900字范文 > 内流场 internal flow field英语短句 例句大全

内流场 internal flow field英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-17 06:22:36


内流场 internal flow field英语短句 例句大全

内流场,internal flow field

1)internal flow field内流场

1.Investigation ofinternal flow field of ducted propeller using particle image velocimetry;导管螺旋桨内流场的PIV测量

2.3D numerical simulation oninternal flow field for pressure regulating valve of gas generator;燃气调压阀内流场三维数值模拟

3.Reverse design and numerical calculation of theinternal flow field of torque converter;液力变矩器反求设计与内流场数值计算


1.A Study on Characteristics of the Instantaneous Flow Field in Static Mixers with Twisted-leaves旋流静态混合器内流场瞬态特性研究

2.Numerical simulation of the two-phase flow in cyclone gas-liquid separator旋流式气液分离器内流场的数值模拟

3.Investigation of Internal Flow Field and near wake of Ducted Propeller using Particle Image Velocimetry导管螺旋桨内流场及近场尾流的PIV测量

4.The investigation in the flow field particularly the miscible-phase flow field in a subsurface pump is the key to improvement of the performance of the pump.研究泵内流场尤其是混相流流场,是改善抽油泵性能的关键所在。

5.Simulation on Fluid Flow and Temperature Distribution in Mold of Slab Continuous Casting;板坯连铸结晶器内流场与温度场的计算机仿真

6.Hemolysis and Flow Field in New Streamlined Axial Blood Pump流线型轴流血泵内部流场与溶血分析

7.Large eddy simulation of three-dimensional flow field in axial-flow type vortex tube轴流式涡流管内三维流场的大涡模拟

8.Analysis of Airflow Distribution, Temperature Distribution and Moisture Distribution in the Nasal Cavity;鼻腔内气流的流场、温度场和湿度场分布的研究

9.Simulation and Analysis on the Two-Phase Flow Field in Rotating-Stream-Tray Absorber by Using CFD Method;旋流板塔内两相流场的CFD模拟与分析

10.Numerical Simulation and Design Optimization of Jet Pump;射流泵内部流场数值模拟与优化设计

11.Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of the Interior Flow in Axial-Flow Pump;轴流泵内部流场数值模拟及实验研究

12.The Internal Flow Calculation in a Runner of the Francis Turbine;混流式水轮机转轮内部流场计算研究

13.Research on the CAD System and Inner Flow Numerial Simulation of Vortex Pump;旋流泵的CAD系统及内部流场数值模拟

14.CFD Simulation of Flow Field in V-cone FlowmeterV形锥流量计内部流场的CFD数值模拟

15.Large-eddy Simulation and Analysis of Turbulent Flow in Axial Pump Impeller轴流泵叶轮内部流场大涡模拟及分析

16.Large eddy simulation of interior flow field in front guide impeller of axial flow pump轴流泵前置导轮内部流场的大涡模拟

17.Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of T-branch Pipelines,Which are Two Kinds of Different Flow Channel Forms两种流道形式三通内部流场数值模拟

18.Measurement of the swirling flow field in the circular pipe with the diameter 300mm×3240mm by LDVD300mm×3420mm圆管内旋转流流场的LDV实验测量


inner flow field内流场

1.CFD simulation of theinner flow field of the gas-liquid gravity separator;重力式气液分离器的内流场CFD模拟

2.Numerical simulation of spray nozzleinner flow field of coal mining machine采煤机喷雾嘴内流场的数值模拟

3.A three dimesional grid auto generation model for calculating transient flow in theinner flow field of a power system is put forward by applying the methods of grid separate blocked generation and integration.运用网格分块生成与整体集成方法 ,提出了复杂动力机械系统内流场三维流动计算网格自动生成模型 ,并以K1 0 0摩托车发动机扫排气系统为对象 ,实现了换气过程瞬态数值模拟动态网格的自动生成 。

3)interior flow内流场

1.Numerical simulation of theinterior flow for launch under deep water;水下大深度垂直发射内流场的数值研究

2.With a view to the hull construction strength and dynamics problem during the process of missile launching underwater, according to uncompressible NS equations,the paper establish a numerical method of theinterior flow of its underwater launch by applying the finite volume method and SIMPLE computing program.对于导弹水下发射过程中壳体结构强度及动力学问题,基于二维不可压N-S方程,运用有限体积法中心格式和SIMPLE计算程式,建立了导弹水下潜艇发射内流场的数值模拟方法,对导弹出管过程中不同时刻弹体的压力载荷分布进行解算。

4)internal flow内流场

5)interior flow field内流场

1.Axisymmetric numerical analysis for ignition transientinterior flow field of SRMs;固体火箭发动机点火瞬时内流场轴对称数值分析

6)flow field within a fracture缝内流场


