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穴 Point英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-26 16:46:14


穴 Point英语短句 例句大全



1.Clinical Observations on Treatment of Nerve Root-type Cervical Spondylopathy by JiajiPoint Injection;穴位注射夹脊穴治疗神经根型颈椎病临床观察

2.Influence ofPoint Shimen Acupuncture on Female Rat Fertility;针刺“石门”穴对雌性大鼠生育能力的影响

3.Observations on the Influence ofPoint Injection on ET and CGRP in Vertebral Artery-type Cervical Spondylopathy and Its Therapeutic Effect;穴位注射对椎动脉型颈椎病ET、CGRP影响及疗效观察


1.To inhabit or hide in a den.穴居居住或藏在洞穴里

2.A small cave or cavern.洞穴小的山洞或洞穴

3.half round半场(前9穴或后9穴)

4.A putting green.球穴区攻击区,球穴区

5.A crypt, especially one used for burial under a church.地穴尤指教堂底下用作墓穴的地穴

6.Old Cypress at Yu Xue禹穴古柏图(绘画)

7.underground passages, caves, etc地下通道、 洞穴等

8.hole theory of liquids【化】液体空穴理论

9.the parent calls out, @Key-aw, key-aw!老穴鸟叫喊“啊!啊

10.The cavers discovered a vast underground chamber.探穴人发现了一个地下大洞穴.

11.An animal"s hollowed-out habitation, such as a burrow.洞穴动物中空的洞穴,如地洞

12.The parent bird flies low over the young bird"s back.老穴鸟从小穴鸟的背后擦过,

13.a large cave or a large chamber in a cave.巨大的洞穴或洞穴中的巨大堂室。

14.a restoration of an Iron-Age cave dwelling模拟铁器时代穴居生活的洞穴.

15.Maize Seeding-machine with Watering in a Hole and Development of Automatic Monitor System;玉米穴播穴施水机自动控制系统设计

16.Going Out of the Cave--A New Reading of Winesburg,Ohio through Plato s "Allegory of the Cave";走出洞穴——从“洞穴理论”看《小城畸人》

17.Clinical therapeutic effect is further increased through scientific acupoint selection and acupoint-segment selection.通过科学选穴和穴段取穴,进一步提高了临床疗效。

18.Brain Specificity of Acupuncture Response at Different Acupoints: A fMRI Study with Manual-acupuncture;穴位针刺的脑功能磁共振成像:真穴、假穴和触觉刺激的对照研究



1.Immune Response to DifferentAcupoint Injections of Pertussis Vaccine;百日咳疫苗不同穴位接种的免疫应答

2.Effect ofAcupoint Injection on Postcesarean Enterokinesia and lactation;穴位注射对剖宫产术后肠蠕动及乳汁分泌的影响


1.Clinical Observations on the Treatment of 48 Cases of Vertebroarterial Cervical Spondylopathy by Needling Cervical JiajiPoints;针刺颈夹脊穴为主治疗椎动脉型颈椎病48例

2.Probe into Theoretical Source of the Property of Five Elements and Indications of Five-ShuPoints from "Five-Elements Storing Each Other;从“五行互藏”探讨五输穴五行属性及主治的理论渊源

3.Clinical Study on Treating Spastic Paralysis Post-Stroke with Needling JiaJiPoints;针刺夹脊穴治疗卒中后痉挛性瘫痪的临床研究

4)bunch planting,interplanting,pit transplanting穴植,穴播

5)Ear acupoints injection耳穴穴注



穴穴 穴 ①指人体的穴位。《素问·气穴论》:“余闻气穴三百六十五以应一岁。” ②古人居住的穴室。《灵枢·贼风》:“今有其不离屏蔽,不出空穴之中。” ③量词。指穴位数目。《素问·气穴论》:“脏俞五十穴,府俞七十二穴。” ④穿。《外科大成》卷一:“夫用针者,譬之救火,火在屋下,必穴其顶。”
