900字范文 > 贸易量 trade volume英语短句 例句大全

贸易量 trade volume英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-13 10:22:41


贸易量 trade volume英语短句 例句大全

贸易量,trade volume

1)trade volume贸易量


1.At present, the trade volume among the WTO members accounts for 95 percent of global trade total.目前,世贸组织成员间的贸易量占全球贸易的95%。

2.I hope the volume of trade between us will be even greater in the future .我希望将来我们的贸易量会更大。

3.Quality Condition of Trade and Quality Risk Control of Agrifood Trade;质量贸易条件与农产食品贸易的质量风险控制

4.The Development of Trade Policy and Its Impact on Trade Flows;贸易政策的变化及其对贸易流量的影响

5.The Trade of Goods and Service:The Complementary Total Payments and The Substitute Relationship of the Balance of Payment;货物贸易与服务贸易:总量互补与差额替代关系

6.Our trade is in surplus, ie We are exporting more than we are importing.我国贸易出现出超(出口量大於进口量).

7.Codes for units of measure used in international tradeGB/T17295-1998国际贸易用计量单位代码

merce:The turnover of commerce and trade of Beijing was expanded.商业:贸易流通量继续扩大。

9.Britain does a lot of trade with America.英国与美国进行大量的贸易。

10.Because of the ivory trade, elephant numbers fell quickly.由于象牙贸易,大象的数量急剧下降。

11.Research on Relationship between Environmental Quality and Foreign Trade of China;中国环境质量与对外贸易的关系研究

12.The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on International Trade Flows;汇率波动性对国际贸易流量影响研究

13.An Empirical Analysis of Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade Flows;汇率波动与贸易流量关系的经验分析

14.A Probe into Quantitative Analysis and its Issues of China s Books Copyright Trade;中国图书版权贸易的计量分析及对策

15.An Analysis on the Number of TBT Cases Accepted by WTO/DSB;WTO/DSB技术性贸易壁垒案件数量辨析

16.Quantitative analysis of industry inner trade of textiles among Sino-US-EU;中美欧纺织业的产业内贸易数量分析

17.Analysis of the gap between quantity and profits of Chinese export;中国货物贸易出口量与利的背离分析

18.Quantitative Analysis on International Competitiveness of China s Trade in Service;中国服务贸易国际竞争力的定量分析


trade flow贸易流量

1.This paper uses the expanded trade gravity model to test the decision oftrade flow and flow direction between Chinese mainland and Taiwan area,and on the basis,makes a concrete analysis of the trade contact degree between every inland province or city and Taiwan area.运用扩展后的贸易引力模型检验了祖国大陆和台湾地区之间的贸易流量和流向,并以此为依据具体考量了内地各省市与台湾地区的贸易联系程度。

2.The GDP and per capita GDP of every province,autonomous region or municipality of inland China,the per capita GDP of Hong Kong,absolute distance and the regional cooperation organization in the Pan-pearl River Delta are the main factors that influence the bilateraltrade flows,but the influence extent of every factor is different.内地各省市(自治区)的GDP和人均GDP、香港人均GDP、绝对距离以及泛珠三角区域合作组织等解释变量,是影响双边贸易流量的主要因素,但影响程度各有不同。

3.This paper, on the basis of observing the changes oftrade flow between Hong Kong and Guangdong during the 4 years period of CEPA implementation, studies the influence factors fortrade flow between the two places by means of gravity model, and makes an empirical analysis of the effect of trade creation and trade diversion in the area.观测CEPA实施4年来香港和广东贸易流量变化,运用引力模型研究广东和香港贸易流量的影响因素,并对CEPA实施后区内贸易创造和贸易转移效应进行实证分析。

3)Trade Variable贸易变量

4)trade flows贸易流量

1.Of the variables that affect the bilateraltrade flows between the mainland and Hongkong in China the GDP and per capita GDP of every inland province,autonomous region or municipality and the per capita GDP of Hong Kong,the absolute distance and the regional cooperation organization in the Pan-pearl River Delta are the main factors,which also vary in their effect on the bilateraltrade flows.内地各省市(自治区)的GDP和人均GDP、香港人均GDP、绝对距离以及泛珠三角区域合作组织等解释变量,是影响双边贸易流量的主要因素;各因素的影响程度互有不同,内地各省市(自治区)对香港的出口贸易潜力也存在一定差异。

2.On the basis of relevant theories and methods of trade gravity model, this paper tests and measures the bilateraltrade flows and potential between every province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government in China mainland and Taiwan.以贸易引力模型的相关理论和方法为基础,实证检验并测算了大陆各省市(自治区)与台湾双边贸易的流量与潜力,结果表明:大陆各省市(自治区)的GDP、人均GDP和吸引台资额,各省市(自治区)与台湾之间的绝对距离,以及"两岸贸易热络区"等解释变量,是影响两岸双边贸易流量的主要因素,但影响程度各有不同。

5)Trade Measure贸易计量

6)Trade volume of cotton棉花贸易量


