6)innovation policy创新政策

parative study on theinnovation policy in the European Union and China;欧盟和中国创新政策比较研究

2.The study oninnovation policy of knowledge intensive services;知识密集型服务业创新政策研究

3.Analyze on the U S small businessinnovation policy from the perspective of triple helix model——Comparison between SBIR and STTR programs in U S;从三重螺旋模型看美国的小企业创新政策——对美国SBIR计划和STTR计划的比较


