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误报率 false alarm rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-23 10:09:02


误报率 false alarm rate英语短句 例句大全

误报率,false alarm rate

1)false alarm rate误报率

1.This paper introduces an intrusion detection method based on information feedback to overcome the problem of highfalse alarm rate,especially for unknown abnormal data.针对目前入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System,IDS)对未知异常检测误报率率比较高的问题,提出了一种基于信息反馈的入侵检测方法。

2.The producing reason offalse alarm rate and missed alarm rate,along with their correlation in radiation dosimetry are discussed from the point of view of statistics in this article.本文从统计学角度探讨了辐射信号测量中误报率和漏报率的产生原因及其相互之间的关系,提出了控制误报率和漏报率的方法。

3.The solution to thefalse alarm rate and a higher rate of Omission of the computer alarm system is suggested.针对公众聚集场所、消防安全重点单位,探讨如何利用计算机网络及通信系统做好消防工作,并提出了计算机报警系统误报率、漏报率较高等问题的解决办法。


1.And the results of experiment manifested that the S-M algorithm has a trait of low false negative and low false positive.试验结果表明:该算法具有低漏报率和低误报率的特点。

2.The Analysis of IDS Decoder Module and Implemention of Reduce IDS False-Positive Rate;IDS协议解码的研究及降低误报率的实现

3.Reduction on false positive rate of anomaly IDS一种异常入侵检测系统误报率抑制方法

4.Low false alarm rate human body recognition using pyroelectric infrared signal and wavelet entropy基于小波熵的低误报率人体热释电红外信号识别

5.An FBA (fuzzy behavior analysis) method is introduced into the data analysis procedure, which can greatly decrease the false alarm rate.在数据分析的过程中引入了模糊路由行为分析的方法,大大降低了误报率.

6.The optimal fusion rule of minimizing global error probability is derived. The analytic expressions of global false alarm probability and miss probability are obtained.推导出使全局错误概率最小化的最优融合准则,以及全局的虚警概率和漏报概率的解析表达式.

7.If you require rate for any other article , please let us know and we shall quote our lowest freight .如需其它货物运价,请来函告知,当报最低费率不误。

8.A team of Columbia University professors revealed that 68 percent of the death penalty sentences in the country did not fit the crimes.哥伦比亚大学一份报告说,全美的死刑误判率为68%。

9.The IRR can be found by trial and error by using a number of discount factors until the NPV equals zero.内含报酬率可以采用验误法用一系列的折现数计算。

10.By contrast, picking the wrong risk-return tradeoff can be exceedingly costly.然而,如果选择了错误的风险/回报比率,其代价可能非常高昂。

11.Study of Heart Rate Estimation Algorithm Based on Data Fuaion and Depression False Alarms of Intensive Monitor;基于数据融合的心率估计算法及监护仪错误报警抑制的研究

12.A Track-Error-Based Forecast Method of Tropical Cyclone Track and Striking Probability基于位置误差的分布制作热带气旋路径袭击概率预报

13.slope error over 10%段的斜率误差10%

14.discounted rate折现率 (贴现,经济报酬率)

15.Return on Working Capita资本运用回报率 (%)

16.I have been misinformed about the date.我被误报 [通知错] 了日期。

17.test equipment error analysis report (TEEAR)试验设备误差分析报告

18.(of intelligence operations) deliberately misleading.(指情报处理)有意误导的。


false positive rate误报率

1.Reduction onfalse positive rate of anomaly IDS一种异常入侵检测系统误报率抑制方法

2.Scoring the true positive rate and thefalse positive rate is a key component in IDS evaluation.评分方法是判定IDS的检测率和误报率的重要环节,评分方法的准确性直接影响评估结果的有效性。

3.It is an important research topic to improve detection rate and reducefalse positive rate of the detection model in the field of intrusion detection.在入侵检测研究领域中,提高检测模型的检测率并降低误报率是一个重要的研究课题。

3)false positives误报率

1.After testing common network software,experimental result shows that compared with single source code analysis,this technology can reducefalse positives and false negatives effectivel.对常用网络软件进行测试,结果表明相对于单个源代码分析工具,该技术有效地降低了误报率和漏报率。

2.To cope with the problem of highfalse positives and false negatives in source code static analysis methods,this paper presents a source code static analysis technology for vulnerability detection based on data fusion.针对目前现有静态分析方法存在的漏报率和误报率较高的问题,提出一种基于数据融合的源代码静态分析漏洞检测技术。

4)false alarm probability误报率

1.Some research has been done like analysis of detection sensitivity,setting of threshold,division of alarm grade,analysis offalse alarm probability,etc.探讨了此探测器应用于普通防火场所的情况,分别进行了此探测器应用于普通防火场所的探测灵敏度分析、阈值的设定、报警等级的划分以及误报率的分析等,并就其在高灵敏度的状况下报警阈值的调整方法进行了理论探讨。

5)false positive误报率

1.The results show that we can trade off among false negative,false positive and error rate of rare class by changing cost matrix,which can mi.实验结果表明通过改变代价矩阵,能在漏报率、误报率及稀有类样本的错误率之间调节,从而保证在误报率尽可能小的情况下降低漏报率和稀有类样本的错误率,以减少总体错分代价。

2.But the relationships among security events are often ignored by the current intrusion detection systems(IDS),and an important problem in the field of IDS is a large volume offalse positive which tends to overwhelm human operators.大多数入侵检测系统忽略了上述关联性,从而暴露出高误报率的严重问题。

6)rate of false alarm误报率

1.Gave the test of the Trojan detection based on the artificial immune principle to prove that this Trojan detection system can improve the detection rate and reduce therate of false alarm.分析了数据来源特征,给出了计算抗体与抗原或抗体与抗体之间相似度以及抗体的适应度公式,建立了一个木马检测系统模型;实验测试了利用人工免疫的方式检测木马能有效提高木马检测的检测率,减少误报率。


