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政治制度 political system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-09 21:27:21


政治制度 political system英语短句 例句大全

政治制度,political system

1)political system政治制度

1.Political System Crisis in Developing Countries:A Perspective from the Coup d etat in Thailand;从泰国军人干政看发展中国家政治制度危机

2.Political System Innovation in Constructing the Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会中的政治制度创新研究

3.Research on Political System and Foreign Tendency in the Middle East;中东国家政治制度与外交倾向分析


1.political system of Europe in Middle Ages欧洲中世纪政治制度

2.political system of the Greek polis古代希腊城邦政治制度

3.Political System of Capitalist Countries资本主义国家政治制度

4.And the democracy is a political system of people"s sovereignty.民主政治是一种主权在民的政治制度。

5.On the Influence of Political Participation to Changes of Political Institution and at the Same Time on Reasons of the Political Institution Alteration in Modern Age China;论政治参与对政治制度变迁的影响——兼评近代中国政治制度之变迁

6.political prisoner (person who is imprisoned because he or she opposes the(system of)government)政治犯(因反对政府或其政治制度而遭关押者).

7.Theoretical preparation for New China s political systems;新中国政治制度和政治体制建立的理论准备

8.The Democratic Reform in 1959 put an end to the political system of combining religious with political rule and introduced the new political system of people"s democracy.民主改革结束了“政教合一”的政治制度,实行人民民主的政治制度。

9.political system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Zone香港特别行政区政治制度

10.Change of Mexican party politics system at the turn of the centuries;世纪之交墨西哥政党政治制度的变化

11.The salience of Indian politics system and its edification;印度政治制度的特点及对中国的启示

12.The Tension Establishment of Early Political Philosophy and System of the Chinese Empire;中华帝国早期政治哲学与政治制度的张力建构

13.the party system,ie government based on political parties政党制度(即政党统治).

14.The PLA"s political work implements the Party committee (Party branch) system, political leader system and political organ system.军队政治工作实行党委(支部)制度、政治首长制度和政治机关制度。

15.China s Political Party System Is the Foundation of Political Civilization System;我国政党制度是政治文明的制度基础

16.Politics: From Old Institutionalism to Neo-institutionalism;政治学:从旧制度主义到新制度主义

17.the political orientation of those who hold that a republic is the best form of government.认为共和制度为最佳政府制度的政治倾向。

18.The Institutionalization of Malaysia"s Party System and Its Function of Keeping Political Stability马来西亚政党制度的制度化与政治稳定功能


political institution政治制度

1.Why the Political Institution of China and the West Went along Different Routes——Supplements to the Ideas of Professor Cao Peilin;中西方政治制度“分叉”发展的原因分析——对曹沛霖教授观点的补充

2.The validity ofpolitical institutions: the important prerequisite for the political stability in our country;政治制度的有效性:我国政治稳定的基本前提

3.The Contribution Political Institution to Economic Growth:A Review of Literatures政治制度对经济增长贡献的文献述评

3)the political system政治制度

1.It is helpful to construct and develop civil political characters;it also can be the human nature s base ofthe political system.对历史上中西传统人性观进行研究,以便揭示出人性本质,并为政治制度建构提供人性根源的依据,导正政治制度安排中合法性缺失的偏差,具有重要的理论及现实意义。

4)political system政治制度;政制

5)Political Institutionalization政治制度化

1.The root of the instability is the imbalance of the political participation and the level of political institutionalization in the process of modernization.亨廷顿从第二次世界大战后一些现代发展中国家实际存在的政治动荡情况出发,研究了影响这些国家政治稳定的因素,提出现代性产生稳定而现代化却产生不稳定的论断,认为现代化过程中出现的政治参与和政治制度化水平的发展不协调是这些国家产生动乱的根源。

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