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古地理学报 Journal of Palaeogeography英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-20 17:22:29


古地理学报 Journal of Palaeogeography英语短句 例句大全

古地理学报,Journal of Palaeogeography

1)Journal of Palaeogeography古地理学报

1.It has been 5 years since theJournal of Palaeogeography started publication, congratulations! It is a difficult process.《古地理学报》创刊已经 5周年了 ,创业维艰。

2.Palaeogeography of China has two bright spots,namely as the academic conference of palaeogeography and theJournal of Palaeogeography.中国的古地理学有两个亮点,即古地理学学术会议和《古地理学报》。


1.Advantages and disadvantages of Journal of Palaeogeography in peer review with real name system《古地理学报》实名制审稿的得与失

2.Discussion of the Dianchi in "Chengdu Plain" Statement--From the Perspective of Palaeogeography and Archaeology“成都平原‘滇池’说”商榷——从古地理学、考古学角度

3.Concepts of Regional geography in Ancient China and West;中西古代区域地理思想比较——以《古代的地理学》与《禹贡》相关记述为例

4.Analysis of the Articles on Human Geography Published in Acta Geographica Sinica in 1934-;地理学报70年来人文地理学的载文分析

5.The Development of Similarities and Differences in Human Geography across the Taiwan Straits on the Study of Journal of Geographical Science in Taiwan从台湾《地理学报》看两岸人文地理学的发展


7.Application of GIS in Archaeology;地理信息系统在考古学中的应用研究

8.Definition,content,characteristics and bright spots of palaeogeography of China中国古地理学的定义、内容、特点和亮点

9.Excavation in the Cemetery on the Xiaoshuang City-site in Liangcheng County,Inner Mongolia内蒙古凉城县小双古城墓地发掘简报

10.palinspastic section古地理-古构造再造剖面

11.An Inquiry of Chinese Ancient Geography from Bibliography (Ⅱ)--From the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty;中国古代地理学的目录学考察(二)——汉唐时期目录学中的地理学

12.The Mongolian Press and Mongolian Modern Literature (1946-1949);蒙古文报刊与蒙古族现代文学(1946—1949)

13.Investigation Report on Utilization of the Tailings and Mining Environment Improvement of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region内蒙古自治区尾矿利用和矿山地质环境恢复治理的调研报告

14.Establishing Characteristic Developing View and Creating Journal Brand --Management Idea on Journal of Inner Mongolia University for Natioalities;树立特色化的发展理念打造学报品牌——《内蒙古民族大学学报》办刊思考

15.A Typical Steadily Developing Example of Civilian-run College in Nationality Region--An investigation of Inner Mongolia Science and Technology Institute;少数民族地区民办高校稳步发展的典型——内蒙古科技学院调查报告

16.An Inquiry of Chinese Ancient Geography from Bibliography (Ⅲ)--During the Song Dynasty;中国古代地理学的目录学考察(三)——两宋公私书目中的地理学

17.The Geography Basis of the Developmeht of Prehistoric Culture in Shandong;山东史前文化发达的地理基础——兼论考古学与历史地理学的结合

18.The northernmost region of the habitable world as thought of by ancient geographers.极北地区古代的地理学家认为的可居住地带最北的地区



1.Definition,content,characteristics and bright spots ofpalaeogeography of China中国古地理学的定义、内容、特点和亮点

2.Emergence of the physical geography orientedpalaeogeography started the physical geography in time perspective, which has been extended frompalaeogeography into environment change during its development in China.自然地理学方向的古地理学开创了时间维地理学研究的领域,其在我国的发展经历了一个从古地理学向环境演变研究拓展的过程。

3.They made the pioneering contributions and achievements topalaeogeography of China.第八届全国古地理学及沉积学学术会议于 2 0 0 4年 8月 9~ 12日在大庆油田召开。


4)paleogeology,palaeogeography,palaeogeographic map古地理学<地>

5)Acta Geographica Sinica地理学报

1.The Influence ofActa Geographica Sinica in Humanities and Social Sciences:Based on CSSCI Statistical Analysis;《地理学报》在人文社会科学研究中的影响力——基于CSSCI的统计分析

2.The Venation of One-hundred Years of Development of Geography in China——Based on the Statistical Analysis of Articles inActa Geographica Sinica;中国近现代地理学发展脉络研究——基于《地理学报》学术论文的统计分析

3.The paper gives an overview of the principles of editing and social benefits of the《Acta Geographica Sinica》 for the last fifteen years.本文回顾了《地理学报》复刊15年来的编辑方针和社会效益。

6)archaeological sequence考古地理学

1.Under the international academic background of “Global Change Study”, this dissertation attempts to reconstruct the regional environment on the lower reaches of Yangtze River in terms ofarchaeological sequence within a range of 500 years.本文在全面收集考古资料基础上,采用考古地理学方法,利用文理交叉手段,对长江下游地区文明化初期人类发展与环境之间的互动关系进行了探讨。


部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)sectorial or thematic military geographybumen huo zhuanti lunshi diliXue部门或专题军事地理学(sec‘orial orthematie military geography)见军事地理学。
