900字范文 > 国际法治 international rule of law英语短句 例句大全

国际法治 international rule of law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-28 10:42:01


国际法治 international rule of law英语短句 例句大全

国际法治,international rule of law

1)international rule of law国际法治

1.The approach with its core ininternational rule of law believes both human rights and sovereignty could be w.以国际法治为核心的路径认为主权和人权均可为美好理想,但在现实中皆可被滥用。

2.Based on this,international rule of law could be achiev.国际法治意味着法治的原则适用于国际关系之中。

3.To solve the problems, the idea ofinternational rule of law based on .为解决这些问题,有必要建立以人为本的国际法治理念,要求国家以真诚的态度保护人权,并进而整合人权的监督机构,重视非政府组织在提升人权方面的作用。


1.The International Criminal Court and the International Rule of Law against the Background of Globalization;全球化背景下的国际刑事法院与国际法治

2.Strengthen and Coordinate International Rule of Law:Analysis of New Trends in International Law加强和协调国际法治——国际法新趋势探析

3.Politics Prevailing States:International Rule of Law Dimension of the Relationship Between Sovereignty and Human Rights;超越国家间政治——主权人权关系的国际法治维度

4.The Influence of Iraq War on the International Rule of Law;伊拉克战争对国际法治的冲击和影响

5.A theory on the relationship between domestic and international rule of law--Taking the United Nations Convention against Corruption as an example论国内法治与国际法治的关系——以联合国反腐败公约为例

6.Private International Law and International Trade Usoge;国际私法上意思自治与国际贸易惯例

7.Interdependence between International Law and International Politics;试析国际政治与国际法的复合依赖关系

8.World Politics in French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars;法国大革命、拿破仑和国际政治的变更

9.International Conference on Urban Justice and Safety国际城市司法与治安会议

10.International Chiropractors Association国际脊椎调整治疗法医生协会

11.Some Legal Problems on Uniform Commercial Law;论国际商事自治规则的若干法律问题

12.Research on the International Judiciary Assistance System of the Management of Commercial Bribery;论治理商业贿赂的国际司法协助制度

13.Interplay of Politics and Trade behind International Trade Laws;论国际贸易法背后的政治和贸易互动

14.International Political Economy:History, Theory and Methods;国际政治经济学:历史、理论与方法

15.On The New Development Of International Anti-Laundering And Legislations About Anti-Laundering In China;国际反洗钱法的新发展与我国反洗钱法治

16.Georgetown International Environmental Law Review---乔治敦国际环境法评论,乔治敦大学主办,摘要.

17.On the Relations Between International Law and Constitution --From the Perspective of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;论国际法与宪法的效力关系——《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》的视角

18.international Law of the Sea国际海洋法《国际海洋法》


International ruling of law国际法治

1.Preemptive Strategy, namely preventative self-defense right called by Americans, brings enormous impact and influence on international ruling of law especially the United Nations Charter and collective security system based on the charter, which puts the United Nations in danger of marginalization for a time.“先发制人”战略,即美国所称的“预防性自卫权”,给国际法治特别是给《联合国宪章》以及以宪章为基础的集体安全体制带来了巨大的冲击和影响,使联合国一度出现边际化的危险。

3)International Law and International Politics国际法与国际政治

4)international politics国际政治

1.Will new leading powers challenge hegemonic powers?——The periodic law ofinternational politics is doubtful;新兴大国挑战霸权国家?——国际政治“周期性规律”辨正

2.Analysis on the relativity of culture andinternational politics;文化与国际政治的相关性探析

3.On Several Conceptions Related to International Politics;国际政治几个相关概念辨析

5)International Governance国际治理

6)international governance power国际治权


《丹溪心法治要》《丹溪心法治要》 《丹溪心法治要》 综合性医书。八卷。元·朱震亨述,明·高叔宗校正。此书原为朱氏门人整理而成,明嘉靖间高氏予以校正重刻。全书论述了以内科杂病为主,兼有外科、妇产科、儿科、五官、口腔等多科病证。介绍治法比较具体,选方颇精,并附医案。确实在一定程度上反映出朱丹溪的学术思想。本书宜于《丹溪心法》、《脉因证治》、《活法机要》等书互相参阅。1909年肖树霖又予重校刊行。
