900字范文 > 地闪密度 cloud-to-ground flash density英语短句 例句大全

地闪密度 cloud-to-ground flash density英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-08 22:39:19


地闪密度 cloud-to-ground flash density英语短句 例句大全

地闪密度,cloud-to-ground flash density

1)cloud-to-ground flash density地闪密度

1.In order to draw and study thecloud-to-ground flash density map,the monitoring lightning data in - of Zhejiang Lightning Location System is selected as study samples,and the method--Grid Method for drawing high resolutioncloud-to-ground flash density map using vast automatic monitoring data is presented.为绘制、研究浙江省地闪密度分布图,选取浙江省雷电定位系统积累的~雷电定位系统监测数据为研究样本,提出了利用海量雷电自动监测数据绘制出高分辨率地闪密度图的方法—网格法;依据网格的地闪密度值采用自然分割法将全省区域划分为5级雷区,最终形成了浙江省1km分辨率5级分色地闪密度图。

2.In order to test the validity and availability of thecloud-to-ground flash density(GFD) map from the lighting location systems(LLS) for the application of lightning protection of transmission lines,we studied on the correlation between the GFD and the practical operating experience of lines,taking some regions such as south of Hebei province and Yunnan province as the analytical examples.为检验基于雷电定位系统的地闪密度分布图用于输电线路防雷的有效性和可用性,从输电线路实际运行经验角度对地闪密度分布图与雷击故障的相关性进行分析。


1.The analysis on the relationship between density of ground lightning strokes and the number of thunderstorm days雷击地闪密度与雷暴日数的关系分析

2.Analysis of Ground Flash Density and Lightning Parameters of Guangzhou in 1999~广州地域1999~地闪密度图及雷电参数分析

3.Analysis of Correlation Between Cloud-to-ground Flash Density Map Using LLS and Lightning Flashover雷电定位系统地闪密度分布图与雷击故障相关性分析

4.Ferromagnetism in cubic Ga_(1-x)Cr_xN by density functional calculations闪锌矿Ga_(1-x)Cr_xN铁磁性的密度泛函理论(英文)

5.densely/thickly/sparsely/thinly populated regions人口密度大[稠密/密度小/稀疏]的地区.

6.The sunlight sparkled brightly on the surfaces of the thickly crowded leaves.阳光依然在浓密的树叶上面明亮地闪烁。

7.They raided the enemy positions with lightning speed.他们以闪电般的速度袭击了敌军阵地。

8.Flash exposure: The supplementary exposure sometimes required in half-tone photography to produce the required density range.闪光曝光:半色调摄影时,中间需要补色曝光;它造成需要的密度范围。

9.Calculation of Electron Density for Lightning Discharge Plasma by NI 493.5 nm Line Stark BroadeningNI 493.5 nm谱线Stark加宽估算闪电放电等离子体电子密度

10.The waxed floor had a good shine.打蜡地板闪闪发光。

11.What an intimate couple!" suddenly two men got out from the dark, and said in a strange voice.呦,小两口还挺亲密的!"突然从黑暗中闪出两个人阴阳怪气地说。

pensated formation densilog curve补偿地层密度测井曲线

pensated formation density tool补偿地层密度测井仪

14.areas with high densities of immigrant populatio移民人口密度大的地区

15.low - density urban areas.人口密度小的农村地区

16.tag closed tester泰格密闭闪点试验器

17.He was able to dimly distinguish forests of thickly clustered conifers and deciduous trees in a dappled, dazzling, endless sea of trees as they flashed by his sled on both sides.他目不暇接地看着密密的针叶林和阔叶林,以及斑驳闪幻的茫茫林海正从爬犁两侧滑过。

18.A Reaserch on Geographic Element Density in Land Series Maps of County and Prefecture县、地土地系列图地理要素密度的研究


ground flash density地闪密度

1.The special distribution ofground flash density has a strong regularity,and it also has a close relationship with elevation.为掌握高雷区雷电活动规律,以广州地区1999~间雷电定位数据为基础,利用雷电参数统计技术及综合分析平台,结合GIS系统,详细研究了广州地域地闪总数、地闪密度、雷电幅值、雷电幅值概率分布及雷电日等重要雷电参数。

2.The results show that the value of theground flash density of transmission lines of high thunderstorm area,the shielding failure rates calculated by the paper are much higher than the results calculated with the parameters recommended by regular method,can well meet the operational experience.分析计算结果表明:高雷暴区线路的地闪密度远大于规程推荐值,所计算得到的绕击跳闸率比采用规程推荐参数计算的要高,与运行经验能很好地符合,采用的计算方法适合雷电活动强烈地区输电线路绕击防雷性能评估。

3)lightning density闪电密度

1.The core oflightning density appears in front of the hail zone.7%~40%之间;闪电密度最大中心区出现在降雹位置之前,闪电逐时空间分布标识出冰雹云的发展移动路径;闪电分布在雷达回波区,并不与雷达最强回波区对应,闪电频次、正地闪所占的比值和闪电时间序列分布,可能起到预警冰雹的作用。

2.31, the yearly, seasonal and diurnal lightning number and their change with the longitude and latitude, thelightning density distribution and lightning climatic feature were calculated and analyzed in this paper.用1998年1月1日~12月31日TRMM卫星探测到的25~38°N,75~100°E闪电资料,对青藏高原地区年、季、日发生闪电频数和随经纬度变化,闪电密度分布的气候特征进行了计算分析。

3.Using lightning data detected by the TRMM satellite between 18~30 °N and 74~123 °E from 1998 Jan , 1 to Dec, 31, the yearly, seasonal and diurnal lightning number and their change with the longitude and latitude, thelightning density distribution and lightning climatic feature were calculated and analyzed in this paper.利用1998年1月1日到12月31日TRMM卫星探测到18~38°N、74~123°E闪电资料,对中国区域年、季、日发生闪电频数和随经纬度变化,闪电密度分布和闪电气候特征进行了计算分析。

4)heavy scintillating glass高密度闪烁玻璃

5)taper line gratings闪光经纬密度仪

6)solid density实地密度

1.The purpose was to study the best printingsolid density on secondary fibers newspaper,to realize the control of the image reappearance quality and improve secondary fibers newspaper"s performance.本课题的目的是寻找二次纤维新闻纸的最佳印刷实地密度的实验方法,实现对彩色报纸印刷品图像再现质量的控制。

2.The change ofsolid density before and after halt of printing was very large.由于印刷中途停机前后对印张实地密度的影响较大,通过实验的方法研究墨路中断装置对印刷品实地密度稳定性的影响,建立了确保样张实地密度达到稳定的条件下开启和关闭墨路中断装置对过版纸张数量的关系,对印刷机上采用该装置的必要性和对包装印刷企业的成本控制效果进行了分析。

3.The relationship between ink thickness andsolid density was established by experiment with four types of ink on different papers.通过实验的方法在不同纸张上应用4种油墨建立墨层厚度与实地密度之间的关系,对整体曲线进行分析并得到不同纸张4种油墨的饱和密度值及其对应的墨层厚度。


