900字范文 > 运行调整 operation adjustment英语短句 例句大全

运行调整 operation adjustment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-27 09:38:49


运行调整 operation adjustment英语短句 例句大全

运行调整,operation adjustment

1)operation adjustment运行调整

1.Requirements for design andoperation adjustment of boiler based on the characteristics of coal from Hunan;湖南省燃煤特性及其对锅炉设计与运行调整的要求

2.Almost all the problems were solved by the optimization test,operation adjustment test and the recon.通过1年的优化试验、运行调整试验及部分设备改造,使上述问题基本得到了解决,锅炉效率有显著提高。


1.Research on the Algorithm for Train RegulationBased on Train Running State Derivation Graph;基于列车运行状态推导图的列车运行调整算法

2.Factors Affecting the Vacuum of 60 MW Set and its Operational Adjustment60MW机组真空影响因素及其运行调整

3.Operation Adjustment of 600 MW Supercritical Unit Coal Pulverization System600MW超临界机组制粉系统的运行调整

4.Study on Chaos-improved Genetic Algorithm for passenger-dedicated lines train operation adjustment客专运行调整混沌改进遗传算法研究

5.Study on Passenger Special Line Train Regulation Model and Algorithm;客运专线列车运行调整模型及算法研究

6.Optimization Model and Algorithm of Train Operation Adjustment in Subbureau Dispatch System;分局调度系统列车运行调整优化模型与算法

7.Centralized Traffic Control System for Train Operation Adjustment Design and Implementation调度集中列车运行调整系统的设计与实现

8.Research on Optimizing Method for Drawing and Adjusting Train Diagram on Single-track Railway;单线区段列车运行图铺划与运行调整优化方法研究


10.Research on MAS-Based Method for Urban Rail Transit Train Operation Adjustment;基于MAS的城市轨道交通列车运行调整方法研究

11.Study on the Application of Fuzzy Neural Networks for Train Operation Adjustment System;模糊神经网络在列车运行调整中应用的研究

12.Train Operation Adjusting Research under CBTC Urban Rail Transportation Based on Expert System;基于专家系统的城轨CBTC列车运行调整研究

13.Study on the Train Operation Adjustment on Double-track Line Based on Ant Colony Algorithm;基于蚁群算法的双线铁路列车运行调整研究

14.regulation of running of trains and locomotives列车和机车运行的调整

15.Research the Adjust of Civil Railway Transportation s Organization and Compositon;中国铁路运输行业组织结构调整研究

16.Study on the Correlative Issue about Train Operation Intelligent Adjustment System;列车运行智能调整系统相关问题研究

bustion Adjustment and Optimization of a 1025t/h Boiler1025t/h锅炉燃烧调整试验及优化运行

18.Discussion on optimization of the boiler and the safe and economic operation浅谈锅炉的优化调整与安全、经济运行


operational adjustment运行调整

1.For the imperfections and urgent problems to be solved in design,fabrication,installation and operation of fluidized bed boilers in recent years,this article offer the technical upodating andoperational adjustment for,fluidized bed,so that the environmental quality can be improved,the service life of boilers can be extended and the economic operation of boilers can then be achieved.针对流化床锅炉近年来在设计、制造、安装和运行等方面存在的一些不够完善和亟待解决的问题,强调对流化床锅炉进行技术改造和运行调整才能改善环境质量,延长锅炉的使用寿命,提高锅炉运行的经济性。

2.The harm done to a boiler by slagging is being elucidated and the reason of its formation analyzed from the poin of view of coal category,operational practice etc;accompanied by an explanation of how slagging can be mitigated by starting work with combustion optimization andoperational adjustments.从煤种、运行因素等方面分析了结渣的原因;从燃烧优化和运行调整着手有效地缓解了结渣现象。

3)adjust operation调整运行

4)governor operation adjustment调速器运行调整

5)Train operation adjustment列车运行调整

1.Study on the algorithm for train operation adjustment based on no-delay dispatch;列车运行调整问题的无延迟调度算法研究

2.Research of theory and method for train operation adjustment on double track railway lines;复线列车运行调整理论与方法的研究

3.The concept of “adjacent train” was introduced to build a new model for train operation adjustment on single-track railways based on their operational characteristics.针对单线列车运行的特点,提出了“相邻列车”的概念,根据此概念建立了单线列车运行调整模型,并推导了列车运行图偏差函数作为模型调整目标。

6)adjustment of train operation diagram列车运行图调整


