900字范文 > 企业竞争能力 competitive capacity of enterprise英语短句 例句大全

企业竞争能力 competitive capacity of enterprise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-09 02:35:43


企业竞争能力 competitive capacity of enterprise英语短句 例句大全

企业竞争能力,competitive capacity of enterprise

1)competitive capacity of enterprise企业竞争能力


1.Strengthen cost control to enhance enterprise s competitive power;加强企业成本管理 提升企业竞争能力

2.Establishing the Culture of the Coal Enterprise and Strengthening the Competitive Power of the Enterprise;建设煤炭企业文化 增强企业竞争能力

3.The Analysis on Core Competence of IT Enterprises Core Competence;我国IT企业的企业竞争能力主成分分析

4.Enhancing interior management and boosting up competitive ability in enterprises;加强企业内部管理 增强企业竞争能力

5.Enhance the Capacity of Competition of Enterprises and Elevate the Economic Strength of Chongqing;增强企业竞争能力 提升重庆经济实力

6.Strengthening knowledge innovation to improve competitive abilityof enterprises in China;大力开展知识创新 提高企业竞争能力

7.Raising the enterprise competitive capability by increasing the strength of technical renovation;加大技术创新力度 提高企业竞争能力

8.Carry Out the Activity-Based Managemen and Improve the Competition Competence of the Enterprise;推行作业管理 增强企业竞争能力

9.Implementing advantageous strategy of cost and improving competitive ability of enterprise实施成本优势战略 提高企业竞争能力

10.Study the time compression technology to strengthen the competition of enterprises研究时间压缩技术增强企业竞争能力

11.Financial Competitiveness and Core Financial Competence of Enterprises;企业财务竞争力与财务核心竞争能力

12.Nurturing Able Entrepreneurs to Lift Enterprises Competitive Power;培育企业家才能,提高企业核心竞争力

13.To Construct Enterprises Focus Ability and Create Enterprises Competitive Advantages;构筑企业核心能力,打造企业竞争优势

14.Corporate Competitiveness and the Core Competence;企业竞争力与企业核心竞争力的研究

15.The collectivity cooperation innovation capability is th e uppermost on e of modern enterprise.企业的创新能力是现代企业最主要的竞争能力。

16.The Capability of Key talents and Enterprises Core Competence;企业核心人才能力与企业核心竞争能力

petitiveness is the essential ability of enterprise in market system.竞争能力是一个企业在市场竞争中的立足之本。

18.The Impact of a Company s IT Capability and Competitive Actions on its Competitive Advantages;IT能力和竞争行动对企业竞争优势的影响


company competitive企业竞争能力er


1.A Study of Chinese Corporation Competitiveness;中国企业竞争力的机理研究

2.Analyse of Enterprises Social Responsibility and Competitiveness;企业社会责任与企业竞争力研究

3.Research on Competitiveness of Transnational Corporations Based on Corporate Culture;基于企业文化的跨国企业竞争力研究

4)Enterprise Competence企业竞争力

1.Promoting Sustainable Development ofEnterprise Competence Driven by Concept Design;以概念设计驱动企业竞争力的持续发展

2.An Economic Explanation onEnterprise Competence;企业竞争力的经济学解释

5)Competitive power of enterprise企业竞争力

1.Analysis of informationalization influencing on competitive power of enterprise;企业信息化对企业竞争力影响分析

2.Despite the various research schools on the competitive power of enterprises home and abroad, the systematic and integrated study is few.对目前国内外企业竞争力理论渊源进行了区分,在此基础上对目前国内外企业竞争力的理论研究进行了较系统的回顾与分析,指出了目前国内外企业竞争力理论研究存在的问题和今后努力的方向。

3.This paper introduces the importance and necessity of strengthening the logistics management of enterprise, expounds the main malpractices existing in the logistics management of enterprise under the current market economy conditions of our country, and puts forward some suggestions of increasing the competitive power of enterprise.介绍了企业强化物流管理的重要性和必要性,阐述了当前我国市场经济条件下企业在物流管理方面存在的主要弊病,提出了加强企业物流管理,有效提高企业竞争力的几点建议。

6)enterprise competitiveness企业竞争力

1.Effect of regional soft milieu onenterprise competitiveness and its evaluation system;区域软环境对企业竞争力的作用机制及其评价体系

2.Analysis and synthesis evaluation ofenterprise competitiveness;企业竞争力及其综合评价

3.Strengthen strategic management through cost enhanceenterprise competitiveness;加强战略成本管理 提高企业竞争力


