900字范文 > 社会经济负担 social economical burden英语短句 例句大全

社会经济负担 social economical burden英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-02 18:55:41


社会经济负担 social economical burden英语短句 例句大全

社会经济负担,social economical burden

1)social economical burden社会经济负担

1.Methods Scene investigation and death registration was used to estimate AIDS directsocial economical burden,disability adjusted life years(DALYs),and to calculate AIDS indirectsocial economical burden,then analyze AIDSsocial economical burden.方法通过现场调查、死亡登记等资料,测算艾滋病社会直接经济负担、计算伤残(失能)调整生命年(DALYs)以反映艾滋病社会疾病负担和计算艾滋病社会间接经济负担,进而计算艾滋病社会经济负担。

2)Disease financial社会疾病经济负担


1.Analysis on AIDS-associated social economic burden in countryside with high-incidence of AIDS;农村艾滋病高发地区社会疾病经济负担分析

2.Study on the Anhui Province s Burden of Disease and Mutual Relationship between Mass Health and Social Economy;安徽省居民疾病负担及其与社会经济的相关性研究

3.disencumber oneself of financial responsibilities, social commitments摆脱经济负担、 社会义务.

4.The Study of the Economic Burden on Chinese Rurual COPD Patients;农村慢性阻塞性肺疾病经济负担研究

5.A Research of the Direct Expenditure for Rural Residents" Diseases in Henan Province河南农村居民疾病直接经济负担研究

6.Disease Burden of Patients with Stroke and Economic Evaluation on Community-Based Prevention Strategies for Stroke in Xinhua Community, Shanghai;新华社区脑卒中的疾病负担及人群防治干预策略的经济学评价

7.Burden of disease and risk of medical care utilization in urban poor, Shanghai;上海市贫困居民的疾病经济负担、就医经济风险

8.Research on Economic Burden and Influencing Factors of Patients with Diabetes in Rural China;农村糖尿病患者疾病经济负担及影响因素研究

9.Research on the Affection of Doctors’ Disease Diagnose Ability to the Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patient’s Economic Burden疾病诊断水平对肺结核病人经济负担影响研究

10.The TB economic burden was calulated as DALY.方法:采用失能调整上(DALY)方法计算疾病经济负担。

11.China tobacco rerlated disease and economic burden;中国烟草及其导致的疾病负担和经济影响

12.The Study on Medical Care Cost and Economic Burden of Disease Covered by Medical Insurance in Guangzhou City广州市医疗保险费用分析及疾病经济负担研究

13.Distribution of Malignant Tumors and Its Disease Economic Burden in Shaoxing Residents绍兴市恶性肿瘤死亡现状及疾病经济负担研究

14.The Current Research Situation and Problem of Economic Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases心血管疾病经济负担的研究现状及问题

15.The Different Employment Status of Resident in Cityes of Economic Burden of Disease Study城市不同就业状况居民疾病经济负担分析

16.Study on Rural Chronic Patient: Prevalence of Chronic Health-seeking Behavior and Disease Economic Burden in Shan Dong and Ning Xia;山东、宁夏农村慢性病患者的患病、就医行为及疾病经济负担研究

17.Study on the direct economic burden of diseases about middle-aged and old patient with chronic diseases in Nanjing南京市中老年慢性病病人直接疾病经济负担研究

18.The Study of Quality of Life and Economic Burden in Patients with End-stage Renal Disease Undergoing Dialysis;终末期肾病透析患者疾病经济负担和生活质量研究


Disease financial社会疾病经济负担

3)social burden社会负担

1.While under the traditional system of state-owned enterprises, supernumerary unemployment andsocial burden are the key points restraining the enterprises from improving their efficiency.而在传统的国有企业制度下,冗员失业和社会负担又是制约企业效率提高的关键。

4)economic burden经济负担

1.Economic Burden and Years of Lost in Traumatic Brain Injury Inpatients;武汉市两所医院颅脑外伤住院患者经济负担及寿命损失分析

2.Economic burden of obesity related chronic diseases in China;中国超重和肥胖造成相关慢性疾病的经济负担研究

3.Investigation oneconomic burden of injuries and life lost among urban and rural residents in Shandong province;山东省城乡居民伤害寿命损失及经济负担调查

5)economical burden经济负担

1.Objectives To analyze epidemiological characters and trend in hand-foot-mouth disease between and ,to research the ascendant strain andeconomical burden in through retrospective investigation,evaluate all the preventive methods,to carry out the preliminary assessment and provide scientific basement to the following work.目的分析和烟台市手足口病的流行特点及流行趋势,研究本市手足口病流行的优势毒株,对病例进行经济负担的回顾性调查,综合探讨手足口病的各项防控措施,对防制效果进行初步评价,为下一步的防控工作提供科学依据。

6)social burden社会性负担

1.Different from many studies focusing on in- ternal corporate governance,this paper tests whether exter- nal circumstances had any effect on political interventions as- sumed by listed companies,with the corporate employee scale as a proxy of itssocial burdens.与以往过多关注公司内部治理的研究不同,本文以上市公司雇佣规模作为社会性负担的代理变量,研究了公司外部环境对上市公司受政府干预的影响。


