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新文化 New Culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-12 00:20:25


新文化 New Culture英语短句 例句大全

新文化,New Culture

1)New Culture新文化

1.OnNew Culture Development and Social Change of China Since the May 4th Movement;论“五·四”以来新文化的发展与中国社会的变革

2.Weekly review is an important publication in the era of May 4th,which has functions on the guidance of public opinion of impelling the eruption of the May 4th movement and promotes theNew Culture Movement development.《每周评论》是五四时期的重要刊物,对推动五四运动的爆发起了舆论导向作用,促进了新文化运动的发展,重新审视这一刊物,研究它的发生、发展以及它在传播学上的意义是很有必要的,将有利于把握和促进中国现代史以及现代报刊传播史的研究。

3.The reconsiderations on new culture which take the nationality and the science as the core values have begun from the birth ofNew Culture Movement and have penetrated the whole 20th century.从新文化运动发生的当时,对以民族和科学为核心价值观的新文化的反思就开始了,反思贯穿整个20世纪。


1.The "May Fourth" New Culture Movement and the Modernization of Traditional Culture“五四”新文化运动与传统文化现代化

2.Future shock arises from the superimposition of a new culture on an old one.未来冲击来自新文化与旧文化的重叠。

3.Discussion on May 4 New Culture Movement and the Building of Advanced Culture;五四新文化运动与先进文化建设刍论

4.The Influences of Chinese Traditional Culture on the Sci-tech Innovative Culture;中国传统文化对科技创新文化的影响

5.Changing of Traditional Culture and Forming of New Culture Spirit;传统文化的嬗变与新文化精神的建构

6.On Featrues of Culture Opening of the Early New Culture Movement;早期新文化运动时期的文化开放特点

7.Three Theses about May Fourth New Culture Movement and Chinese Cultural Tradition五四新文化运动与中国文化传统三题

8.Chinese Traditional Culture & New Literature中国传统文化与新文学

9.Cultural Integration and National CulturalInnovation in Context of Globalized Culture;文化全球化语境下的文化整合与民族文化创新

10.A Study of Alienation in Literature-oriented News and News-oriented Literature新闻文学化与文学新闻化的异化现象研究

11.Ethnic Group Culture:Redefining the Concept of Minnan Culture;族群文化:闽南文化概念的重新界定

12.Construction of new higher vocational college culture combined with enterprise culture;融入企业文化构建新型高职校园文化

13.Stimulate Cultural Innovation and Promote Development of Cultural Creative Industries;推动文化创新 促进文化创意产业发展

14.NIBC s Modern Significance in Leading Campus Culture;“新儒商文化”在引领校园文化中的意义

15.The New Concept and Explanation of Culture,Environment Culture;文化、环境文化概念的新界说及阐释

16.Cultural Creation:the Key to Chinese Cultural Industry Development;文化创新是中国文化产业发展的关键

work culture industry--a new increasing of cultural economy;网络文化产业——新的文化经济增长点

18.New direction in the conservation of world heritage:cultural routes (cultural itineraries);世界文化遗产保护的新动向——文化线路


new culture movement新文化

1."Entanglement and Combination of Human and Ghost"——Talking about Lu Xun s Double Experiences of Religion in the New Culture Movement During The May Fourth Movement;“人与鬼的纠葛和交融”——五四新文化倡导中鲁迅对民间宗教的双重体验

3)New and New Culture新新文化

4)culture innovation文化创新

1.Culture consciousness andculture innovation in urban development:a case of Shanghai;城市发展中的文化自觉与文化创新——以“新天地”为例

2.Enterprise reformation andculture innovation based on knowledge economy;基于知识经济环境的企业变革与文化创新

3.The main content of hospitalculture innovation is to form right concept of managing hospital; Set up excellent hospital spirit; Come into .知识经济时代医院文化创新的特征表现为时代性、软管理性、价值导向性和塑造形象性。

5)innovative culture创新文化

1.A study on the model ofinnovative culture evaluating construction of scientific research institutions;科研机构创新文化测评结构研究

2.The Impact of Innovative Culture on Internationalization Under Transitional Economics in Chinese Firms转型经济下中国企业的创新文化对国际化的影响研究

3.This paper probes into the significance of establishing library sinnovative culture in the network times,expounds the features of library sinnovative culture in the network times,and advances some measures for establishing library sinnovative culture in the network times.探讨了网络时代图书馆创新文化的意义,论述了网络时代图书馆创新文化的特征,提出了网络时代图书馆创新文化的举措。

6)innovation culture创新文化

1.Small and middle enterpriseinnovation culture construction of our country in the view of system philosophy;系统哲学视野下我国中小企业创新文化建设

2.Construction ofinnovation culture based on high-tech development;基于高新技术发展的创新文化建设刍议

3.A study on the characteristics of theinnovation culture of CAS;中国科学院创新文化建设特征规律研究


