900字范文 > 水价管理 water price management英语短句 例句大全

水价管理 water price management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-16 07:14:37


水价管理 water price management英语短句 例句大全

水价管理,water price management

1)water price management水价管理

1.Water price management for terminal irrigation system is an important step ofwater price management in irrigation district as well as a part of water price reform.末级渠系水价管理是灌区水价管理工作中的一个重要环节,也是水价改革工作的一项重要内容,规范末级渠系水价管理,解决末级渠系水费计收过程中存在的问题,对于加强灌区水费管理、加快水费改革进程具有重要的意义。


1.Pushing China"s Water Price Reform in Light of US Experience借鉴美国水价管理经验,推进我国水价改革

2.Cost Management and Control of Water and Electric Power Project Enterprises水利水电工程施工企业的造价管理和造价控制

3.Assessment of Ryegrass-rice Cropping Systems and Simulation for Management;黑麦草—水稻种植模式评价与管理模拟

4.A Study on Evaluation of the Knowledge Management for the Pulp and Paper Enterprise;制浆造纸企业知识管理水平评价研究

5.The Evaluate Measure of Customer Service Level in Logistic Management;物流管理客户服务水准评价方法分析

parative study on petroleum enterprise cost management level;油田企业综合成本管理水平评价模型

7.Information Influence and Analysis of Water Conservancy Engineering Construction Cost Management水利工程造价管理的信息影响与分析

8.Construction of evaluation index system for irrigation water management and its comprehensive evaluation灌溉用水管理评价指标体系构建及综合评价

9.Investigating Water Price Institution Based on Water Resources Demand Side Management;基于水资源需求侧管理的水价制度探讨

10.Probe into the water conservancy and hydropower construction cost administration system;对水利水电工程造价管理体系的思考与探索

11.Study on Water Demand Management of Urban Water Supply Industry and Water Price Systems;我国城市供水需求侧管理与水价体系研究

12.Existing problem and countermeasures for WRHPproject cost management in Guangxi;广西水利水电工程造价管理存在的问题及对策

13.Making Proper Use of Assessing Systems to Improve Scientific Research Management;合理运用评价工具提高高校科研管理水平

14.Application of Multi - Level Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment in the Management Level of Regional Water Resource;浅谈多层次模糊综合评价在区域水资源管理水平评价中的应用

15.Evaluation of flexible management level of east route water resources supplying chain enterprises of South-to-North Water Transfer Project in China by use of fuzzy-AHP;用Fuzzy-AHP评价南水北调东线水资源供应链柔性管理水平

16.The Choice and the Management Performance Evaluation of Construction Management Model on Inter-basin Water Diversion Project;跨流域调水工程项目建设管理模式的选择与管理绩效评价

17.A Study on Evaluation System for the Effect of Agency Construction Project Management Pattern in South-to-North Water Diversion Project;南水北调工程代建制管理模式管理效果评价体系研究

18.The Study of Management and Assessment Function Design in the Water Quality Information Management System of Jilin Province;吉林省水质信息管理系统管理与评价功能设计研究


evaluation of safety management level管理水平评价

3)cost management of water transport engineering project水运工程造价管理

4)assessment of KM"s level知识管理水平评价

5)Technological management evaluation工艺管理水平评价

6)NGWT National Guidelines on Water Tariffs城市供水价格管理办法


丰枯电价(见季节电价)丰枯电价(见季节电价)seasonal power price丰枯电价(seasonal power priee)在水电为主的电力系统中,对于专门利用丰水季电能的用户或在丰水季增加用电量的用户实行的优惠电价(见季节电价)‘(张工)
