900字范文 > 虚拟企业平台 virtual enterprise platform英语短句 例句大全

虚拟企业平台 virtual enterprise platform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-13 13:32:14


虚拟企业平台 virtual enterprise platform英语短句 例句大全

虚拟企业平台,virtual enterprise platform

1)virtual enterprise platform虚拟企业平台


1.Design and Research of Virtual Enterprise Platform System Base on Web;基于Web的虚拟企业平台系统研究与开发

2.Research on Security Guarantee System of Virtual Enterprise Information Platform;虚拟企业信息平台安全保障体系研究

3.A Theoretical and Empirical Research on the Virtual Enterprise Innovation Platform (VEIP);虚拟企业创新平台的理论与实证研究

4.Study on the Construction of Information Platform for High Technology Virtual Enterprise;高技术虚拟企业信息平台的构建研究

5.Virtual business:a new platform of business innovation in net economy;虚拟企业:网络经济下企业创新的新平台

6.A Business Strategic Marketing Model Based on the Platform of Internet Virtual Community;基于网络虚拟社区平台的企业战略营销模型

7.Research on Model Constructon and Support Platform of Knowledge Management of the Virtual Enterprises;虚拟企业知识管理的模式构建与支撑平台研究

8.To Study on Problems of Establishing Information Platform about the Virtual Logistics Alliance of Enterprises;关于虚拟物流企业联盟信息平台构建问题研究

9.Study on High-teach Virtual Enterprise Information Integrated Management Platform;高技术虚拟企业信息集成管理平台研究

10.The Development of Virtual Design Platform to CNC Lathe for Small and Medium Enterprises面向中小企业的数控车床虚拟设计平台开发

11.Research on Partner Selection in Virtual Enterprise and Development for the Software Platform;基于J2EE的虚拟企业盟员智能选择平台的研究与开发

12.Virtual Enterprise Innovation Platform (VEIP) and Structure Analysis Oriented by Knowledge Economy;面向知识经济的虚拟企业创新平台及其结构分析

13.Structure and Function of Virtual Logistics Enterprise Alliance Information Platform Based on ASP;基于ASP的虚拟物流企业联盟信息平台的结构与功能设计

14.A Study on Mgrid Based Virtual Enterprise Operation Platform基于制造网格的虚拟企业运作平台(MG-VEOP)的研究与探索

15.On the Entire Enterprise, the Invented Enterprise and the Invented Operation of Enterprises;论实体企业、虚拟企业、企业虚拟化经营

16.My Understanding of Fictitious Capital,Virtual Enterprise and Virtual State;虚拟资本、虚拟企业与虚拟国家之解读

17.Research on Virtual Enterprises Derived from Virtual Industry Cluster and Implementation of Enterprise Virtualization;基于虚拟产业群的虚拟企业与企业虚拟化研究

18.The Information Technology Services Platform for Virtual Reality Exhibition and Product Innovating;构建中小企业产品虚拟展示和自主创新开发环境的信息化服务平台


virtual enterprise innovation platform(VEIP)虚拟企业创新平台

1.In order to support the innovative activities of enterprises and facilitate the cooperative innovation between different enterprises,construction of virtual enterprise innovation platform(VEIP) is one of the most important approaches.为支持区域内企业的创新活动,方便企业之间的合作创新,构建虚拟企业创新平台是重要途径。

3)virtual enterprises information system虚拟企业信息平台

1.We build the tentative partner selection multi-agent system forvirtual enterprises information system, and give the building thought and some results of tentative program.研究了应用于虚拟企业信息平台智能主体 ( Agent)实现模型 ,详细地指出了此类智能主体的逻辑模型与实现模型 。

4)virtual enterprise虚拟企业

1.Technique innovation mode and its application based uponvirtual enterprise;基于虚拟企业的技术创新模式及其应用

2.Heuristic genetic algorithm for coalitional resources games invirtual enterprises;虚拟企业资源结盟博弈的启发式遗传算法

3.Partner selection method for Virtual Enterprise;虚拟企业合作伙伴选择方法研究

5)virtual organization虚拟企业

1.This paper introduced the importance of the customer relationship management, analyzed the function characters of thevirtual organization CRM system, compared the difference between CRM and tradition MIS, Studied the intellectual power characters of the system in detail, and analyzed the important factors which influence the system implementing.介绍了客户关系管理的重要性,分析了虚拟企业的客户关系管理系统的功能特点,比较了与传统管理信息系统的区别,详细研究了系统的智能特点,分析了影响系统实施的关键因素。

2.The concept ofvirtual organization based on supply chain is given.本文提出了“基于供应链的虚拟企业”的概念 ,相应给出了它的拓扑结构模型 ,并分析了它的优点和特点 ,初步探讨了它的构造 ,最后对该类企业作了应用举例和分

3.Thevirtual organization,a newly developed model for the company organization,has appeared in the recent years and is becoming a new trend in the development of the manufacturing industry in the 21st century,which has posed a great challenge to the Contract Law in our country.虚拟企业是近几年才出现的一种新的企业组织发展模式,并日益成为21世纪制造业的一大发展趋势。

6)Virtual Enterprise(VE)虚拟企业

1.Based on the marketable opportunity, virtual enterprise(VE) is organized by some individual and competitive companies via contracts.虚拟企业的高效运作是盟主企业和伙伴企业共同倾注努力的结果。

2.Secure information sharing is one of key factors for success of virtual enterprise(VE).安全方便地获取共享信息资源是虚拟企业成功的关键因素。

3.The definition,characters and integration of Virtual Enterprise(VE) are firstly discussed.探讨了虚拟企业的内涵、特点和应用集成,分析了Web服务资源构架(WSRF)的规范和研究现状,提出了一种基于WSRF的制造资源的封装机制,将制造资源封装为WS-Resource结构的制造网格资源,有效地屏蔽了资源的复杂性和异构性;在此基础上,设计了基于UDDI和WSRF的企业内部资源和异构环境下的跨企业集成框架,阐述了设计思想,并进行了详细的功能分析,该框架可以有效地实现异构分布的虚拟企业应用的共享和协作。


