900字范文 > 人畜饮水工程 drinking water projects for human and domestic animals英语短句 例句大全

人畜饮水工程 drinking water projects for human and domestic animals英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-16 11:36:36


人畜饮水工程 drinking water projects for human and domestic animals英语短句 例句大全

人畜饮水工程,drinking water projects for human and domestic animals

1)drinking water projects for human and domestic animals人畜饮水工程

1.Effective ways of construction and management ofdrinking water projects for human and domestic animals in Huize County;会泽县人畜饮水工程建设与管理的有效途径分析


1.Some Problems and Suggestions of Human Drinking Water Project in Baise Area百色农村人畜饮水工程存在的问题及建议

2.Effective ways of construction and management of drinking water projects for human and domestic animals in Huize County;会泽县人畜饮水工程建设与管理的有效途径分析

3.Since 1998, the State has invested 6 billion yuan in building human and animal drinking water projects, which has solved the drinking water problem for 34.09 million rural people.1998年以来,国家投资60亿元建设人畜饮水工程,解决了3409万农村人口的饮水困难。

4.Practice of Drinking Water Project for Human and Livestocks with Underground Water Storage Tanks in Mountainous Area with Water Lack;应用水窖蓄水技术解决缺水山区人畜饮水的工程实践

5.Talk about Rain Collection Usage and Solving Feeding Men and Animals with Water of Mountainous Area for Lack Water;雨水集蓄利用解决缺水山区人畜饮水的探讨

6.Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation of the Drinking Water System Project for Human and Livestock in Wangmo County;望谟县人畜饮水项目的参与式监测与评估

7.Practice and Enlightenment As to the Solution of Water Shortage Problem in the Hilly Area;解决丘陵山区人畜饮水困难的实践与启示

8.The Drinking Water Price of Safety Drinking in Rural Area and the Post-evaluation of Drinking Project农村安全饮用水水价及饮水工程后评价

9.Construction was accelerated on rural roads, small and medium-sized water conservancy projects, potable water facilities for people and livestock, as well as facilities in the fields of science, technology and education.农村公路、中小型水利、人畜饮水和科技、教育设施建设加快。

10.Discussion on Harm of Polluted Tiaozi River and Zhaosutai River to Drinking Water for People and Livestocks in Changtu County浅谈条子河、招苏台河水污染给昌图县人畜饮水带来的危害

11.Over seven hundred animals quietly quested up to drink.700多头牲畜静静地排队饮水。

12.Water the livestock when you feed them.给家畜喂食时要给它们饮水。

13.The GIS-based Regional Planning of Rural Drinking Water Supply;基于GIS的农村饮水工程规划研究

14.Guarantee Mechanism of Zhejiang Rural Drinking Water Safety Project浙江农村饮水安全工程保障机制研究

15.Promoting the Continuous Utilization of Dysdipsia Relieving Projects through Strengthening Engineering Management;通过工程管理促进农村饮水解困工程持续利用

16.High quality water supply and direct drinking project; high quality direct drinking for residential area, unit and group, etc.分质供水和直饮水工程;小区、位、团等优质直接饮用。

17.We should speed up the construction of facilities for water-saving irrigation and for supplying potable water for people and livestock, roads linking county seats and townships, facilities for rural energy supply, as well as educational, medical and health facilities in the countryside.加快节水灌溉、人畜饮水、县乡公路、农村能源、农村教育和医疗卫生设施等建设。

18.application of ultrafilter in the engineering of high quality water;超滤技术在优质饮用水供水工程中的应用


man and livestock drinking water project construction人畜饮水工程建设

3)drinking water人畜饮水

1.Counterplan and present condition ofdrinking water in Yanchi county of Ningxia;盐池县人畜饮水的现状与对策

4)potable water supply人畜饮用水

5)drinking water supply work人饮供水工程

6)human drinking water project人蓄饮水工程


