900字范文 > 自动变频 automatic frequency conversion英语短句 例句大全

自动变频 automatic frequency conversion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-05 00:24:20


自动变频 automatic frequency conversion英语短句 例句大全

自动变频,automatic frequency conversion

1)automatic frequency conversion自动变频

1.The updating of air compressorcontrol system which make use of the technique ofautomatic frequency conversion is introduced in this paper.利用自动变频技术对空压机控制系统进行自动化改造,提出了改造的硬件方案和软件方案,该系统使用方便,可靠性高,并能降低能耗。


1.This paper introduces the automatic water-feed system with speed adjusted by frequency converter.本文介绍的是自动变频调整速恒压供水系统。

2.automatic frequency control transformer自动频率调整变压器

3.Research on Technology of Self-Controlled Soft Start with Variable Frequency for Synchronous Motor同步电动机自控变频软起动技术研究

4.Design of Automation Switch of Pumps to the Control of Frequency Variable System by PLC;变频恒压控制中PLC自动切换程序设计

5.Escalator Speed Control System Based on PLC and Frequency Converter基于PLC及变频器的自动扶梯调速系统

6.The research on the experimental system for automatic bit feed with variable frequency drive变频驱动钻机自动送钻试验系统的研究

7.video auto-channel measuring apparatus视频自动频道测试仪

8.The automatic control of frequency converter in dryer system are pointed out.突出了变频器在干燥系统中的自动控制。

9.Designing and realization of automatic changing step in selective lever meters based on single chip基于单片机的选频表自动变步长的设计实现

10.The Application of Frequency Invertion Technology in Autom atic Com bustion Control System s of the Boiler变频技术在锅炉自动燃烧控制系统中的应用

11.Research on the Variable-frequency Drive Automatic Take-up of the Extensible Belt Conveyor;可伸缩带式输送机变频调速自动张紧装置研究

12.Research on Auto Role Replacement of Video Images;视频图像中的自动角色变换技术的研究

13.The use of communicating frequency comersion timing in the automatic ingredient system;交流变频调速系统在自动配料系统中的应用

14.The Research on Control System of Heavy-duty Electrical Wheels Autonomous Dump Truck Based on Frequency Control Technology大型电动轮自卸车交流变频调速系统研究

15.Design of Automation Drilling Based on Profibus and Frequency-inverter Regulation Technology现场总线的变频调速自动送钻控制系统设计

16.Water Supply System Based on the PLC and Frequency Converter基于PLC及变频技术的自动控制供水系统

17.Automatic Modulus Controlled All Digital Phase Locked Loop with Large Lock-in Range一种自动变模控制的宽频带全数字锁相环

18.Video Coding Based on Wavelet Transform and GFA Modeling基于小波变换和广义有限自动机的视频压缩


frequency conversion automatism timing变频自动调速

1.This paper expounds operating principle and composing of ground drive screw pumpfrequency conversion automatism timing close.阐述了地面驱动螺杆泵变频自动调速闭环控制系统的构成和工作原理,研制了非接触式转矩转速轴向力传感器,并在泽70断块56口井进行了现场试验,结果表明,达到了增产节能,提高系统效率等目的。

3)automatic frequency control transformer自动频率调整变压器

4)self-controlled soft start with variable frequency自控式变频软起动

5)frequency conversion vibration table with air bag springs气囊式自动变频振实台

6)self controlled variable freguency自控变频


