900字范文 > 孕期膳食宝塔 Food Pyramid for Pregnant Women英语短句 例句大全

孕期膳食宝塔 Food Pyramid for Pregnant Women英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-14 17:10:28


孕期膳食宝塔 Food Pyramid for Pregnant Women英语短句 例句大全

孕期膳食宝塔,Food Pyramid for Pregnant Women

1)Food Pyramid for Pregnant Women孕期膳食宝塔

1.According to RNI and many years′ clinical practice,Food Pyramid for Pregnant Women was worked out to give guidance to different kinds of people to prevent diseases such as GDM,macrosomia and obesity during pregnancy.根据RNI标准及多年临床实践,提出合理的"孕期膳食宝塔",作为预防妊娠期疾病(如:GDM、巨大儿、肥胖等),指导孕期合理饮食的依据,使巨大儿发生率明显低于国内外水平,尤其是针对GDM孕妇个性化营养指导,使孕妇不需使用胰岛素即可控制病情。

2)Diet pagoda膳食宝塔


1.The effect of nutrition intervention on community residents by utilizing the balance diet pagoda运用平衡膳食宝塔对社区居民进行营养干预的效果评价

2.A superior, dairy-based nutritional supplement for toddlers over12 months, as part of a healthy diet.最为营养膳食的一部分,给予牛乳的高级配方为超过12个月的宝宝提供营养补给。

3.Dynamic research on regional grain safety;区域粮食安全的动态研究——以延安市宝塔区为例

4.Meals average out at 5 per head.膳食平均每人5英镑.

5.It"s $45 single, including boarding.单程票 45 美元,包括膳食。

6.she was at the top of the pagoda.她正在宝塔的塔顶。

7."Four Treasure of VegetaBles"is so delicious as to Be praised as imperial food of present age.“植物四宝”,味美可口,被誉为当代御膳。

8.A house where paying guests are provided with meals and lodging.供膳食的寄宿舍收费提供客人膳宿的房屋

9.training taBle体育锻练者吃的膳食[食堂]

10.Development of Ganoderma lucidum-fermented Instant Food with High-quality Dietary Fiber灵芝型优良膳食纤维方便食品的研制

11.Survey of dietary patterns and nutrients intake status of residents in Hainan海南省居民膳食结构与膳食营养素摄入状况研究

12.Associations between glucose response and dietary fiber intakes in patients with DM糖尿病病人膳食生糖效应与膳食纤维摄入的关系研究

13.The study of dietary survey and Dietary intervention for young male athletes男性青少年运动员膳食调查及膳食营养干预的研究

14.Staple Food Weighing and Non-staple Food Classifying"for Hospitalized Diabetic Patient糖尿病住院患者膳食主食称量副食分级法

15.Practices and perspective of grain production in the middle of The Loess Plateau region;黄土高原中部丘陵区粮食生产的实践与认识——以延安市宝塔区燕沟流域为例

16.a vista of the pagoda at the end of the street街道远端的宝塔景色。

17.The pagoda is reflected upside down in the water.宝塔影子倒立在水里。

18.The pagoda is perched on top of the hill.宝塔耸峙于山顶之上。


Diet pagoda膳食宝塔

3)maternal diet孕期膳食

4)Balanced diet pagoda平衡膳食宝塔

5)The diet of pregnant women孕妇膳食

6)Dietary pyramid膳食金字塔


