900字范文 > 改良Fischer评分法 Reforming Fischer score英语短句 例句大全

改良Fischer评分法 Reforming Fischer score英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-02 11:43:22


改良Fischer评分法 Reforming Fischer score英语短句 例句大全

改良Fischer评分法,Reforming Fischer score

1)Reforming Fischer score改良Fischer评分法


1.The dependability analysis between the evaluates on the fetus electron monitoring and the birth status of infant by NST score and reforming Fischer scoreNST评分法和改良Fischer评分法评价胎监结果与新生儿出生情况相关性

2.Improvement on Isolation and Culture of Human Eutopic Endometrial Cells and Evaluation on the Production of Estradiol in Isolated and Incorporated Cultural Endometrial Cells Respectively子宫内膜细胞分离培养方法的改良及其雌二醇分泌水平评价

3.Evaluation of physicochemical process in stabilized expansive soils using electrical resistivity method电阻率法评价膨胀土改良的物化过程

4.Assessment of a simple visual method of cardiac electric axis心电轴改良目测法及其临床应用评价

5.The Evaluation of Gates" Method and Cock Croft-Gault Formula with Improved UV/P Method改良抽血留尿法对几种常用GFR测量法的评价

6.Study on Pretreatment of Waste Water from Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis by Microelectrolysis-Fenton Method微电解-Fenton氧化法预处理Fischer-Tropsch合成废水试验研究

7.Analysis of Evaluation Methods of Chinese Herb Adverse Reaction中药不良反应评价方法的分析与思考

8.Research on Improvement of Credit Evaluation Approach in Management of Non-Performing Loans;金融不良资产管理中的信用评价法改进研究

9.On Reform and Revolution--Focusing on the Problem of the French Revolution Evaluation;论改良与革命——以法国大革命评价问题为中心

10.Intervention Improvement, Drugs Application and Evaluation of Transarterial Chemoembolization for Rabbits with VX_2 Hepatoma兔VX2肝癌TACE实验方法改良、药物应用及评价

11.Establishment, Evaluation and Application of Ameliorative ALT and AST Reference Method改良ALT和AST参考方法的建立、评价及应用

12.The improvement and evaluation of the establishment of side-wall aneurysm model in canine犬侧壁动脉瘤模型建立方法的改良及评价

13.Semi-Quantitative Evaluation of Submandibular Gland Function by Improved Dynamic Salivary Gland Scintigraphy改良法唾液腺动态显像半定量评价颌下腺功能

14.Modified Method of Metachromatic Dye-ATPase for Identification of Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types;区分肌纤维类型的异染ATPase法改良研究

15.The frontal muscle and upper eyelid SMAS lifting for surgical treatment of blepharoptosis改良法额肌瓣悬吊治疗上睑下垂分析

16.A method of improved Bolton index of anterior teeth改良式Bolton前牙指数分析法

17.Modified procedure for the histochemical demonstration of myosin ATPase改良骨骼肌肌纤维分型ATP酶染色方法

18.The Application of Modified Reid s Colposcopic Index on Screening of Cervical Neoplasia;改良Reid阴道镜评分在宫颈病变筛查中的应用


Modified scoring method改良头位分娩评分法

3)the modified ICH Scale score改良ICH评分

4)Modified Kupperman Index改良kupperman评分

1.Methods Sixty-eight women with perimenopause who underwent bilateral oophorectomy for benign indications were evaluated by the modified Kupperman index on the perimenopause syndrome pre-and post-surgery,including the score in neuropsychological symptoms.方法对68例因妇科良性疾病行双侧卵巢切除的围绝经期妇女,采用改良Kupperman评分法对术前、术后的围绝经期综合征进行评分,包括对精神神经症状进行评分。

5)Evaluation method improvement评价方法改良

6)improved POSSUM scoring system改良POSSUM评分系统


改良①去掉事物的个别缺点,使更适合要求:~土壤 ㄧ~品种。②改善。
