900字范文 > 科普能力 popularize science capacity英语短句 例句大全

科普能力 popularize science capacity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-25 23:38:20


科普能力 popularize science capacity英语短句 例句大全

科普能力,popularize science capacity

1)popularize science capacity科普能力

1.Thepopularize science capacity cultivation is benefit to improve students integrative qualities and teaching\"s capacity,as well as to serve society better.生物专业师范生是未来的生物教师,是普及生物学知识重要的参与者,对其进行科普能力培养有利于提高学生综合素质,有利于提高学生施教能力,有利于学生更好的服务社会。


1.Capability Building of Science Popularization:Theoretical Reflections and Shanghai Practices科普能力建设:理论思考与上海实践

2.Cultivation of Popularize Science Capacity for Biological Specialty Students in Teachers College师范院校生物专业学生科普能力培养

3.Discussion on the Science Capacity-Building Support System Construction in Hubei Province试论湖北省科普能力建设支撑体系的构建

4.The marrow of popular science writing lies in innovation, which could endow the words with vitality.科普写作的精髓是创新,创新才能赋予科普作品的生命力。

5.Study on the Subject-leaders Competence in Chongqing Regular Institutions of Higher Education;重庆市普通高校学科带头人能力素质研究

6.Study on the Creativity of the College Students of Economics and Management;普通高校经管类本科生创新能力培养研究

7.Research on the Innovative Ability Cultivation of Applied Talents in General Undergraduate Universities;普通本科院校应用型人才创新能力培养研究

8.The Cultivation of College students s Sientific Research Ability;普通高校学生科研能力培养的几点思考

9.A Further Study on the Scientific Research Ability of College PE Teachers in the Information Society;信息时代普通高校体育教师科研能力的研究

10.A Talk about the Training of Scientific Study Ability of Sports Majors in Colleges;谈普通高校体育专业学生科研能力的培养


12.A Cultivation Research on Technology Innovation Ability of Engineering Students in Colleges and Universities普通高校工科学生技术创新能力的培育研究

13.Enhancing the Scientific and Monitoring Capacity and Improving the Technological Level in Protected Areas增强保护区科普与监测能力,提高保护区科技水平

14.To have a certain ability of translation is one of the aims of English teaching.具有一定的翻译能力是普通高等专科学校英语课程教学目的之一。

15.The Present Situation Analysis and Raising Strategy of Ordinary High School Physics Teachers Teaching Research Capacity;普通高中物理教师教学科研能力的现状分析与提高策略

16.Primary Research on the Independent Study Ability of Technical Subjects of the P.E. Majors in Ordinary Colleges;普通高校体育专业大学生术科自主学习能力培养的初探

17.Thinking about Constructing Evaluating System of Innovative Ability for General Engineering Undergraduates;对构建普通工科院校大学生创新能力评价体系的思考

18.On The Research Capability and Academic Cultivation for P.E.Teachers at Universiteis or Colleges;普通高校体育教师的科研能力及其专业发展探析


science capacity-building科普能力建设

3)the function of science popularization科普功能

1.Then, what aboutthe function of science popularization of technological journals?By the analysis of the connotations of the technological journals concerning scientific spirit and social values, the sharp di.那么,科技期刊的科普功能又怎样呢?本文通过对科技期刊在科学精神和社会价值内涵上的分析,指出科技期刊在科学精神、科技创新、科学方法等各个方面都有极强的传播功能。

4)science popularization efficiency科普效能

5)generalized static energy普适静力能

1.In this paper, a energetic physical variable——thegeneralized static energy is chosen, and the outputs of a two dimensional cloud model are utilized to the study of the atmospheric stability under conditions with and without cloud.引用一个能描述无云和有云天气下,大气稳定度的能量学物理量——普适静力能和一个二维积云模式的输出结果,分析计算湿静力能廓线和普适静力能廓线。

6)scientific research ability科研能力

1.A survey ofscientific research ability of contracted nurses in PLA hospitals;军队医院聘用护士科研能力的调查分析

2.Improving thescientific research ability involved in undergraduate thesis;毕业论文与科研能力的培养——指导本科生毕业论文的几点体会

3.The development and the approaches of the mathematics studentsscientific research ability in teachers colleges ——Discussion about mathematics education reform in teachers college;高师数学系学生科研能力的培养及途径——谈高师数学教育改革


