900字范文 > 劣构问题 ill-structured problem英语短句 例句大全

劣构问题 ill-structured problem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-02 00:24:27


劣构问题 ill-structured problem英语短句 例句大全

劣构问题,ill-structured problem

1)ill-structured problem劣构问题

1.Knowledge Management Methods and System for Ill-structured Problem Solving;面向劣构问题求解的知识管理方法及系统研究

2.Approach of instructional design based onill-structured problems in pediatric circulatory system teaching基于劣构问题求解的PBL教学设计模式在儿科学循环系统疾病教学中的应用探讨


1.The Instructional Design Base on the Ill-structure Problem about the Course of Integrated Practical Activity;基于劣构问题综合实践活动课教学探索

2.Knowledge Management Methods and System for Ill-structured Problem Solving;面向劣构问题求解的知识管理方法及系统研究

3.Connectivism:New Solution to Representation of Ill-structured Problems in Online Learning Environment关联主义:网络学习环境下劣构问题表征的新取向

4.Approach of instructional design based on ill-structured problems in pediatric circulatory system teaching基于劣构问题求解的PBL教学设计模式在儿科学循环系统疾病教学中的应用探讨

5.Research on Several Problems about Crime of Manufacturing or Selling Fake and Inferior Products;生产、销售伪劣产品罪若干问题研究

6.On Some Aspect of Criminal Act of Manufacturing and Selling Counterfeit Commodity;生产、销售伪劣产品罪争议问题探讨

7.Optimization algorithm for forward problem with electric fields of defective insulator劣质绝缘子电场正问题优化算法分析

8.The Optimal and Inferior Point Method of Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problem with Vague Setsvague集的多指标决策问题的优劣点法

9.a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others.一个在民族的优劣问题上持有偏见的人。

10.investigation on Oil Deterioration of Instant Noodle油炸方便面煎炸用油油质劣变问题的探讨

11.Criminal Law Application Research on Crimes of Producing and Marketing Fake or Substandard Commodities;生产、销售伪劣产品罪刑法适用若干问题研究

12.Research on Several Problems of Producting and Marketing the Counterfeits;生产、销售伪劣产品罪认定的若干问题研究

13.On Judicial Determination of Crimes of Producing and Marketing Fake or Substandard Commodities;生产、销售伪劣产品罪司法认定问题研究

14.Information Inferiority of the Insurant in China s Insurance Market and the Strategies;我国保险市场投保人信息劣势问题及其对策

15.An application for detecting faulty insulators based on an inverse problem in local electrical fields局域电场逆问题在劣质绝缘子诊断中的应用

16.Problems and countermeasures of processing inferior feedstock oil on delayed coking unit延迟焦化装置加工劣质油出现的问题及对策

17.As regards inferior quality of your goods, we claim a compensation of$15,000.关于你方产品质量低劣的问题,我方要求你方赔偿一万五千美元。

18.A: Good. And can we ask you to put a country of origin mark on each container?绝对没问题。我们公司从来不使用任何劣等包装。你的货会很安全的。


construction errors构造问题

3)problem restructuring问题重构

1.Flexible index modeling, scheme evaluating and revising,problem restructuring methods are discussed.为了使协商过程有效进行 ,文中研究了指标柔性建模、方案评判和修改、问题重构等协商技术 ,从而为消除协同产品开发过程中产生的冲突提供了有力手

4)Isomorpbism pmblems同构问题

5)Meditate questions构想问题

6)the composing of corruption构成问题


