900字范文 > 自我发展行为方式 Behavior of self-development英语短句 例句大全

自我发展行为方式 Behavior of self-development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-23 00:01:33


自我发展行为方式 Behavior of self-development英语短句 例句大全

自我发展行为方式,Behavior of self-development

1)Behavior of self-development自我发展行为方式


1.Locus of Control and University Student Elf-development Behavior Way: The Mediator Effects of Social Comparison Orientation and Subjective Well-being心理控制源与大学生自我发展行为方式:社会比较倾向和主观幸福感的中介影响

2.I find his style somewhat impenetrable.我发现他的行为方式令人颇为费解。

3.Applicable Law Principles in the Form of Legal Act: Legal Consideration on New Development;法律行为方式的法律适用原则新发展

4.Leaping Development in Xinjiang Province and Behavior Selection of Local Government新疆跨越式发展与地方政府行为选择

5.So, Shenzhen attaches great importance to both attracting and training of high-quality personnel from home and abroad, and in the early stage emphasis was placed on drawing good personnel.实行自我培养和引进相结合的方针,在深圳发展的初期,以引进为主。

6.On the Development Orientation of Bancassurance Model in Our Country;论我国银行保险合作模式的发展方向

7.Research on Local Government s Behavior on Development of SHOPPING MALL in China;我国SHOPPINGMALL发展中的地方政府行为研究

8.Research on the Spontaneous Behavior of Middlemen Based on Relational Bonds基于关系结合方式的中间商自发行为研究

9.I try to adapt the way I act to suit them.我试着调整自己的行为方式来适应他们。

10.Development of Intensive Residential Behavior from the Viewpoint of Urbanization in the West从西方的城市化进程看集约式居住行为的发展

11.Self-Efficacy:New Trends in Organizational Behavior;自我效能感研究综述——组织行为学发展的新趋势

12.Professional Development through Classroom Action Research;课堂教学行为研究与外语教师的自我发展

parative Study of Regional Small-Medium Bank Development Patterns in East-China;我国东部地区地方中小银行发展模式比较研究

14.The Development of NGO and the Transformation of Public Administrative Models in China;NGO的发展与我国公共行政治理方式的转型

parison of Government Behaviors in Local Bank Development in Developed Countries发达国家地方性银行发展中的政府行为模式比较

16.inquiry approach自我启发的研习方式

17.In Singapore, we have evolved our own unique formula of a multiracial, multi-cultural society.在新加坡,我们已经为多元种族、多元文化的社会发展出自己的一套独特方程式。

18.Conceive of Applying the Self-service Model in the Development Profession;发展型行业引入自助式薪酬模式构想


pattern of behavior development行为发展模式

3)self-development pattern自我发展模式

1.The university English teachers’self-development pattern refers to the independent study of English teachers,reconsidering and research on English proficiency,language teaching theory,language teaching skill and so on,a lifelong dynamic process in the teaching skill,the experience and the teaching attitude.大学英语教师自我发展模式指大学英语教师在英语水平、语言教学理论、语言教学技能等方面所进行的自主的学习、反思和研究,进而在教学技能、经验和态度上不断发展的终身性动态过程。

4)ego behavior自我行为

5)Behavior development行为发展

1.On Programming of campus and behavior development of undergraduates;高校校园规划与大学生行为发展之研究——以贵州大学(南区)学生活动区景观设计为例


1.To build a nursing framework for cerebral apoplexy patients fromself-development viewpoint;从自我发展角度构建脑卒中病人的护理框架

2.The occupational dilemma andself-development of physical education teachers in middle schools;中学体育教师的职业困境与自我发展

3.Action Research and Teacher sself-development;教学行为研究与教师自我发展


自我伤害行为自我伤害行为self-injurious behavior自我伤害行为(self一injuriousb。havior)个人自己伤害自己的身体,如以头碰撞墙壁或其他坚硬物体。此种行为在重度和极重度智力落后儿童中可能发生,需特别照料。(张宁生撰李考志审)
