900字范文 > 德育工作 Moral education英语短句 例句大全

德育工作 Moral education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-29 14:53:30


德育工作 Moral education英语短句 例句大全

德育工作,Moral education

1)Moral education德育工作

1.New reflections on the 21-century-oriented moral educationfor institutions of higher learning;面向21世纪高校德育工作的新思考

2.Improvement of the moral education in higher school library;论新时期高校图书馆德育工作的优化

3.People-oriented,Effectively Strengthen Moral Education in Vocational Colleges;以人为本,切实加强高职院校学生德育工作


1.Moral Education of Network --the New Task of Moral Education in Colleges;网络道德教育——高校德育工作的新任务

2.On the Construction of the Moral Education Carriers witha Case Study of the Moral Education in American Higher Learning;德育工作载体建设探析——兼论美国高校德育工作

3.Promoting the Common Progress of Mental Health Education and Moral Education, Strengthen the Practical Effects of Moral Education;心育与德育共进,提高学校德育工作的实效性

4.The Enlightenment of Today s Ethic Construction of the Four Ethics of Manlius s;孟子“四德”对当今德育工作的启迪

5.Carrying out "Running the State with Morals" andStrengthening the Construction of Moral Education;贯彻落实“以德治国” 加强高校德育工作

6.To Fulfil the General Plan of "Governing the Country with Ethics" Reinforce the Moral Education in Universities;落实“以德治国”方略 加强高校德育工作

7.Talk about Moral Education Work in Colleges and Universities under the General Plan to Govern the Country by the Rule of Virtue;浅谈以德治国方略下的高校德育工作

8.Implement the General Plan of "Running the Country by Virtue" Better the Morality Work in the Tertiary Institutions;贯彻“以德治国”方略 做好高校德育工作

9.Strengthening College Moral Education by Studying the Ideology of "Running a Country by Moral Education;学习“以德治国”思想 加强高校德育工作

10.Strengthen the training of morals for improvingthe effect of moral education;加强道德理性培养 提高德育工作实效

11.Establish the Great Sence of Moral Education, Start the Great System of the Moral Education Work at Schools确立大德育观启动学校德育工作的大系统

12.On Characteristic of moral education in high professinal colleges and constractions of system of moral educational conditions;高职院校德育工作特点及德育环境体系的构建

13.The Independence of a Commercial Major Body;坚持德育为先,推进高校德育工作改革和创新

14.On methods of Confucian moral education and its enlightenment on the moral education in contemporary colleges and universities;儒家德育基本方法和当前高校德育工作

15.Inspiration of Confucian Moral Thoughts to School Moral Education in China;儒家德育思想对我国学校德育工作的启示

16.Innovate Moral Education in Vocational Colleges and Set up Harmony Moral Education System;创新高职院校德育工作 构建和谐德育体系

17.The Enlightenment of Moral Education Thinking in Deng Xiaoping Theory for College Moral Education;邓小平德育思想对高校德育工作的启示

18.Considering the Reformation of the Moral Education in University from the Developmental Trends of It;从道德教育的发展趋势看高校德育工作的改革


moral education work德育工作

1.The six relationships needed to be dealt with in the improvement of collegemoral education work;提高高校德育工作的实效要处理好六个关系

2.On the thought of studentsmoral education work in the current normal institutions of higher education;关于当前高等师范院校学生德育工作的思考

3.Open up a new complexion formoral education work in higher schools of our region guided with innovation;以创新精神为指导 开创我区高校德育工作新局面

3)Moral Work德育工作

1.Then,the paper points out effective paths on how to build a moral work form and the managing system and how to have the explicit target and contents of the work.分析了高职院校学生思想政治工作面临的挑战,提出如何在高职院校建立德育工作格局和运行机制以及如何明确学院德育工作目标和工作内容,和搞好德育工作的有效途径。

2.For this reason, university s moral work should innovate in a more cost-effective manner, to see the advantage and disadvantage of the work clearly, to train the qualified ethical subject of network, and construct the new-type network ethics educational pattern in conformity with traditional moral mode.为此,高校德育工作要大力创新,认清自身工作的优势和劣势,培养合格的网络道德主体,构建与传统德育模式相适应的新型网络伦理教育模式,加强对大学生网络伦理道德的教育与引导,培养大学生正确的价值观。

3.Young students need ambition education, thus a person working for moral work should help students to set up a far and fight ambition.青年学生迫切需要立志教育,德育工作者应该帮助青年学生树立远大而正确的志向。

4)work of moral education德育工作

1.In order to adapt to the construction of moral education of the youth and the new situation,thework of moral education in schools should make transformation and realize the education of students from various an- gles.适应未成年人思想道德建设的需要和新形势的要求,学校德育工作应实现多个转变,真正实现全员育人、全程育人、全方位育人。

2.On the basis of character of college students thought and behaviour, this article presents that strengthenning and improving thework of moral education in colleges of Tibet should be put in first place.本文就西藏高校学生的思想行为特点,提出了加强和改进西藏高校德育工作要把坚定正确的政治方向放在首位,确立主体性德育思想,树立师生德育协调发展的观念,优秀传统文化的诠释要与德育工作相适应,在德育工作中还要营造良好的环境,使学生循善趋德,在针对性和实效性方面下功夫。

5)Morality Work德育工作

1.A morality work system of universities is a foundation and a precondition of the morality work developing.高校德育工作体系是高校德育工作顺利开展的基础和前提,是一个常说常新,讨论广泛的课题。

2.Thus, a series of new and important research topics have been raised for the ideological and morality work of the younger.社会转型期的思想、文化多元化进程在大大促进整个社会文明进步的同时也带来了无所适从的困惑,从而给青少年思想、德育工作提出了一系列新的重大课题。

6)moral educators德育工作者

1.This paper discusses systematically about Deng s ideas on the target of moral education, the frame of moral education, the method of moral education and also the requirement ofmoral educators.邓小平德育思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分,邓小平教育思想博大精深,而其中的德育思想处于龙头地位,是整个教育思想之魂,本文从邓小平德育为首思想、德育的培养目标、德育的内容框架、德育教育的方法及对德育工作者的要求等方面作了较为系统的探讨。


