900字范文 > 细胞分离与富集 Separation and concentration of cells英语短句 例句大全

细胞分离与富集 Separation and concentration of cells英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-24 20:27:18


细胞分离与富集 Separation and concentration of cells英语短句 例句大全

细胞分离与富集,Separation and concentration of cells

1)Separation and concentration of cells细胞分离与富集

2)Separation and enrichment分离与富集

1.The separation and enrichment of gold from anode slimes are researched.本文提出了用氢醌容量法测定阳极泥中的金,研究了如何从阳极泥中分离与富集金的方法,本法的精密度与准确度均好,具有流程短,分析速度快,成本低等优点。


1.Separation and Enrichment近代仪器分析--分离与富集

2.On-line Separation and Enrichment of Paclobutrazol by Solid Phase Extraction Technique;固相萃取技术对农药多效唑的在线分离与富集

3.Study on Analysis of Lead Iron with Preconcentration and Stripping of Electrodeposition;电沉积富集与溶出对铅离子的分析研究

4.Enrichment,Separation and Determination of Trace Selenium in Semen Cassia in Dandong Area丹东地区决明子中微量硒的富集分离与测定

5.The Extraction,Preparation and Identification of Active Component of Rosmarinic Acid from Prunella vulgaris夏枯草中活性成分迷迭香酸的提取分离、结构鉴定与富集

6.Separation and Enrichment of the Active Constituents in Ephedra Grass by Solvent Sublation溶剂浮选分离富集麻黄草中有效成分

7.Green Adsorption-desorption of Light Rare Earth Elements by Myrtan Tannins Immobilized on Collagen Fiber;胶原纤维固化单宁对轻稀土元素的绿色富集与分离研究

8.Separation and Preconcentration of Trace Rare Earth and Other Elements with Nanometer Alumina and Their Determination by ICP-AES;纳米氧化铝分离富集与ICP-AES联用测定痕量稀土及其它元素研究

9.Studies and Applications of the Separation and Enrichment of Rare Metals in Chinese Herbal Medicine by the Extraction-elution Resin and Determination with Spectrometry;萃淋树脂分离富集—光谱法测定中草药中稀有金属的研究与应用

10.Study on Separation and Purification of γ-Aminobutyric Acid Accumulated Through Rice Bran Glutamate Decarboxylase;利用米糠谷氨酸脱羧酶富集γ-氨基丁酸及其分离与纯化

11.Liquid Membrane Separation and Enrichment of Trace Lead and Its Determination By Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer;痕量铅的液膜分离富集与火焰原子吸收光谱法的测定

12.Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Determination of Cadmium in Environmental Water with Preconcentration and Separation by Sodium Trititanate Whisker三钛酸钠晶须预富集/分离与FAAS法联用测定环境水中镉的研究

13.Column Separation/Preconcentration and ICP-MS for Trace Elements and Elemental Speciation Analysis;柱分离富集/等离子体质谱痕量元素及形态分析

14.Separation and Enrichment with TOA-P507-Petroleum ether System of Chromium (VI)in Environmental Water;TOA-P507-石油醚分离富集环境水样中Cr(VI)

15.Study on the Enrichment and Separation of Flavonoids in Propolis;蜂胶中黄酮类化合物的富集分离研究

16.Enrichment and Isolation of Phycocyanin in Cyanobacteria from Tai Lake太湖水华蓝藻中藻蓝蛋白的富集分离

17.Molybdenum(Ⅵ) and Rhenium(Ⅶ) Separation on Nano-TiO_2纳米TiO_2分离富集Mo(Ⅵ)和Re(Ⅶ)

18.Coprecipitation for separation and enrichment with Cu(Ⅱ)-DBDC for determination of Mn in urine using FAASDBDC-Cu(Ⅱ)共沉淀分离富集FAAS测定尿中锰


Separation and enrichment分离与富集

1.The separation and enrichment of gold from anode slimes are researched.本文提出了用氢醌容量法测定阳极泥中的金,研究了如何从阳极泥中分离与富集金的方法,本法的精密度与准确度均好,具有流程短,分析速度快,成本低等优点。

3)chemical separation and concentration化学分离与富集

4)cells enrichment细胞富集


1.Cloud-Point Extraction and Its Application to the Separation/Preconcentration and Speciation of Metal Ions;浊点萃取技术在金属离子分离富集及形态分析中的应用

2.A new method for the determination of trace Pb based on TiO 2 nanoparticle separation/preconcentration and GFAAS determination was proposed.提出了纳米TiO2 分离富集 ,GFAAS测定水样中痕量铅的新方法。

3.To overcome these difficulties,the preliminary separation/preconcentration methods are still frequently required prior to the analysis for the improvement of sensitivity, selectivity and accuracy of analytical method.因此,必须借分离富集技术,以提高分析方法的灵敏度、选择性和准确度。

6)Separation and preconcentration分离富集

1.The paper presents a novel method for the separation and preconcentration of vanadium with microcrystalline phenolphthalein as the sorbent.建立了以微晶酚酞作为吸附剂分离富集环境水样中痕量钒的新方法。

2.The anion exchange resin separation and preconcentration is carried on by using flow injection technique.研究了采用流动注射技术进行痕量钍的阴离子分离富集,在0。

3.Optimum conditions for the separation and preconcentration of Au (Ⅲ), Pt (Ⅳ) and Pd (Ⅱ) are studied.以亚硝基R盐作为螯合剂制备了负载树脂,研究了用该树脂分离富集Au(Ⅲ)、Pt(Ⅳ)和Pd(Ⅱ)的最佳条件。


