900字范文 > Cluster态 Cluster state英语短句 例句大全

Cluster态 Cluster state英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-19 14:27:56


Cluster态 Cluster state英语短句 例句大全

Cluster态,Cluster state

1)Cluster stateCluster态

1.We also give the definitions of several multiphoton entangled states, such as GHZ state,Cluster state, W state, WGHZ state and so on.本文首先综述了量子通讯中的基本概念,如量子比特、量子纠缠等,并系统评述了纠缠态的制备原理以及一些相关的技术问题,包括对纠缠态的操纵与测量所需要的物理知识,然后给出了几种广泛研究的多光子纠缠态的定义,如GHZ态,Cluster态,W态和WGHZ态等,同时综述了光子纠缠态制备的研究历史和最新进展,并指出了一些存在的问题,如一般光子数的Cluster态的制备等。

2.A scheme for probabilistic teleportation of an unknown two-particle entangled state via a four-qubit non-maximally entangled cluster state as quantum channel is proposed.在此方案中,纠缠态可以实现一定的几率传输,此几率由cluster态中绝对值较小的两个系数决定。


1.The Generation of Four-qubit Cluster States and Probabilistic Teleportation of Two-Particle State of General Formation in Ion Trap;四粒子Cluster态的制备和离子阱中二粒子一般态的概率隐形传输

2.Preparing Cluster States Via Adiabatic Evolution利用暗态制备离子Cluster State

3.Probabilistic Teleportation of Two-particle Entangled State via a Cluster State通过cluster态实现两粒子纠缠态的量子几率隐形传态(英文)

4.Cluster number (middle three digits).Cluster number (中间三位数)。

5.The Generation of Six-cluster States in Ion-Trap and Preparing Two-qubit State of General Formation Remotely via Cavity-QED;离子阱中六粒子cluster态的制备和利用腔-QED实现两原子任意态的远程制备

6.Cluster member number (last three digits).Cluster member number (最后三位数)。

7.Hot Standy Two-node Cluster on Pluswell Cluster使用Pluswell Cluster实现双机热备

8.Cluster identifier (middle three digits) = the routing cluster to which the office is assigned.Cluster identifier (中间三位) = 局分配到的路由群集。

9.Cluster number (middle three digits) - values range from 000 to 317.Cluster number (中间三位数) -- 取值范围为 000 到 317。

10.Intrusion Detection Engine Research Based on Fuzzy Cluster;基于Fuzzy Cluster的入侵检测引擎研究

11.Study on the frame of supply chain system based on cluster;基于cluster供应链组织系统体系结构

12.An Improved Cluster-Tree Routing Algorithm in ZigBee Networks一种改进的ZigBee网络Cluster-Tree路由算法

13.Modeling and Simulation of Single-arm Cluster Tool in Wafer Fabrication晶圆制造中单臂Cluster tool的建模与仿真

14.The Application and Design of Cluster Technology on Automation of Substation;Cluster技术在变电站自动化中的应用与设计

15.Regional Logistics System and Operation Mode Based on Industrial Cluster;基于产业集群(cluster)的区域物流系统与运作模式

16.Real-Time Simulation of The DFIG-Based Wind Farm Connected to Power Grid基于PC-Cluster的高性能电力系统实时仿真平台eMEGAsim

17.Analyses on the Geometrical Structure of the Magnetic Field Lines in Magnetosphere Based on Cluster Measurements;基于Cluster四点探测数据对磁层磁力线几何结构的研究

18.Design and Realization of Scalable Content-aware Web Cluster with Transparency;一种基于内容的可扩展性透明Web Cluster体系结构的设计与实现


Ir_ 4 clusterIr4 cluster

3)Quadripartite Cluster-like and GHZ-like entangled states四组份类Cluster和类GHZ纠缠态

4)cluster problemcluster问题

5)Cluster observationCluster观测

1.Cluster observation and analysis of bifurcated current sheet structure in a quiet time;利用Cluster观测资料分析,发现宁静期间有双峰电流片存在,这期间没有明显的高速流,没有明显的电流片振荡。

6)Cluster spacecraftCluster飞船

1.During 2001~, theCluster spacecraft passed through the near-Earth magnetotail, and observed 14 magnetotail reconnection events.在2001~Cluster飞船通过近地磁尾期间,共探测到14次重联事件,在这些事件中同时还观测到等离子体波活动。


