900字范文 > 美政 ideal politics英语短句 例句大全

美政 ideal politics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-05 21:40:29


美政 ideal politics英语短句 例句大全

美政,ideal politics

1)ideal politics美政

1.On failure of Quyuan sideal politics;试论屈原的美政何以失败


1.The Adjustment of the Latin American Policy and the Early Good Neighbor Policy;美国拉美政策的调整和早期“睦邻政策”

2.On the Significance of the Aesthetics of the Lament;试论《离骚》“美人”、“美政”的美学意义

3.The Fiscal Policies between the Clinton and the Bush Administration: A Comparative Study;克林顿政府与布什政府美国财政政策比较研究

4."agency securities, obligations [U.S.]"政府机构证券,债务 [美国]

5.Council of Central American Interior Ministers中美洲内政部长理事会

6.Conference of Governmental Statisticians of the Americans美洲政府统计员会议

7.Office of Management and Budget (OMB)(美国) 行政管理和预算局

8.US Treasury gold auctions美国财政部拍卖黄金

9.Landscape Division [Lands Department]美化环境部〔地政总署〕

10.In that communiqué, the U.S. Government stated that:美国政府在公报中声明:

11.the legislature of the US government.美国政府的立法机关。

12.The American People and Foreign Policy美国人民与外交政策

13.Ibero-American Municipal Organization伊比利亚-美洲市政组织

14.Taiwan"s democracy is far from perfect台湾民主政治非完美

15.State governments considered banning them.美国政府考虑禁止彩票。

16.AFGE (American Federation of Government Employees)美国政府雇员联合会

17.the administrative agency of the Organization of American States.美国州组织的行政机构。

18.Administrative Review Board (ARB)- U.S. DOL美国劳工部政风委员会


American politics美国政治

1.RMB Revaluation in American Politics;美国政治中的人民币升值问题

2.New Christian Right in Contemporary American Politics;当代美国政治中的新基督教右翼运动

3.In America,varieties of Interest Groups have exerted great influence onAmerican politics on the basis of their powerful group capital.在美国 ,形形色色的利益集团凭借其强大的集团资本对美国政治施加了多方面的影响。

3)US government美国政府

1.Research on supervising and managing state-owned economy byUS government;美国政府对国有经济的监督和管理研究

2.This article analyses the cause of human resource crisis of theUS government and the major strategies that have been adopted, gives recommendations for our government in terms of establishing modernized,scientific,democratic and legalized governmental human re- source management system.本文通过对美国政府人力资源危机成因的分析,研究并总结美国政府应对危机所采取的人力资本战略,为我国政府改进人力资本管理,推进人力资本改革,建立现代化、科学化、民主化、法制化的政府人力资本管理体制提出了建议。

4)American government美国政府

1.American government′s management to private higher education;美国政府对私立高等教育的管理及启示

2.American Government Developed Tennessee Valley;美国政府对田纳西河流域的开发

3.The article elaborates the purpose of the social movement with black people s interest group as its main force in the 1960 s as well as the responses of theAmerican government from the angle of games which are commented on.从博弈论的角度论述了20世纪60年代发生于美国的以黑人利益集团为主体的争取自身利益的活动,以及美国政府所作出的回应。

5)political aesthetics政治美学

1.Enlightening aesthetics andpolitical aesthetics ar e a pair of practical aesthetic concepts which have both similarities and dissimil arities.启蒙美学与政治美学是一对既相似又有差异的实践美学概念。

2.To apply “political aesthetics" as a strict academic concept, it re qu ires an attitude of “neutral value" towards both “politics" and “aesthetics", and studies should be conducted on the aesthetic implications of politics itsel f.将“政治美学”作为严肃的学术概念来使用 ,需要对于“政治”、“美学”都采取一种“价值中立”的态度 ,对政治本身所蕴涵的美学方面进行研究。

3.The Concept "political aesthetics" put forward in this paper holds that politics in itself is an aesthetic presentation, and that aesthetic spirit is reflected in political ideology, political system and political policies, power operation, etc.论文提出了“政治美学”的概念,认为政治本身就是审美的一种表现,政治意识形态、制度、政策及权力运作等各方面,都表现出美学的精神。

6)America and Japan government美日政府

1.This article analysis synthetically the characteristic of theAmerica and Japan government s crisis decision-making mechanism,and profits from its experience,which proposed countermeasure and the suggestion to optimizes our country government s crisis decision-making mechanism.美日政府的危机决策机制较为完善,而且,在危机管理实践中也积累了成功的经验。


美政1.犹德政。好的政治措施。 2.使政治美善。
