900字范文 > 勾勒法 outline drawing method (Goulefa)英语短句 例句大全

勾勒法 outline drawing method (Goulefa)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-08 07:46:30


勾勒法 outline drawing method (Goulefa)英语短句 例句大全

勾勒法,outline drawing method (Goulefa)

1)outline drawing method (Goulefa)勾勒法

1.Traditional figure painting is the focus of this thesis, which deeply studies outline drawing method (Goulefa) in Chinese painting through traditional academic sequence, which is method to theory, and theory for spirit.本文以传统人物画为中心,依照由“法”入“理”、由“理”求“道”的传统学术次第,对中国画“勾勒法”进行了较为深入的学理探微。



1.He sketched in the details.他把细节勾勒了进去。

2.He hair framed her face in.a gentle oval.她的头发把她的脸蛋勾勒成椭圆形。

3.The plan showed a few roughed-in trees and buildings.平面图上有一些勾勒出的树木和建筑。

4.Let me rough out to you the design for the news wing.我来给你勾勒出新机翼的设计草图。

5.A tiny house was blocked out black upon the sky.天空勾勒出一座小屋的黑色轮廓。

6.The temptation is strong to lump all Americans together.人们总想勾勒出一个笼统的美国性格。

7.a lengthy agenda outlining the extent of global environmental problems勾勒出全球环境问题程度的冗长议程

8.The Thread of Development of Chinese Poetics: from thePre-Qin Period to the Northern and Southern Dynasties;先秦到六朝诗歌理论发展轨迹之勾勒

9.Her hair framed her face in a gentle oval.她的头发把她的脸蛋勾勒出一个优美的椭圆形。

10.With his finger, he traced out the shape of the buildings in the sand.他用手指在沙子上勾勒了一下建筑物的外形。

11.His misery was depicted in sinister lines on his countenance. "他脸上那种阴险的皱纹勾勒出了他的痛苦。

12.I"ll just rough in the shape of the head and you can paint the sky round it.我把头形勾勒出来,你可以在头四周画上天空。

13.P>● A picture, design, or sketch done with lines in pen or pencil.用钢笔或铅笔勾勒出的图画、案或写生画。

14.A picture,design,or sketch done with lines in pen or pencil.用钢笔或铅笔勾勒出的图画、图案或写生画。

15.The painting is done with smooth and strong strokes.这幅画是用流畅挺劲的线条勾勒出来的。

16.a work produced by representing forms or objects on a surface by means of lines.通过对形态、物体表面的线条勾勒产生的作品。

17.Though you are separated from me, I can draw out your roaming figure with my yearning.纵然两地相隔,仍然思绪勾勒你浪迹天涯的背影。

18.Delineate a person is leisurely and carefree with nature from the happy fine appearance.勾勒出一副人与自然悠闲自乐的美好画面。



3)artistic outline艺术勾勒

4)draw the outline of;sketch the contours of勾勒(美术)

5)curving method勾水法



