900字范文 > 西湖 West Lake英语短句 例句大全

西湖 West Lake英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-22 22:24:23


西湖 West Lake英语短句 例句大全

西湖,West Lake

1)West Lake西湖

1.Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Changes of Water Quality inWest Lake,Hangzhou Using SOFM Neural Network;利用SOFM网络评价杭州西湖水质的时空变化

2.Lead isotopic composition of sediments fromWest Lake and the Grand Canal in Hangzhou and its significance for lead source tracing;杭州西湖与运河沉积物铅同位素组成及其示踪意义

3.Vertical Variation of the Phosphorus Form in the Sediments of FuzhouWest Lake;福州西湖沉积物磷形态垂向变化特征


1.This is the West Lake. It is in Hangzhou.这是西湖,在杭州。

2.The West Lake. Do you like it?西湖。你喜欢去吗?

3."Hangzhou residents have their way of enjoying the beauty of the west lake. According to them, "the West Lake look more delightful on rainy days than on clear days, but it is at its best after darkness has fallen"杭州人观西湖有个说法:"晴湖不如雨湖,雨湖不如夜湖。"

4.West lake was originally known as "Wulinshui Lake" and later as "Qiantang Lake".西湖原被称为"武林水湖",后又曾更名为"钱塘湖"。

5.The recognition about sedimentary facies in Pinghu formation of Pinghu region.西湖凹陷平湖地区平湖组沉积相的再认识

6.The landscape of the West Lake is more beautiful than any other lake at all times.西湖的风景总是比别的湖泊美丽。

7.In geographical and geological terms, West Lake is a lagoon that has formed out of a shallow bay.西湖,是由浅海湾演变而来的泻湖。

8.The West Lake is famous for its beautiful scenery.西湖以景色秀丽著称。

9.We live by the West Lake.我们住在西湖旁边。

10.I"m hoping for a chance to visit the West Lake.我希望有机会游览西湖。

11.There is a sanatorium close to the West Lake.邻近西湖有一座疗养院。

12.She went on excursion to the West Lake.她到西湖去游玩了。

13.The front of the house looks to the West Lake.这所房子面朝西湖。

14.Where"s No.2, West Lake Road, please?请问西湖路2号在哪儿?

15.I live in No.2, West Lake Road.我住在西湖路2号。

16.The west lake is noted for its scenery.西湖以其风景而著名。

17.The scenery of the West Lake is beautiful beyond description.西湖风景美得难以形容。

18.In 1705, Kangxi took up residence for a time on Solitary Hill.1705年,康熙住在西湖孤山。


The West Lake西湖

1.Balance Between Nature and Manmade——The Natural Aspect and Manmade Aspect ofThe West Lake in Hangzhou;“天工开物”与“人定胜天”的相持——杭州西湖的“自然”与“人工”

2.Forms, Transfer and Conversion of Phosphorus in Sediments along Vertical Section in the West Lake;西湖沉积物中磷的形态及迁移转化的沉积剖面研究

3.The Grand Canal makes it easy to travel from the south to the north, and the West Lake attracts thousands and thousands of travellers, which makes Hangzhou become one of the two cultural and economic centers in the south of the Changjiang River during the Ming and Qing Dynasty.运河沟通了南北 ,西湖招徕了千万的旅游者 ,杭州遂成了明清江南经济文化的两大中心之一 (另为苏州 )。

3)the west district of the West Lake西湖湖西

1.Through the field investigation of aquatic plants resources inthe west district of the West Lake in Hangzhou,the reference basis of the aquatic introduction and planting design were provided for the integrative conservation project of Hangzhou West Lake.通过对杭州西湖湖西区域水湿生植物资源的详细调查,为西湖湖西综合保护工程水湿生植物的引种和配置提供了参考依据;提出了水湿生植物在园林景观中的应用及配置模式,并从水湿生植物的选择、搭配及种植等方面探讨了其在西湖湖西综合保护工程中的应用。


1.On the Work of the United Front Before the Founding ofHuxi Basis for Resisting Against Japan;试论湖西抗日根据地建立前的统战工作

5)Western Chaohu-Lake巢湖西半湖

6)western shore of the Chaohu Lake巢湖西湖岸

1.Spatial distribution features of archaeological sites (Neolithic Age to Shang & Zhou Dynasties) on thewestern shore of the Chaohu Lake,China巢湖西湖岸新石器—商周遗址空间分布规律及其成因


