900字范文 > 法治对策 the Countermeasure of the rule of law英语短句 例句大全

法治对策 the Countermeasure of the rule of law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-04 10:38:33


法治对策 the Countermeasure of the rule of law英语短句 例句大全

法治对策,the Countermeasure of the rule of law

1)the Countermeasure of the rule of law法治对策

2)Strategies of legalization法治化对策


1.Realistic Causes, Analysis on the Present Situation andCounter-measureof Legal System for Carrying out Administrative Guidance in China;我国实施行政指导的原因、现状及法治化对策

2.On the Problems Existed in the Public Security Service Trade and Legalized Countermeasures试论我国保安服务业存在的问题及法治化对策

3.The Influence and Countermeasures of Unhealthy Subculture on Construction of Rule of Law;不良亚文化对法治建设的影响与对策

4.Legal Countermeasure Research of Preventing and Cueing Sandy-desertification in Northwest;西北地区沙漠化防治的法律对策研究

5.The Legal Response of Northwest Glassland Desertification Control;论西北地区草原荒漠化防治法律对策

6.Deficiency of Education Legalization and Its Counter-measures;我国教育法治化的缺失及其对策研究

7.Researches on the Measures to Promote China"s Legalization of Administrative Procedures推进我国行政程序法治化的对策研究

8."Unconstitutional" Phenomena in College Student Administration and Countermeasures;高校学生管理中的“非法治化”现象及对策思考

9.Cause Analysis and Governance Countermeasures on Illegal Land Use in Semi-urban Regions;半城市化区域违法用地的成因分析与治理对策

10.Legal Management of College Students:Problems and Countermeasures;高校学生管理法治化中的常见问题及其对策

11.Measures to Address the Problems Concerning the Rule of Law in University Administration in Building a Harmonious Campus;和谐校园建设中高校管理法治化的问题及对策

12.On the Characteristics and Preventive Measures of Crimes of Easily-made Drug Chemicals;试论易制毒化学品违法犯罪的特点及防治对策

13.Causes, Manifestations, and Countermeasures of the Localization of Jurisdiction;司法权地方化现象的成因、表现及治理对策

14.On the Necessity and Countermeasures of the Legalization for the Information Network of our Country;论我国信息网络法治化的必要性与对策

15.Research on Stratigies to the Dilemma of Legalization in Primary and Secondary Schools中小学校教育法治化的困境与对策研究

16.The major solution to getting out of the dilemma is to intensify legal ideology and dispose the case concerning foreign affairs;摆脱困境的主要对策是强化法治观念,依法处置涉外刑事案件;

17.Study on the Countermeasures Against Chinese Official Corruption under the Framework of the Rule of Law法治框架下我国腐败治理的对策研究

18.The Performance and Countermeasures of Ideological and Political education s "Political-remove";思想政治教育“去政治化”的表现及对策


Strategies of legalization法治化对策

3)Legal preventing strategies法律防治对策

4)control countermeasure防治对策

1.On the ecological environment status in the source area of Yangtze River and Yellow River and itscontrol countermeasure;试论长江、黄河源区生态环境现状及其防治对策

2.Resistance of Musca domestica and itscontrol countermeasure in Anyang city;安阳市家蝇抗性调查及防治对策

3.Occurrence status andcontrol countermeasure of Bemisia tabaci;烟粉虱的发生危害与防治对策


1.Study on Prevention and Countermeasure of Nitrogen Trichloride Fire Explosion;三氯化氮火灾爆炸防治对策研究

2.Study on Geological Hazards Due to Mining Subsidence and their Countermeasures in Mining Area;矿区开采沉陷地质灾害与防治对策研究

3.Mechanism Analysis and Countermeasures on Partial Wear and Corrosion of Pumping Well in Bonan Oilfield;渤南油田抽油井偏磨腐蚀机理分析及防治对策


1.Causes andcountermeasures against arbitrary fees in education;教育乱收费成因及治理对策研究

2.Theoretical Analysis on and Countermeasures for Fetishism in China Economy;我国经济生活中拜物教现象的理论分析与治理对策


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
