900字范文 > 供应商管理库存 vendor managed inventory英语短句 例句大全

供应商管理库存 vendor managed inventory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-18 12:30:08


供应商管理库存 vendor managed inventory英语短句 例句大全

供应商管理库存,vendor managed inventory

1)vendor managed inventory供应商管理库存

1.Profit model and algorithm of distribution system forvendor managed inventory;供应商管理库存的分销系统利润模型及其算法

2.Influencing factor analysis ofvendor managed inventory based on system dynamics;基于系统动力学的供应商管理库存影响因素分析

3.The model ofvendor managed inventory in fisheries industry;有关水产品供应商管理库存模型的初步研究


1.VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory)--An Inventory Management under the Supply Chain Environment;供应商管理库存——供应链环境下的库存管理方式

2.Research of Inventory Optimization Based on Vendor Managed Inventory Model;供应商管理库存模式下库存优化研究

3.VMI (Vendor Management Inventory) is divided into two types: VMI based on push inventory control and VMI based on pull inventory control.提出将供应商管理库存细分为需求拉动式供应商管理库存和计划推动式供应商管理库存。

4.Research on the Application of Vendor Managed Inventory in TAGAL;TAGAL公司供应商管理库存的应用研究

5.Vendor managed inventory and bullwhip effect;供应商管理库存和牛鞭效应(英文)

6.Delivery Consolidation and Stock Replenishment in VMI System供应商管理库存系统中库存和运输计划整合

7.Applicability Study on Vendor Managed Inventory(VMI);供应商管理库存(VMI)的适用性研究

8.Implement of Vendor Managed Inventory Corporation;供应商管理库存的合作实现问题研究

9.Research on Support Mechanism of VMI;供应商管理库存(VMI)保障机制研究

10.The Application of the Third Party Logistics in VMI Model;第三方物流在供应商管理库存的作用

11.Analysis of Optimization Channel Profit under Vendor Managed Inventory;供应商管理库存的渠道利润优化分析

12.Resach on the VMI in Chemical Enterprise;化工企业实施供应商管理库存的研究

13.VMI Implementation;供应商管理库存(VMI)的实施研究

14.Research on Support System of VMI;供应商管理库存(VMI)支撑体系研究

15.A Research on Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)“供应商管理库存”(VMI)模式研究

16.Research on the Affecting Mechanism of the Supply Chain from Vender Managed Inventory;供应商管理库存对供应链收益的影响机理研究

17.Analysis of Bullwhip Effect in VMI Supply Chain;供应商管理库存供应链中牛鞭效应量化分析

18.The Vendor Managed Inventory Model under Supply Chain Management供应链环境下供应商管理库存模型的研究



1.Nash Game inVMI System on Account of Advertising and Production Structure;考虑广告和产品结构的供应商管理库存系统的Nash博弈

2.The Model Research and Strategy Analysis onVMI;供应商管理库存的模型研究和策略分析

3.The Research on IntegratedVMI Mode for Regional Supply Chain Manufacturing Enterprises;区域性供应链生产企业的供应商管理库存整合模式研究

3)Vendor Managed Inventory(VMI)供应商管理库存

1.The research evaluates how vendor managed inventory(VMI)affects supply chain.研究了供应商管理库存对供应链的影响。

2.To investigate the effect of vendor managed inventory(VMI)-based policy for supply chain,a system dynamics model was developed for a garment enterprise based on examing the feedback mode of dynamic information of the supply and its operation efficiency and .为了研究在基于供应商管理库存(VMI)补货模式下,供应链的动态反馈方式,考察其运作效率,利用系统动力学的方法为某服装企业构建了系统动力学仿真模型。

3.This paper discusses optimum order quantities and expectation profits of each member in newsvendor cases for three kinds of supply chains: integrated control,dispersed control,and vendor managed inventory(VMI) without any coordination.分析了报童环境下集中控制、分散控制及不包含协调的纯供应商管理库存(VMI)3种供应链的最优订购量及各方的期望利润;提出了转移支付的VMI协调策略,并给出了该协调策略的有效性。

4)vendor-managed inventory供应商管理库存

1.Kind of supply problem and its optimization model invendor-managed inventory system;供应商管理库存中的一种供需问题及优化模型

2.The Research on the Vendor-Managed Inventory under Environment of E-Business;电子商务中的供应商管理库存研究

3.Study on Vendor-Managed Inventory and Its Coordination;供应商管理库存及其协调研究

5)vendor managed inventory (VMI)供应商管理库存

1.Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) is a new and representative supply chain inventory management tactic, which overcomes the “Bullwhip effect” of the traditional stock control mode availably and improves the operation efficiency and competitiveness of the supply chain.供应商管理库存是供应链管理环境下库存控制的一项重要策略,它有效地克服了传统库存管理模式下的“牛鞭效应”等问题,提高了供应链系统的运作效率和整体竞争力。

2.Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), as a newly inventory management strategy, highly reflects the integrated SCM concept.供应商管理库存(Vendor ManagedInventory,VMI)作为一种新型的库存管理策略,充分体现了供应链集成管理的思想。

6)vender managed inventory(VMI)供应商管理库存

1.Up to now,many firms adopt vender managed inventory(VMI) to mitigate information distortion and Bullup effect.为了克服信息扭曲和牛鞭效应,许多企业采用了供应商管理库存。


