900字范文 > 经济社会贡献 Contribution to economy and society英语短句 例句大全

经济社会贡献 Contribution to economy and society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-16 07:40:02


经济社会贡献 Contribution to economy and society英语短句 例句大全

经济社会贡献,Contribution to economy and society

1)Contribution to economy and society经济社会贡献


1.Methods and Applications for Measuring the Contribution of Waterway Transportation to Economy and Society;水运业对经济社会贡献的测算方法及应用研究

2.Philosophical Social Science s Functions on and Contributions to Chongqing Economy and Society;哲学社会科学对重庆经济社会的作用与贡献

3.The contribution of ethnic Chinese to the prosperity and the progress of Indonesian society印度尼西亚华人对该国社会经济进步的贡献

4.Jiang Zheming’s Contribution to Deng Xiaoping s Theory of Socialistic Market Economy;江泽民对邓小平社会主义市场经济理论的贡献

5.On Jiang Zemin s Contribution to the Establishment of the Socialist Market Economy Theory;论江泽民对社会主义市场经济理论形成的贡献

6.The Contribution of Mu Family in Ming Dynasty on Yunnan Social Economic Development;论明代沐氏家族对云南社会经济发展的贡献

7.Contribution of circulation industry to economic and social development of Chongqing since Chongqing became the municipality;直辖以来流通业对重庆经济社会发展的贡献

8.Mao Tse Dong s Contributions to the Socialist Economic Construction Theory;毛泽东关于社会主义经济建设的理论贡献

9.On The Historic Contribution Of Socialism To Globalization;论社会主义对经济全球化的历史性贡献

10.Research on Evaluating of Contribution of Expressways Development to the Economic Benefits;高速公路建设对社会经济效益贡献的评估研究

11.Deng xiaoping s contribution to the theory of socialist economy circulating form;邓小平对社会主义经济运行形式理论的贡献

12.Chen Yun s Theoretical Contribution in Construction of Socialist Market Economic Mechanism;陈云对建立社会主义市场经济体制的理论贡献

13.LIU Shao -qi s Exploration of and Contribution to Economic System Reform of Socialism;刘少奇对社会主义经济体制改革的探索与贡献

14.Contributions of Deng Xiaoping to the Socialist Market Economic Theory;邓小平对社会主义市场经济理论的贡献

15.Fu Yiling s Contribution to Chinese Socialand Economical History and Its Enlightenment;傅衣凌对中国社会经济史学的贡献及启示

16.Research on Yangtze River Downstream Channel Constructions to Economic and Social Development长江下游航道建设对沿江社会经济的贡献研究

17.On Characteristics of Chinese Socialist Economy and its Contribution to Marxist Political Economy Theory;论中国社会主义经济的特色及其对马克思主义政治经济学的贡献

18.Social Psychology of Economic Man:Challenge and Contribution经济人的心理博弈:社会心理学对经济学的贡献与挑战


economy and society promoting analysis经济社会贡献分析

3)Social Contribution社会贡献

1.Social Acceptance,Social Contribution,Social Actualization, Social Coherence.所谓社会幸福感是指个体对与他人、集体、社会之间关系质量的评估,他包括社会整合、社会认同、社会贡献、社会实现、社会和谐五个维度。

4)economic contribution经济贡献

1.Statistical research on Liaoningeconomic contribution of fisheries辽宁渔业对辽宁经济贡献的统计分析

2.America directly decides leisure as the first economic activity;The original intention that China develops leisure industry is based on understanding of itseconomic contribution and value.西方国家很早就意识到休闲对经济的巨大促进作用,美国直接决定将其列为第一位的经济活动;中国发展休闲产业的初衷也是基于对其经济贡献和价值的认识。

5)economic contributions经济贡献

1.Theeconomic contributions of these three pillar industries used to be assessed in terms of industrial classification,this paper,however,approaches their contributions by means of input-output analysis,based on product classification and on.福建省为建设海峡西岸经济区,提出发展三大主导产业(电子信息、机械装备和石油化工)的设想,原先是从经济行业部门的分类来评价三大主导产业的经济贡献,我们从产品部门的分类并基于全国(福建)投入产出调查的数据,从投入和产出流量方量来研究福建三大主导产业的贡献。

2.This article analyzes the enterpriserseconomic contributions to enterprises from five aspects:the realization of leading positions of enterprises;the reasonable distributions of materials of enterprises;the realization of the profit?makings of enterprises;the establishment of the modern?enterprise?systems and the upgrading of the industrial structures of enterptises.主要从企业家对企业主体地位的实现 ,对企业资源的优化配置 ,对企业利润目标的实现 ,对现代企业制度的建立和企业产业升级五个方面分析了企业家对企业的经济贡

3.Economic Contributions of Overseas Chinese to the War of Resistance against Japan(1937-1945);他们在祖国抗战中能作出如此重大经济贡献的主要原因:有强烈的爱国主义精神,有组织有领导地进行,爱国侨领起了重大作用和国共两党都对华侨抗日救国运动起了十分重要的指导作用。

6)society contribution社会贡献力

1.The paper established the evaluation index of constructionsociety contribution on the basis of its meaning.根据社会贡献力的内涵,明确建筑业社会贡献率的评价指标,分析安徽省建筑业发展现状,并将其与中部其他四省进行比较。


