900字范文 > 生态主导产业 ecology dominanting industries英语短句 例句大全

生态主导产业 ecology dominanting industries英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-10 09:14:01


生态主导产业 ecology dominanting industries英语短句 例句大全

生态主导产业,ecology dominanting industries

1)ecology dominanting industries生态主导产业

2)leading industry主导产业

1.Study on extrapolating input-output table andleading industry of China;投入产出表外推及主导产业研究

2.Theleading industry choosing model of Yichun and real diagnosis analysis;伊春主导产业选择模型及实证分析

3.Analysis with the conception of regionleading industry and the study of index choice method;区域主导产业概念辨析及选择指标的探讨


1.Development Direction of Leading Industry in Fishery Industrialization in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古渔业产业化主导产业发展方向

2."Expanding and strengthening major industries, updating and renovating traditional industries."做大做强主导产业,改造提升传统产业

3.Choice of Leading Industries and Empirical Analysis about the Second Industry;第二产业主导产业的选择与实证分析

4.Study on urban leading industry and its selection--Take leading industries of manufacturing industry of Qingdao as the case;城市主导产业及其选择研究——以青岛制造业主导产业的选择为例

5.An Analysis of the Inputs and Outputs of the Selected Leading Industries of Guizhou Province;贵州省主导产业选择的投入产出分析

6.Guangzhou Industry Upgrading and Leading Industry Development Strategy Study;广州市产业升级与工业主导产业发展策略研究

7.An Analysis of Industrial Structure and Leading Industry of Guangxi;广西工业产业结构与主导产业的比较分析

8.Study on Leading Industry Selection ofXinjiang Agriculture Industrialization;新疆农业产业化中主导产业的选择研究

9.Study on The Selection of Xinjiang"s Leading Industry and The Identification of Its Industrial Chain新疆工业主导产业选择及其产业链识别研究

10.The Sub Area Study on Ecological Agriculture and Leading Industry of Jiangyan;姜堰市生态农业及主导产业分区研究

11.The Research on the Choice and Development of Xinjiang Industrial Leading Industries;新疆工业主导产业选择及其演进研究

12.The Analysis on the Choice and Policy of Chifeng City s the Leading Industry;赤峰市工业主导产业选择及对策分析

13.Positive Analysis on Choosing Dominant Industries of Hebei Province;河北省工业主导产业选择的实证分析

14.On Several Issues of Choosing the Leading Industries of Hainan during its Industrialisation Progress;论海南工业化进程中的主导产业选择

15.Investigation on the Development of Agricultural Leading Industry;关于进一步培育农业主导产业的探讨

16.Quantitative method to determine agricultrual leading industries and its application;农业主导产业确定的量化方法及应用

17.Leading industries plays a guiding and supporting role in industries structure, which is in the dominant position.主导产业在产业结构中处于主体地位,发挥着引导和支撑作用。

18.An exemplification analysis to the selection of regional dominant industry--a case study of Jianshui county;区域主导产业选择的实证探析—一建水主导产业选择案例


leading industry主导产业

1.Study on extrapolating input-output table andleading industry of China;投入产出表外推及主导产业研究

2.Theleading industry choosing model of Yichun and real diagnosis analysis;伊春主导产业选择模型及实证分析

3.Analysis with the conception of regionleading industry and the study of index choice method;区域主导产业概念辨析及选择指标的探讨

3)dominant industry主导产业

1.An exemplification analysis to the selection of regionaldominant industry——a case study of Jianshui county;区域主导产业选择的实证探析—一建水主导产业选择案例

2.The demonstration research ofdominant industry development selecting of Central China;中部地区工业主导产业选择与实证研究

4)leading industries主导产业

1.Research on methods of quantitative selection of regionalleading industries: taking Ganzhou city of Jiangxi province as an example;区域主导产业定量选择方法研究——以江西赣州市为例

2.Choice and optimization ofleading industries of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古主导产业的选择与优化

3.On the evaluation index system of regionalleading industries and the application of the mathematical model;区域主导产业选择的评价指标体系及模型方法应用

5)predominant industry主导产业

1.This paper starts from the dominant situation thatpredominant industry occupies in domestic economy.从主导产业在国民经济中所处的支柱地位出发,从影响其主导地位形成的主要因素入手,应用AHP法,从经济效益、经济规模、技术进步、产业关联等不同层次对主导产业的影响指标进行聚集组合,从而对产业选择系统进行优劣排序,筛选出主导产业,同时使选择评价过程更具有客观、全面、合理性。

2.According to the character ofpredominant industry, we established a system of three indexes, Which can be used as basic theory of the Selection and appraisal ofpredominant industry.根据主导产业的特点,从其定义下手设计了三大方面的指标体系作为选择黑龙江省主导产业模型的基础,并采用模糊模式选择主导产

3.According to the characteristics of business groups and their relationship with thepredominant industry, we designed a system of two indexes, which can be used as a basic theory of the selection and appraisal ofpredominant industry.根据企业集团的特点与主导产业的关系设计了两大方面的指标体系作为评价主导产业选择的基础 。

6)the leading industry主导产业

1.Research on the Value and Cultural Functions of the Leading Industry;论“主导产业”的价值与文化功能

2.The development of science and technology causes the replacement ofthe leading industry.科技发展引起主导产业更替。

3.The author introduces the selective norms and methods ofthe leading industry following the example of Anhui industry.以安徽工业为例介绍了主导产业选择基准和选择方法,对各地确定主导产业和制定主导产业政策具有重要的指导意义。


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
