900字范文 > 能源利用率 energy efficiency英语短句 例句大全

能源利用率 energy efficiency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-07 08:07:10


能源利用率 energy efficiency英语短句 例句大全

能源利用率,energy efficiency

1)energy efficiency能源利用率

1.Therefore,idle listening was quite serious which leaded to lowenergy efficiency.仿真结果表明其达到了很高的能源利用率,并能有效缩短收敛时间、减小频偏校正误差。


1.It could yield a net benefit ( for example, by improving energy efficiency), or it could stop the economy cold.它可能会产生净盈利(比如,通过提高能源利用率),或者使经济升温。

2.Study on Estimating Method of Utilization Rate of Geothermal Energy in Heating and Cooling System;基于地热水资源供热供冷系统能源利用率评价方法的研究

3.Review on improving energy efficiency of non-wood pulping and resource considerations of energy-saving technology提高非木纤维制浆能源利用率的途径与节能技术探讨

4.Improving Energy Efficiency with the On-site Energy-saving Technology做好现场节能工作 提高能源利用效率

5.Promote Vigorously Engineering for Dcecentral Co-generation System Enhance Energy Efficiency;大力推进分布式供能系统提高能源利用效率

6.The Study on the Heating Systems and the Energy Resources Configurations of Greenhouses with High Geothermal Utilization Ratio;高地热利用率温室供热系统及能源配置研究

7.Study on the Dynamic Change of the International Energy Efficiency;能源利用效率动态变化的中外比较研究

8.Analysis on Regional Disparity and Its Influential Factors of Energy Utilization Efficiency in China;中国能源利用效率的区域分异与影响因素分析

parison of energy utilization efficiency between China and foreign countries;国内外能源利用效率比较及对我国的启示

10.Analysis of a new index on the energy utilization efficiency based on the dual-structure;基于双重结构的能源利用效率新指标分析

11.The Improvement Of Energy Consumption Efficiency In China s Economic Growth;我国经济增长过程中能源利用效率的改进

12.Research on Energy Efficiency of Steel Industry in Hebei Province河北省钢铁企业能源利用效率评价研究

13.Situation and Strategy Research on Energy Efficienty of Zhejiang Province浙江省能源利用效率现状分析与对策研究

14.Based on the Inter-provincial Panel Data to Analyze the Energy Using Efficiency in China基于省际数据的我国能源利用效率有效性评价

15.The Impacts of Outsourcing on Energy Use Efficiency:Evidence from China外包对中国能源利用效率影响的实证研究

16.Analysis on regional disparity of energy utilization efficiency:Gini coefficient in China中国能源利用效率区域差异基尼系数分析

17.Effect of Technological Progress and Industrial Structure on Energy Efficiency技术进步和产业结构对能源利用效率的影响

18.Technological Development,Structural Change and Chinese Energy Consumption Efficiency技术进步、结构变动与中国能源利用效率


energy utilization ratio能源利用率

1.The measurement is made on the thermal properties of electric hot water boiler, including water mass flow, water temperature andenergy utilization ratio when the system is used for heat-supply and supplying domestic hot water.对电热水锅炉用于供暖和供应生活热水时的水质量流量、水温及系统的能源利用率等热工性能进行了测试。

2.By calculating primary energy consumption, discharge of CO_2、SO_2 and dust for the ASHP chiller, screw water chiller plus electric boiler, screw water chiller plus oil boiler and direct-fired absorption chiller/heater, this paper analysesenergy utilization ratio, greenhouse effect and air pollution caused by heat/cold source of air conditioning.通过计算风冷热泵冷热水机组、水冷螺杆式冷水机组+电热锅炉、水冷螺杆式冷水机组+燃油锅炉和燃油(气)直燃吸收式冷热水机组这些常见的空调冷热源方案的一次能耗量、CO2、SO2及烟尘的排放量,分析这些方案的能源利用率、耗能过程中造成的温室效应和大气污染情况。

3)energy utilization能源利用率

1.We are advocating energy saving,discharge decrease andenergy utilization.本文以我校锅炉房供学生生活用蒸汽锅炉的节能改造为例,主要介绍了该锅炉烟气的余热回收项目的设计方案,同时对项目的能源利用率和经济效益方面进行了分析。

2.Based on the comprehensive analysis of the influence factors ofenergy utilization, a new intelligent control strategy is designed on the basis of BP neural networks.本文对PSAHP智能控制系统进行了深入研究,在综合分析PSAHP能源利用率影响因素的基础上,提出了基于BP神经网络理论的PSAHP智能控制策略,针对以上研究内容,开展了如下的具体工作:理论分析了影响PSAHP能源利用率的因素,提出了一种全新的以提高PSAHP能源利用率为目的的运行控制策略。

4)energy utilization rate能源利用率

1.The economy of ASHP is analyzed onenergy utilization rate and annual running cost.通过对空气源热泵 (ASHP)与电动水冷机组 +供热锅炉的冷热源方式的对比 ,从能源利用率与全年运行费用两个方面对ASHP的经济性进行了分析 ,明确了能源价格比、气候条件、建筑负荷等因素与经济性之关系 ,指出了ASHP适宜使用的条件和范围。


1.PER of gas engine-driven heat pump systems at different combined supply energy modes;燃气机热泵系统不同联供运行模式一次能源利用率的分析

2.In order to integrately estimate the performance of the whole system,reduced exergy cost,ECC,PER and CO2 emission etc are adopted as evaluation indexes.评价指标的合理选择是保证优选结果正确的关键因素,为了综合评价整个系统性能的优劣,本文选取折合成本、ECC(能源转换系统评价指标)、一次能源利用率以及CO2排放量等作为评价指标,考虑普通指标的可补偿性和特殊指标的弱补偿性,采用加乘模型对4种方案进行优选,各指标的权重采用熵权法客观给定,这样得到的优选结果可靠性较高,可作为建筑物冷热源选择的依据。

3.According to the system construction of BHP and its calculation of the primary energy ratio(PER)compared with other heating equipments,analyzes the economic analysis together with its effect on environmental protection.根据对BHP的系统构建及一次能源利用率(PER)的计算结果,分析BHP系统的经济性及其对环境保护的作用。

6)energy utilization efficiency能源利用效率

parison ofenergy utilization efficiency between China and foreign countries;国内外能源利用效率比较及对我国的启示

2.Analysis of a new index on theenergy utilization efficiency based on the dual-structure;基于双重结构的能源利用效率新指标分析

3.In order to effectively improve theenergy utilization efficiency,improve the current state of energy conservation work and promote the economic sustainable development in Sichuan province,based on the analysis of current energy saving status and relevant problems,eight supporting measures were proposed to promote the energy conservation work in Sichuan from the economic,policy,and legal prospect.为了有效提高四川省能源利用效率,改善其节能工作现状,促进经济可持续发展,在分析四川省节能降耗工作现状及存在问题的基础上,从经济、政策、法律等方面提出了推进四川省节能降耗工作发展的八项措施性建议。


