900字范文 > 生态地质环境系统 ecology and geology environmental system英语短句 例句大全

生态地质环境系统 ecology and geology environmental system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-17 16:39:18


生态地质环境系统 ecology and geology environmental system英语短句 例句大全

生态地质环境系统,ecology and geology environmental system

1)ecology and geology environmental system生态地质环境系统

1.The security of theecology and geology environmental system of large river source region is directly connected with the entire valley and even with the ecologic safety and the social and economic development of the country.维护地质格局的安全稳定、保障水热系统的健康安全、维持生物体系的动态平衡、保证开发利用的科学合理是大河源区生态地质环境系统共轭管理的目标要求。


1.Discussions on the eco geological environment systems and the eco environgeological论生态地质环境系统与综合性生态环境地质调查

2.The Preliminary Study of the Conjugate Management on the Large River Source Region Ecology and Geology Environmental System大河源区生态地质环境系统共轭管理初步研究

3.Study and Development of Ecology Environment Quality Evaluation Information System in Changzhutan District;长株潭地区生态环境质量评价信息系统的研制

4.Vegetation is an important part of the ecological environment.绿地系统是生态环境的重要组成部分。

5.Epikarst Water System Responae Mechanism to the Ecological and Environmental Ecology on Technique of ANN-GIS in Luota, Hunan Province;基于ANN-GIS的表层岩溶水系统对生态地质环境响应研究

6.Geology Ecological Environment Assessment System Base on GIS基于面向对象技术的地质生态环境评价信息系统开发

7.Coupling relationship between regional land use and eco-environment;区域土地利用与生态环境耦合关系的系统分析

8.Study on the Coupling Relation between Eco-environment and Geotectonics in Shaanxi Province;陕西生态环境及其与地质构造的耦合关系研究

9.The ecological system in Westem Sichuan Province is complicated and various with beautiful landscape and environment.川西山地生态系统复杂多样 ,风光绮丽、环境优美。

10.The Database System of Agriculture, Resources, Environment, Ecology in Northwest China;西北地区农业、资源、环境、生态数据库系统

11.System of Evaluating Eco-environment Benefit of Land Rearrangement Based on 3S;基于3S的土地整理生态环境效益评价系统

12.Design of the Information System of Land Use and Ecological Environment Construction;土地利用与生态环境建设信息系统设计研究

13.Research of anqing ecological environment geographic information system construction based on ArcGIS基于ArcGIS的安庆生态环境地理信息系统建设研究

14.Research on Characteristic of Agro-Environmental Geology and Its State Assessment System of Loess Plateau Area;黄土高原地区农业环境地质状况及其系统状态评判体系研究

15.Ardeidae bird is one of important species belonging to wet land ecosystem, and regarded as indicator for environmental assessment.鹭科鸟类是湿地生态系统中重要的生物种类之一 ,也是环境质量评价的一类指示动物。

16.Karst ecosystem is an ecosystem controlled by karst environment.岩溶生态系统是受岩溶环境制约的生态系统。

17.Research on Nitrogen Recycle and Its Effect on Environment in Dry-Land of Loess Plateau;黄土高原旱地农田生态系统N素循环及其环境效应研究

18.Building ecologic brand relation system based on IMC;基于IMC环境构建生态型品牌关系系统


geological evironment and ecosystem地质环境与生态系统

3)geological entironment system地质生态环境系统

4)Engineering geological environmental dynamic system工程地质环境动态系统

5)ecological geo-environment生态地质环境

1.Effect analysis onecological geo-environment in the bound of Daliuta coal mining subsidence area;大柳塔煤矿地面塌陷区的生态地质环境效应分析

2.In a certain climatic zones, the survival of biology was decided by geological conditions—theecological geo-environment.生态环境的地下因子群通过岩土演化过程复杂而又相互关联地影响着生态系统,在一定气候带内,生物的生存决定于地质条件——生态地质环境。

6)eco-geological environment生态地质环境

1.An analysis of dynamic evolution of theeco-geological environment in the Anninghe River watershed in western Sichuan Province;川西安宁河流域生态地质环境动态演化分析

2.Security evaluation ofeco-geological environment in head-water areas河源区生态地质环境安全性评估

3.This article systematically analyses and studies theeco-geological environment of the nationallevel natural protective region of wetland and birds in the old channel of Yellow River in North Henan.本文从地质学角度,较系统地分析研究了豫北黄河故道湿地鸟类国家级自然保护区的生态地质环境,以及保护区存在的主要生态地质环境问题,并提出了相应的防治对策。


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
