900字范文 > 海外华文教育 Overseas Chinese Education英语短句 例句大全

海外华文教育 Overseas Chinese Education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-27 00:32:44


海外华文教育 Overseas Chinese Education英语短句 例句大全

海外华文教育,Overseas Chinese Education

1)Overseas Chinese Education海外华文教育

1.A Comment on "The Historical Review and Reorganization onOverseas Chinese Education"评《海外华文教育的历史回顾与梳理》

2.The Evolution of theOverseas Chinese Education Connotation and its Historical Division under the Globalization——Taking Southeast Asia as an Example全球化进程中海外华文教育的含义嬗变及其历史分期——以东南亚地区为例

3.On the development and tendency of overseas Chinese education论海外华文教育的发展及其趋向


1.The Model of Overseas Chinese Education:Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School海外华文教育的典范:马来西亚华文独立中学

2.A Comment on "The Historical Review and Reorganization on Overseas Chinese Education"评《海外华文教育的历史回顾与梳理》

3.Distance Education:The Ways Getting out of Predicament for Overseas Chinese Education远程教育:海外华文教育走出困境的对策

4.Overseas Chinese Language Education,a Major Task and a New Growth Point of Overseas United Front Work;海外华文教育:海外统战工作的一项重大任务和一个新的增长点

5.On the Second Language Teaching-model for Overseas Chinese Education:A Case Study of Vientiane Liao Du Chinese School关于海外华文教育中第二语文教学模式的探讨——以老挝万象寮都公学为例

6.The Evolution of the Overseas Chinese Education Connotation and its Historical Division under the Globalization--Taking Southeast Asia as an Example全球化进程中海外华文教育的含义嬗变及其历史分期——以东南亚地区为例

7.Nantah thus became an overseas center of learning for Chinese studies and culture.南大遂成为海外中华文化教育中心。

8.Evaluation of the Bachelor of Education Program in Teaching Chinese Overseas and Needs Analysis in Overseas Chinese Education;华文教育专业的定位与海外华文师资素质需求分析

9.The Chinese College Sponsored Oversea Schools From the Perspective of International Education Tradel;基于国际教育贸易视角的高校海外华文办学战略探讨

10.The Abroad Rooting of Buddhism,Taoism and Chinese Culture in Chinese People in America and Australia当今美澳华人佛、道教与中华文化的海外生根

11.The Research on the Chinese Knowledge Culture Items of the Overseas Chinese Teaching Materials;六套海外华文教材中国知识文化内容项目研究

12.Qing Government s Support to the Overseas Chinese Education at the Beginning of 20th Century;20世纪初年清政府对海外华人教育的扶持

13.The Educational Research of the Selection and Systemazation of Grammar Pionts in Overseas Chinese Teaching Matertial;海外华文教材语法点的选用与编排研究

14.The Research on the Exercises Design and Layout of the Overseas Chinese Teaching Materials;海外华文教材练习设计与编排分析研究

15.Overseas Chinese Teaching Process and Models in the Network;网络环境中海外华文教学过程和模式研究

16.The Pilot Study on the Music-oriented Quality Education to Overseas Chinese Students in Huaqiao University;华侨大学境外和海外学生音乐素质教育的初步研究

17.A Typical Specimen of Overseas Chinese Literature--A Critique of A New Vision of the Overseas Chinese Literature by Rao Pengzi;海外华文文学研究的典型标本——简评饶芃子教授的《世界华文文学的新视野》

18.A Study of "Taiwan,Hong Kong and Overseas Chinese Literature" in the Periodical of Special Zero;《特区文学》中的“台港与海外华文文学”


Overseas Chinese language education海外华文教育

1.Overseas Chinese language education has a basic position in overseas united front work,and which is a major task and a new growth point of overseas united front work.海外华文教育在海外统战工作中具有基础性地位,是海外统战工作一项重大任务和一个新的增长点。

3)teacher who teaches Chinese to overseas Chinese students海外华文教师

1.The qualities ofteacher who teaches Chinese to overseas Chinese students is the pledge to the quality of Chinese teaching.海外华文教师的素质是海外华文教学质量的保证。

4)Chinese education华文教育

1.Ethnic Rights of Indonesian Chinese and Prospects of Chinese Education in Indonesia;印尼华人的民族权利与华文教育问题

2.American Christian Church and Early Chinese Education;美国基督教教会与早期华文教育

3.The pioneering and advancing ofChinese education in Malaysia in adversity;马来西亚华文教育在逆境中开拓前进

5)overseas Chinese education华文教育

1.But it is a significant move towards the long-term growth of theoverseas Chinese education.教育部批准设置的华文教育专业属于教育学科。

2.Practitioners involved inoverseas Chinese education should actively develop their own professional qualifications by way of "action research",in which language teachers may improve their skills in teaching by taking advantage of their close encounter of the teaching environment and developing sensitivity to discovering,pondering and solving practical problems in teaching and learning.为实现华文教育师资队伍建设的可持续发展,身处华文教学一线的教师们应当增强积极投身教学科研活动的意识,这是华文教师基本素质的体现,也是加强海外华文教育师资队伍建设,形成其自身造血能力的客观需要。

6)Chinese teaching华文教育

1.This paper is intended to comment on theChinese teaching in Mengfu School in Northern Thailand.自泰国国王将华文教育列为泰国国民教育的必修课之一后,华文教育便如雨后春笋般逐渐渗透到泰国教育的每一个角落。

2.Our investigation of theChinese teaching in Thailand has proved that it enjoys a good development now.通过对泰国华文教育现状的考察,我们发现泰国华文教育目前发展势头良好,职业目的是华文学习者的首要学习动机,华文教育已初步成幼、小、中、大的阶梯系统。


