900字范文 > 消防 fire protection英语短句 例句大全

消防 fire protection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-26 19:55:13


消防 fire protection英语短句 例句大全

消防,fire protection

1)fire protection消防

1.Applications of advanced materials infire protection;新材料在消防领域的应用

2.The new requirements of the technology offire protection to the developing goal and state of the well-off-in-all-rounds society;社会发展状态与目标对消防技术的新需求


1.Fire Command [Fire Services Department]消防总区〔消防处〕

2.Divisional Officer [Fire Services Department]消防区长〔消防处〕

3.Kowloon Fire Command [Fire Services Department]九龙消防总区〔消防处〕

4.New Territories Fire Command [Fire Services Department]新界消防总区〔消防处〕

5.Fireman (Operational) [Fire Services Department]消防员(行动)〔消防处〕

6.Airport Fire Contingent [Fire Services Department]机场消防队〔消防处〕

7.Fire Services Communication Centre [Fire Services Department]消防通信中心〔消防处〕

8.retained station兼职消防战斗员消防站

9.Divisional Officer (Diving) [Fire Services Department]消防区长(潜水)〔消防处〕

10.The fire brigade finished the fire drill.消防队完成了消防演习。

11.Fire Safety Command [Fire Services Department]消防安全总区〔消防处〕

12.Fire Security Officer [Fire Services Department]消防安全主任〔消防处〕

13.Fire Services Recruitment Centre [Fire Services Department]消防招募中心〔消防处〕

14.Fire Safety Warden [Fire Services Department]消防安全督导员〔消防处〕

15.Fire Services Training School [FSTS] [Fire Services Department]消防训练学校〔消防处〕

16.pumper-ladder truck泵浦消防梯车梯车上加装消防泵浦的消防车

17.fire main with fire valve带消火阀的消防总管

18.fireman general protection equipment消防员常规防护装备



1.Applications offire emergency laser-oriented unit;消防应急激光导向器的应用技术

2.Real-time monitoring on the working status by the multi-levelfire prevention system;多级消防报警系统工作状态的实时监控

3.The application of fiber temperature-sensing detection technology in tunnelfire protection;光纤感温探测技术在隧道消防保护中的应用

3)fire fighting消防

1.Effect of fire wall and water drainage in oil tank farm onfire fighting safety;油罐区防火堤及排水对消防安全的影响

2.Ventilation &fire fighting of cargo hold for Yantai-Dalian Train Ferry;烟大铁路轮渡渡船通风及消防设计

3.Design of life saving andfire fighting systems of the 7680kW multi-purpose offshore platform workboat;浅谈7680kW多用途海洋平台工作船的救助、消防系统的设计

4)fire control消防

1.On the selection offire control water supply system of Pingyao ancient city;平遥古城消防给水系统选择探讨


1.Analysis onfire-fighting design of high-rise commercial and living building;高层商住楼消防设计分析

2.An Exploratory Study on the Computer-aided Decision-making System in the Fire-fighting Communication Commanding System;试论消防通信指挥系统中的计算机辅助决策系统

3.Discussion on problems existing infire-fighting design of high-rise building;论高层建筑消防设计中的问题

6)fire safety消防

1.The fire hazards of commercial kitchen are highly influenced by the characteristics of cooking operations and cooking oil,so specialfire safety regulations and technology must be established for commercial kitchens.针对我国商用厨房消防安全现状,分析其火灾危险特点,探讨商用厨房消防监管的不足,在研究商用厨房灭火技术发展的基础上,提出加强商用厨房消防安全和健全商用厨房法规体系的对策及建议,建议从主动灭火和被动防火两方面,完善现有的灭火系统和厨具设备消防安全规范,加强商用厨房本质型消防安全,为通风系统和排油烟系统等火灾高发区域的消防安全提供了新手段。

2.In this paper,main problems forfire safety and performance-based design targets of a shopping mall in Beijing were primarily analyzed.本文通过对北京某大型商场工程存在的主要消防问题和性能化设计目标进行了初步分析,进而对火灾场景、火灾规模、烟气控制和人员安全疏散等多方面问题进行了深入研究和探讨,合理选择出适用于该项目的消防策略、评估方法和模型,完成了这一建筑的消防性能化设计与评估研究。

3.In this paper,the fire risk of ancient buildings was analyzed,and relatedfire safety strategies were discussed from the aspects of fire protection,fire detection/alarm and fire fighting.本文对古建筑的火灾危险性进行了分析,并从火灾预防、探测报警和消防灭火这3个方面阐述了古建筑的消防安全对策。


