900字范文 > 农机服务组织 agricultural machinery service organization英语短句 例句大全

农机服务组织 agricultural machinery service organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-01 19:08:49


农机服务组织 agricultural machinery service organization英语短句 例句大全

农机服务组织,agricultural machinery service organization

1)agricultural machinery service organization农机服务组织

1.Based on determination of definition ofagricultural machinery service organization the structure and function of the service organization was analyzed.在明确农机服务组织含义的基础上,分析体系现有构成成分及其各自的作用;通过对农机服务组织构成及服务模式的分析,辨析市场需求及服务主体的经营特点与服务功能,进而对农机服务组织进行合理重构,整合其各方面的服务功能,明确服务主体及其发展方向;分析现有条件下微观组织的运行方式及发展状况,找出服务主体的合理发展方向;并通过重构农机服务组织体系,指出其创新发展的思路,为我国农机服务组织的发展提供参考。

2.This paper analyzes the establishment of new-typeagricultural machinery service organization and development of agricultural machinery socialized service,and brings forward the advice for the development of service system.论述了辽阳市新型农机服务组织的建立和农机社会化服务体系的发展,提出了农机服务体系发展的措施。

3.The development ofagricultural machinery service organization had important effect on accelerating the process of agricultural mechanization and increasing agricultural production efficiency.农机服务组织的发展对于加快农业机械化进程和提高农业生产效益具有重要的作用。


1.Becoming the Agricultural Machine Servers Organization into the Main Force of "CountryFarmer Agricultural";农机服务组织成为服务“三农”的主力军

2.On the Role Played by Agricultural Machinery Service Organization in the Development of Agricultural Mechanization论农机服务组织在农业机械化发展中的作用

3.Analysis of Status and Developing Trend for Service Models of Agricultural Machinery Cooperatives in China;我国农机服务组织模式现状及发展趋势分析

4.Tactic Meaning and Countermeasures of Developing Agricultural Mechanization Service Organization;发展农机服务组织的战略意义与对策建议

5.Carrying out Key Farm-equipment Engineering Projects through Setting up and Perfecting Farm-equipment Service System;建立健全农机服务组织是实施农机重点工程项目的重要保证

6.How to Carry out and Improve Stock and Cooperative Ownership (SCO) Reform in Basic Service Unitof Agriculture Machinery System(BSUAMS);试论股份合作制在基层农机服务组织中的推行与完善

7.Development and Perfect of Professional Services Organizations of Farm Machinery;农机专业服务经济组织的发展和完善

8.Perfect Five Service to Develop Agricultural Ma-chinery Agency Organization;完善五大服务 精心培育农机中介组织

9.Study on the Cooperation Mechanism of the Rural Social Service Organization农村社会化服务组织的合作机制研究

10.Study on the Development of Agricultural Machinery Service Organizations in Liaoyang辽阳市农机社会化服务组织发展研究

11.Study on the Organization Structure and Mechanism Innovation for Agricultural Machinery Service Industry;农机服务产业组织结构与机制创新研究

12.The Organizing Model for Agricultur al Machinery Service Indus-trialization and Advanced System;论农机服务产业化的组织模式与推进机制

13.The Functions and Development of Agricultural Operation Service Organization in Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省农机作业服务组织作用及发展探讨

anization Forms of Non-government Services within Agricultural Machinery in China;我国农机社会化服务组织形式现状研究

15.Knowledge Organization Services Oriented to Peasant Laborers under Financial Crisis金融危机下面向农民工自主创业知识组织服务

16.Developing New Pattern Agricultural Mechanization Organization, Advancing Service Industrialization;发展新型农机作业组织 积极推进农机服务产业化

17.On the Operation Mechanism and Development Trend of New Types of Socialization Service Organization of Agricultural Machinery in Jiangsu Province江苏省新型农机社会化服务组织运行机制及其发展趋势

18.FAO/INFOFISH fish marketing information service粮农组织/亚太渔业信息组织渔业市场信息服务


agricultural machinery professional service organization农机专业服务组织

3)The Service Organization of Agricultural Machinery Cooperation农机合作服务组织

1.Promote the Constraction ofThe Service Organization of Agricultural Machinery Cooperation in Precuresor Zone with the help of the Land Circulation Policy发挥土地流转政策导向作用 推进先导区农机合作服务组织建设

4)socialization service organization of agricultural machinery农机社会化服务组织

5)agricultural socialization of service organization农业社会化服务组织

6)CFMS Commercial Farm Management Service农业管理服务组织


