900字范文 > 地方科技创新体系 local scientific and technical innovation system英语短句 例句大全

地方科技创新体系 local scientific and technical innovation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-26 19:12:19


地方科技创新体系 local scientific and technical innovation system英语短句 例句大全

地方科技创新体系,local scientific and technical innovation system

1)local scientific and technical innovation system地方科技创新体系

1.The enterprise is the main body of thelocal scientific and technical innovation system,other subjects should serve for enterprise subjects,which requires a whole set of institutional construction.地方科技创新体系指科技创新主体为实现科技创新而在某个区域生成的一种相互反应的网络系统。

2)the seismic creation system地震科技创新体系

1.In the paper, we give an instruction and comments on basic concept and main content ofthe seismic creation system, and put forward four recommended programs for “the eleventh five-yea.从提升地震科技的国家战略地位、增强中国地震科技国际竞争力考虑,提出建立健全国家地震科技创新体系和适时调整工作比重的建议。

3)land science and technology innovative system土地科技创新体系

1.The primary conclusion and suggestion are as follows:(1) Theland science and technology innovative system is both an important portion of national science and t.土地科技创新体系既是国土资源开发利用国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分 ,也是深化土地科学研究、土地管理创新和土地科技进步的重要依托。

4)Local scientific and technological innovations地方科技创新


1.How the Academic Libraries Serve the Local Scientific and Technological Innovations高校图书馆如何为地方科技创新服务

2.Analysis of the Static Game Between the Science and Technology Innovation Organizations in Local Colleges;地方高校科技创新组织静态博弈分析

3.Research on Innovation Element of Science and Technology and the Evolving Pattern of Discipline in Local University;地方高校科技创新元与学科演化模式研究

4.Construction of Scientific and Technological Innovation System for Local Application-oriented Universities;地方应用型本科院校科技创新体系的构建

5.Disciplines-building mechanism construction of local colleges and universities based on scientific and technological innovation基于科技创新的地方高校学科建设路径选择

6.Study on Evaluation and Diagnosis Method for Local University Capacity in Science and Technology Innovation;地方高校科技创新能力评价与诊断方法刍议

7.Position and Function of Local Colleges in Regional Science and Technology Innovation地方高校在区域科技创新中的地位和作用

8.An Analysis on Scientific & Technological Innovation Construction of the Nine Local Universities;九所地方高校科技创新能力建设研究分析

9.Reflection and practice of promoting science and technology innovation in regional universities;提升地方高校科技创新能力的思考与实践

10.Study on the tactics for local government to promote constructing urban science and technology innovation system;地方政府促进城市科技创新系统构建的策略

11.Regional Science & Technology Information Platform Must be Established in Service and Innovation;地方科技条件平台建设要立足于服务和创新

12.The Developing Trend of the Science and Technology Creativity Policy Environment in Local University;地方高校科技创新政策环境的动态趋向

13.Accelerating the Development of the Regional Economy through Innovating the Local Sci-tech Information Work;创新地方科技信息工作 促进区域经济发展

14.Research on transformation of high-tech achievementsand local governmental management innovation;高校科技成果转化与地方政府管理创新研究

15.Orientation and innovation of local agricultural journals地方性农业科技期刊的定位与创新发展

16.A Reflection on Manage System for Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation and Its Innovation Mechanism for Regional Colleges and Universities;地方高校农业科技创新管理体制与创新机制的思考

17.Increasing Central Governmental Investment and Promoting S&T Innovation of Local Agricultural Research Organization;增加中央财政投入促进地方农业科研机构科技创新

18.Situation and Role of Science and Technology Innovation of Agricultural Scientific Research Institution;农业科研机构科技创新的地位与作用


the seismic creation system地震科技创新体系

1.In the paper, we give an instruction and comments on basic concept and main content ofthe seismic creation system, and put forward four recommended programs for “the eleventh five-yea.从提升地震科技的国家战略地位、增强中国地震科技国际竞争力考虑,提出建立健全国家地震科技创新体系和适时调整工作比重的建议。

3)land science and technology innovative system土地科技创新体系

1.The primary conclusion and suggestion are as follows:(1) Theland science and technology innovative system is both an important portion of national science and t.土地科技创新体系既是国土资源开发利用国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分 ,也是深化土地科学研究、土地管理创新和土地科技进步的重要依托。

4)Local scientific and technological innovations地方科技创新

5)science and technology innovation system科技创新体系

1.Based on the concept of science and technology,thescience and technology innovation system of colleges and universities is studied.根据科学与技术的概念对高校科技创新体系进行了研究,指出了高校科技创新体系包括高校科技创新管理体制、高校科技创新资源、高校科技创新活动和高校科技创新成果4个方面;并对高校科技创新体系的良好运行提出了对策和建议。

2.It acts on every part ofscience and technology innovation system of the country and become vital power which drives the development of the society.基于上述考虑,笔者在文中针对我国高校科技创新体系建设中存在的一些问题进行了分析,提出了构建高校科技创新体系的一些想法。

3.Based on the analysis of the cultivation status of the innovative personnel,by virtue of the predominance in shipping industry and ocean exploration,the automation college of the Harbin Engineering University do some research and practice in constructing cultivation scheme,reforming teaching mode,establishing practical teaching system andscience and technology innovation system.在分析了我国高校创新人才培养现状的基础上,哈尔滨工程大学自动化学院依托船海特色,在构建自动化领域高素质创新人才培养方案、改革教学模式、建立实践教学体系和构建学生科技创新体系方面做了有益的探索与实践,取得了良好的实践效果。

6)sci-tech innovation system科技创新体系

1.Introducing the measures of the Republic of Korea to construct nationalsci-tech innovation system and based on the enlightenment from the experience of the republic of Korea,advancing some problems which should be solved mainly in the course of construction ofsci-tech innovation system in China.介绍了韩国建设国家科技创新体系的措施。


