900字范文 > 德国二元回收体系(DSD) Duales System Deutschland(DSD)英语短句 例句大全

德国二元回收体系(DSD) Duales System Deutschland(DSD)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-23 17:43:27


德国二元回收体系(DSD) Duales System Deutschland(DSD)英语短句 例句大全

德国二元回收体系(DSD),Duales System Deutschland(DSD)

1)Duales System Deutschland(DSD)德国二元回收体系(DSD)

2)recovery system回收体系

1.Study onrecovery system of waste electronic and electric equipment in China;我国废弃电子电器产品的回收体系研究

2.In order to improve the solution of key link of one shot batteryrecovery system, a questionnaire was done among the undergraduates in a campus to investigate the existing problem for the recovery.如何从分散的大量用户手中回收一次性废电池是目前一次性废电池回收体系构建中的关键环节。

3.And with the extended producer responsibility,the establishment ofrecovery system of waste electronic and electric equipment was studied from the point of view of laws,management,company,charge,etc.介绍了废弃电子电气产品的回收处理现状,结合生产者责任延伸制度,从法律、管理、企业、收费等方面探讨了在我国废弃电子电气产品回收体系的建设,并提出了建议。


1.Management,recycling system and the generation of the American packaging waste;美国包装废物管理、回收体系及产生回收状况

2.Set up industrial chains to improve the industrialization of recycling system建立再生资源回收体系产业链条 促进回收体系产业化发展

3.Research on Recycle System of End-of-life Vehicles Based on EPR;基于EPR的报废汽车回收体系研究

4.The Study on the WEEE Reclaim System Based on the Third-Party Reclaim Model基于第三方回收模式的电子废弃品回收体系研究

5.Research on Recycling Household Appliances System and Reverse Logistics System Model家电产品回收体系与逆向物流系统模型的研究

6.The system for separate collection, transportation and treatment of domestic refuse will be improved, and the system for waste recycle will be well developed.建立垃圾分类收运处理系统,完善废旧物品回收体系。

7.Establishment and Economic Analysis of the Standardized Recycling System for Waste and Used Home Appliances;规范化废旧家电回收体系构建及其经济性分析

8.Research of Green Recycle System of Automobile Based on Life Cycle;基于全生命周期的汽车绿色回收体系研究

9.Research on status and development of Beijing s recycle system;北京再生资源回收体系现状及发展思路研究

10.Study on recovery system of waste electronic and electric equipment in China;我国废弃电子电器产品的回收体系研究

11.The Analysis of the Generation Character and the Recycle System of Packaging Waste包装废物的产生特性及其回收体系研究

12.The Choice of the Different Reclaim Systems in Reverse Logistics with the Restriction of EPR生产者责任延伸制下逆向物流回收体系的选择

13.Study on WEEE Reclaim and Disposal System;废旧电子电器产品回收处理体系研究

14.Discussion on Junk Car Disposal and Recovery in China;我国汽车报废回收利用体系框架初探

15.Application of Gas Analysis System in Converter Gas Recovery转炉煤气回收气体分析系统及其应用

16.Study on the Recycling Network System of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Based on GIS in Shanghai;基于GIS的上海市电子废弃物回收网络体系研究

17.Principal Technology Study on Pillor Mining under the System of Room and Pillor Mining;房柱式开采体系煤柱回收关键技术研究

18.Research on Adsorption to Recover Ethylene from Off-gas of Ethylene Oxide Plant;环氧乙烷生产尾气体系中吸附回收乙烯的研究


recovery system回收体系

1.Study onrecovery system of waste electronic and electric equipment in China;我国废弃电子电器产品的回收体系研究

2.In order to improve the solution of key link of one shot batteryrecovery system, a questionnaire was done among the undergraduates in a campus to investigate the existing problem for the recovery.如何从分散的大量用户手中回收一次性废电池是目前一次性废电池回收体系构建中的关键环节。

3.And with the extended producer responsibility,the establishment ofrecovery system of waste electronic and electric equipment was studied from the point of view of laws,management,company,charge,etc.介绍了废弃电子电气产品的回收处理现状,结合生产者责任延伸制度,从法律、管理、企业、收费等方面探讨了在我国废弃电子电气产品回收体系的建设,并提出了建议。

3)Recycling System回收体系

1.Report for Tianjin Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives construct resources recycling system天津市供销社再生资源回收体系建设纪实

2.In view of the existing recycling system of WEEE in China and based on the systematical analysis of its source,recycling channel and destination of WEEE,the base and the ideas of how to construct a standardized recycling system is put forward according to‘the Regulation on Take-back and Disposal of Waste Home Appliance (Draft for Comment)’.针对我国现有的废旧家电回收体系,在对废旧家电的来源、回收渠道及去向进行系统分析的基础上,根据《废旧家电及电子产品回收处理管理条例》(征求意见稿)的要求,提出了构建规范化废旧家电回收体系的依据及思路。

3.Individual recovery of residence districts,the recycling systems of recovery enterprises,and the portion of packaging waste in the landfill were also investigated.将包装废物产生量、回收量与最终处置量相比较的结果可以看出,现有回收体系对于部分包装废物回收效果较好,例如包装废物中PET聚酯瓶和金属罐的回收效果最好;而没有经济利益的塑料袋几乎完全没有得到回收再生,是回收工作的难点。

4)Recycle system回收体系

1.However,there are some defects in the draft such as the general division of responsibility,the imperfect recycle system,the lack of necessary measures and the incomplete legal responsibilit.生产者责任延伸制度是发展循环经济的重要制度之一,《循环经济法(草案)》对以生产者为主的延伸责任作了规定,对废物的回收、处理责任作了划分,对法律责任作了规定,但责任划分笼统、回收体系不健全、配套措施匮乏以及法律责任规定不全面。

5)collection system回收体系

1.A comparative study on minimization of packed wastes and establishment of thecollection system between different countries;城市包装废弃物减量化及回收体系构建的国际比较

2.Studies on packaging waste minimization and itscollection system;包装废物减量及回收体系构建研究

6)binary system二元体系

1.Phase diagram ofbinary system PE-AMP;多元醇PE-AMP二元体系相图

2.Methods for calculation of the critical propertiesofbinary systems with supercritical CO 2;CO_2二元体系临界性质计算方法的研究

3.The experimental phase diagram ofbinary system trimethylol ethane-tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane(PG-TAM) was established by three kinds of techniques: differential thermal analysis(DTA) method, X-ray diffraction and IR spectra at various temperatures.多元醇在固-固相变时能够可逆地吸收大量的热而被用做贮热材料,特别是三羟甲基乙烷(PG)和三羟氨基甲烷(TAM)构成的二元体系,有很宽的适宜于太阳能贮存的温度范围。


