900字范文 > 体系认证机构 system certification organization英语短句 例句大全

体系认证机构 system certification organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-22 22:31:54


体系认证机构 system certification organization英语短句 例句大全

体系认证机构,system certification organization

1)system certification organization体系认证机构

1.In , China\"s quality managementsystem certification organizations (following named assystem certification organization) are confronting many challenges and adjustments because great changes has taken in the external environment for they practice system certification, at the same time, thesystem certification organizations are facing pressures to promote their management.09年我国质量管理体系认证从业机构(以下称体系认证机构)面临着众多的挑战和调整,体系认证机构从业的外部环境发生了巨大变化,体系认证机构本身也面临着来自完善管理等各方面的压力。


1.New Strategy to System certificate Institute in China新形势下我国体系认证机构发展思考

2.China National Accreditation Committee for Quality System Registration Bodies中国质量体系认证机构国家认可委员会

3.China National Accreditation Council for Registrars (CNACR)中国质量体系认证机构国家认可委员会(CNACR)

4.Accreditation for product certification bodies and environmental management system certification bodies will be introduced at a later date.认可处将于稍后为产品认证机构和环境管理体系认证机构提供认可服务。

5.There were 122 institutions involved in the certification of product quality and systems, which accumulatively certified products from 46,000 enterprises.全国现有产品质量、体系认证机构122个,已累计完成对4.6万个企业的产品认证。

6.A Concept about Building a Promoting Quality System Certification Mechanism;关于建立提升的质量体系认证机制的构想

7.Study on Metrology Accreditation Management System for Quality Test Institute of Water Resources水利质量检测机构计量认证管理体系研究

8.Certificate of the system of the quality certification质量认证体系认证证书


10.Electronic signature shows the identity of the signatory in technical means.电子签名的安全使用必须结合认证机构体系的建立。

11.Introduce of "Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems"《信息安全管理体系审核认证机构的要求》标准解读

12.Establishment of FIDIC Professional Qualification Certification System;FIDIC专业人员资质认证体系的构建

13.The Design and Establishment of Curriculum System of Quality Management System Certification Specialty;质量管理体系认证专业的课程体系设置与构建

14.Identity Authentication Centre Construction for Group Enterprises Based on SOA Framework基于SOA体系架构的集团企业身份认证中心构建

15.Research on Authentication Architecture and Related Technologies of Information System;信息系统认证体系结构及相关技术研究

16.Certification of Consultant Agent Regulation认证咨询机构管理办法

17.The Research and Design of a Flexible Grid Certificate Authority Architechture网格柔性认证中心体系结构研究与设计

18.Study on the Establishment of the Evaluation Index System of Certificating Clinical Nurse Specialists;临床护理专家认证评价指标体系的构建研究



1.Public Key Infrastructure and Certification Authorities (PKI/CA) have been used to support secure unclassified transactions over open networks, thus promoting e-commerce, e-government, and electronic transactions protection.公钥基础设施和数字认证机构(PKI/CA ,Public Key Infrastructure and Certification Authorities)体系正是为了解决这些安全问题而被广泛应用的。

2.Research on PKI/CA System in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks;公钥基础设施和认证机构(PKI/CA,Public Key Infrastructure and Certification Authorities)体系是一种基于公开密钥理论和技术建立起来的安全体系,它的核心是要确认信息网络空间中的信任关系。

3)certificate authority认证机构

1.Research on Certificate Authority Private Key Protection;认证机构的私钥保护研究

2.Design and Application of Minitype Certificate Authority Based on Open Source Code;基于开放源码的小型认证机构的设计与实现

3.In this article,the meanin g of electronic signature is first defined,then the following aspects of electronic sig nature are analyzed:legal effect of electronic signature;the status,r esponsibilities and legal obligations ofcertificate authority;the relevant rules in Regulations of E -commerce in Guangdong Province.本文首先界定了电子签名的内涵,继而对电子签名的法律效力以及认证机构的地位、职责及法律责任进行了思考,并对《广东省电子交易条例》的相关规定进行了评述。

4)certification body认证机构

1.This paper discusses the effect of breaking faith on forest certification,then shows that establishingcertification body,training auditor and improving the supervision mechanism should focus on the faith.文中分析了森林认证过程中及森林认证体系建设中可能出现的失信行为及其影响,指出我国处于森林认证起步阶段,应通过相关法律法规建设、认证机构、培养审核员、完善监督机制等方面确保森林认证的可信性。

2.The construction and application of OA System is the key method forcertification body to improve its standard and efficiency,to fulfill its growing demand of certificating request.认证机构O A系统的建设与应用是提高认证机构管理水平和运行效率、满足不断增长的认证业务需求的重要手段。

5)certification authority认证机构

1.Study on Civil Liability of the Certification Authority;电子认证机构民事责任问题研究

2.On the Liability of Certification Authority to Relying Party;论电子认证机构对信赖方的民事责任

6)Certificate authority (CA)认证机构


