900字范文 > 烤烟生产 flue-cured tobacco production英语短句 例句大全

烤烟生产 flue-cured tobacco production英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-02 11:33:05


烤烟生产 flue-cured tobacco production英语短句 例句大全

烤烟生产,flue-cured tobacco production

1)flue-cured tobacco production烤烟生产

1.Research on intensive management development and evaluating indicator system offlue-cured tobacco production in Hunan province;湖南省烤烟生产集约经营发展状况及评价指标体系的探讨

2.) duringflue-cured tobacco production in Longlin County,it put forward measures to avoid disadvantages in order to achieve the purpose of high-quality flue-cured tobacco planted.通过对隆林县烤烟生产过程中的气象条件及干旱、冰雹等主要气象灾害进行了分析,提出了趋利避害措施,以求达到烤烟种植优质增产的目的。


1.Effects of Four Biochemical Measures on the Flue-cured Tobacco Production四种化学生物措施对烤烟生产的影响

2.Study on the Strategies of Sustainable Development of Flue-cured Tobacco Production in Guiyang City;贵阳市烤烟生产可持续发展对策研究

3.Effect of Different Straw Mulching on Production of Flue-cured Tobacco;不同稻草还田方式对烤烟生产的影响

4.Studies on Potassium Nutrition of High Quality Flue-cured Tobacco Production in Fujian;福建省优质烤烟生产的钾素营养研究

5.Flue-cured Tobacco Producting Sistuation and Development in Southeast Qian;黔东南州烤烟生产现状及其发展对策

6.Studies on comparative advantage of flue-cured tobacco production of different cities of Henan province;河南省烤烟生产的地区比较优势研究

7.Study on the Comparative Superiority, Production Fluction and Factors Affecting Chemical Components of Flue-Cured Tobacco Leaves in Tobacco-Growing Areas of Henan Province;河南烤烟生产比较优势、产量波动和烟叶化学成分影响因素研究

8.Studies of Production Techniques and Development of Low Residual High Quality Flue-cured Tobacco in Wulian Mountain Region;五莲山区低残留优质烤烟生产技术研究与开发

9.Studies on the Production Practices of High Quality Flue-Cured Tobacco Cultivated after Maize in the Ory Land of Shanxi Province;山西旱地玉米茬优质烤烟生产技术研究

10.Measures of sustainable development of flue-cured tobacco production in the west of Fujian Province after entry into WTO;加入WTO后闽西烤烟生产可持续发展的对策

11.The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Flue-cured Tobacco Production and Development of Guiyang County in Hunan湖南桂阳县烤烟生产发展的现状与对策

12.Effects of Different Cropping Models on Tobacco Productivity of Yellow Soil in North Guizhou Province不同种植模式对黔北黄壤烤烟生产力的影响

13.The tobacco of produce with weather condition analysis and weather service in Nanping南平市烤烟生产气象条件分析与气象服务

14.Measurement on the Production Efficiency of Chinese Flue-cured Tobacco Based on DEA Model基于DEA模型的我国烤烟生产效率的衡量

15.Advances Research in the Main Seedling Technique of Flue-cured Tobacco Production in China at this Stage中国现阶段烤烟生产中主要育苗技术研究进展

16.Status and Suggestions for Development of Flue-cured Tobacco Production"s Standardization in Huan Province湖南烤烟生产标准化的发展现状及对策

17.The Analysis on the Necessity and Feasibility of Flue-cured Tobacco Large-scale Production and Management in Weifang潍坊烤烟生产规模经营的必要性和可行性分析

18.Jit Application Research in Tobacco Re-Diying Enterprise;准时生产在烟草复烤企业的应用研究


tobacco production烤烟生产

1.The suitable range of the favourable agricultural climate resources for qualitytobacco production is defined by analyzing the meteorological condition including sunlight,temperature and precipitation during the tobacco growth period in Qianxinan prefecture.通过对黔西南州烤烟生育期光、温、水等气象条件分析,得出了黔西南州优质烤烟生产的有利农业气候资源的适宜范围,并分析了烤烟生产的气候灾害,提出了防治灾害性气候的减灾措施。

3)flue-cured tobaccos production base烤烟生产基地

4)Domestic flue-cured tobacco国产烤烟

5)Tobacco yield烤烟产量

6)producing area of fluecured tobaccos烤烟产地


烤烟(flue-cured tobacco)烤烟(flue-cured tobacco)烟草的主要类型。烟叶通过烤房火管加热调制,又称火管烤烟。因源于美国弗吉尼亚州,也称弗吉尼亚烟。是卷烟工业的主要原料。也可作斗烟,是世界上栽培面积最大的烟草类型。主产国有中国、美国、巴西、印度、津巴布韦,其次为加拿大、日本、南朝鲜、泰国。1900年中国台湾省最早引进种植。1910-19先后在山东潍县、河南襄城、安徽凤阳等地试种。1937-1941年四川、云南、贵州先后试种。烤烟叶片在植株上分布比较疏散而均匀,厚薄适中,中部叶品质最好。适宜在结构良好的壤土和沙质壤土上栽培。种植密度为每公顷1.3万-1.6万株,中国为1.9万-2.7万株。栽培过程中要打顶(去顶芽)、抹杈(去腋芽),不宜施用过多的氮素肥料,根据叶片成熟度分次采收烘烤。烟叶烤后呈金黄色,含糖量较高,蛋白质含量较低,尼古丁含量中等。中国烤烟栽培面积常在53万公顷左右。有22个省(自治区)近900个县、市种植,主产区分布在河南、山东、云南、贵州、湖南、安徽、广西、四川、湖北、福建、广东、陕西、黑龙江、辽宁、吉林等省(自治区),各地栽培多为春烟,少数为夏烟,冬季温暖的地方有冬烟。
