900字范文 > 蒸发水量 water evaporation quantity英语短句 例句大全

蒸发水量 water evaporation quantity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-23 20:41:04


蒸发水量 water evaporation quantity英语短句 例句大全

蒸发水量,water evaporation quantity

1)water evaporation quantity蒸发水量

1.Influence of calculation formula ofwater evaporation quantity on water saving of circulating cooling water system蒸发水量计算公式对循环冷却水节水的影响


1.Influence of calculation formula of water evaporation quantity on water saving of circulating cooling water system蒸发水量计算公式对循环冷却水节水的影响

2.cumulative evapotranspiration and precipitation蒸发蒸腾的积累及降水量

3.Research on the Relationship of Water Evaporations Between Two Different Evaporators不同蒸发器水面蒸发量相互关系分析研究

4.equivalent evaporation等量蒸发;等效蒸发量;当量蒸发量;蒸发当量

5.Variation of Precipitation and Evaporation in Haikou City in recent 50 years近50a海口市降水量与蒸发量变化

6.Evapotranspiration may deplete the soil moisture and rob supplies of ground water.蒸发蒸腾作用能消耗土壤水分,减少地下水的水量供应。

7.Effect of irrigation on winter wheat yield,evapotranspiration and water use efficiency in North China Plain华北平原灌溉量对冬小麦产量、蒸发蒸腾量、水分利用效率的影响

8.an instrument that measures rate of evaporation of water.用来测量水的蒸发作用的比率的仪器。

9.While water evaporate, a large amount of heat is absorbed.水蒸发时,大量的热被吸收了。

10.While water evaporates, a large amount of heat is absorbed.当水蒸发时,大量的热被吸收了。

11.Influence of large-scale irrigation and irrigation water sources on pan evaporation大范围灌溉及不同灌溉水源对蒸发皿蒸发量的影响

12.There is generally more evaporation over the oceans and more precipitation over the land.通常在海洋蒸发量较大,而陆地上则降水量较大。

13.Water quality--Determination of volatile phenolic compounds--After distillation with bromine methodGB/T7491-1987水质挥发酚的测定蒸馏后溴化容量法

14.Quality criterion of water and steam for generating unit and steam power equipmentGB/T12145-1999火力发电机组及蒸汽动力设备水汽质量

15.The Determination of Water Surface Evaporation in Mountainous Area With Limited Weather Data气象数据缺测条件下山区水面蒸发量的确定

16.Principal Component Analysis of Water Surface Evaporation in Manasi Irrigation Region新疆玛纳斯灌区水面蒸发量主成分分析

17.steam generator water tank filler蒸汽发生器水罐进水口

18.steam generator water tank drain蒸汽发生器水罐放水口


evaporated quantity of water水蒸发量

3)Water evaporation capac ity水分蒸发量

4)water surface evaporation水面蒸发量

1.According to the conventional meteorology observation data and thewater surface evaporation of 20 m2 experimental pool from 1997 to 2000 in Changji,the paper sets up the forecast model ofwater surface evaporation of the Xinjiang plain area based on BP Neural Network.利用新疆地矿局昌吉地下水均衡试验场1997—2000年非冻结期20 m2水面蒸发池的蒸发量数据,基于BP神经网络,建立新疆平原地区水面蒸发量的预测模型,结果表明:模型构建简单,误差较小,且所需资料易于获得。

2.There are low precipitation and high evaporation in Xinjiang whilewater surface evaporation main stem from water loss of river runoff.农业是新疆经济的主要支柱和优势产业,而新疆的农业是灌溉农业,渠系众多,水面蒸发量损失较大,合理地预测水面蒸发量是有效利用水资源和促进农业发展的基础。

3.In order to make ET estimated conveniently,this research analyzed the correlation betweenwater surface evaporation(E0) and crop evapotranspiration(ET) measured by large scale lysimeter,and the variation of evaporation coefficient.为了更方便地估算作物蒸发蒸腾量,以大型称重式蒸渗仪实测的冬小麦蒸发蒸腾量(ET)为依据,分析了水面蒸发量(E0)与实测蒸发蒸腾量(ET)的相关性,并研究了蒸发系数的变化规律。

5)non evaporable water非蒸发水量

1.systematic measurements were made on compression strength,non evaporable water and CH content of mortar samples.55的砂浆试样 ,经标准养护 (d) 7,2 8,90 ,180和 36 5时的抗压强度、浆体非蒸发水量和 CH含量 ,进行了系统测试 。

6)Salt water dynamic地下水蒸发量


蒸发量蒸发量evaporation amount旧ng(evaPoration amount)一定时段内从一定的表面积的纯净水(冰)面上可能逸出的水汽量。通常所指的蒸发量实际上是指水汽分子从燕发面逸出的通量与水汽分子返回蒸发面的通量之差,即蒸发面净逸出的水汽通量。地面气象观测项目中的*.蒸发量”指的是将水置于特定容器(即蒸发器)中这样一种特殊情况下所测得的蒸发。气象上通常用所燕发的水层深度来表示蒸发量的大小,以毫米为单位。 (林哗)
