900字范文 > 权利伦理学 right ethnics英语短句 例句大全

权利伦理学 right ethnics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-06 07:24:24


权利伦理学 right ethnics英语短句 例句大全

权利伦理学,right ethnics

1)right ethnics权利伦理学

2)the right ethics权利伦理


1.The Comparison and Integration of the Eastern Confucian Ethics and the Western Right Ethics;东方儒家伦理和西方权利伦理的比较与整合

2.Visual Field of Right Ethics and Ideal of Rule by Law in Kant’s Legal Philosophy;康德法哲学的权利伦理视域与法治理想

3.On the Right of the Public Good Ethics View--And On the Connotation of Morality Right;论公益伦理主张的权利——兼论道德权利的含义

4.Information Rights:the Interaction and Meaning of Information Ethic Rights and Information Legislation信息权利:伦理与法律权利的互动及其意义

5.What the Moral Principle Means to Modern Readers -- from the theory of animals" right to the concept of moral principle and ecology天台宗伦理思想的现代阐释——从动物权利论伦理到生态伦理

6.The Politico-Moral View of Communitarianism on "Good Has Priority over Right";“善优先于权利”的社群主义政治伦理观

7.The Ethical Reconstruction of Right Politics from Charles Taylor查尔斯·泰勒对权利政治的伦理重构

8.Reason,Rights and Justice--On Kantian Political Ethics;理性、权利与正义——康德的政治伦理思想研究

9.From virtue to right--The difference between the citizen ethic and the Confucian virtue and the way of accrete between them从美德到权利——儒家伦理与公民伦理的异质及其共生之道

10.The Responsibilty, Power and Ethic and Moral Accomplishment of the Editors of University Journals高校学报编辑的责任、权利与伦理道德修养

11.Development、Right and Equality--Comment and Analysis on Amartya Sen s Economic Ethic Thoughts;发展、权利与平等——阿马蒂亚·森经济伦理思想评析

12.Analyzing the Protection of Cultural Rights on Elunchun Ethnic at the Direction of Harmonious Society;和谐社会理念指导下鄂伦春族文化权利的保护

13.Virtue Prior to Right--An analysis of the ethnics of the Communitarianism;德性优先于权利——对社群主义伦理的一种解读

14.Which Kind of Right is Euthanasia?──An Interpretation of Euthanasia in the Perspective of the Legal Ethics;安乐死是何种权利?——关于安乐死的法伦理学解读

15.A Bioethical Viewpoint of Subjects Right Protection论生命伦理学视阈下的受试者权利保护

16.Nozick"s Political and Ethical Ideology of the Supremacy of Individual Rights诺齐克个人权利至上性政治伦理观探究

17.The Ethical Conflict and Its Coordination in Safeguarding the Rights of Patients with AIDS艾滋病患者权利保障面临的伦理冲突及其协调

18.Famine Is Rooted in the Failure of the Right:Evaluation on Amartya Sen Welfare Ethic Theory;饥荒根源于权利失败——阿马蒂亚·森福利伦理思想评价


the right ethics权利伦理

3)ethics of property right产权伦理学

1.Relation of property right is the most basic economic relation;ethics of property right is the core of ethics of economy as a whole and the foundation of the whole social ethics.产权关系是最基本的经济关系 ,产权伦理是全部经济伦理的核心 ,是整个社会伦理的基础 ,有必要对产权伦理进行系统的研究 ,构建现代产权伦理学。

4)Business ethics right经济伦理权利

5)Contractual Ethics and Rights契约伦理与权利

6)The Ethnic Analysis of Right权利的伦理解析


