900字范文 > 延误波及 delay propagation英语短句 例句大全

延误波及 delay propagation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-16 15:09:57


延误波及 delay propagation英语短句 例句大全

延误波及,delay propagation

1)delay propagation延误波及

1.Flightdelay propagation research based on Bayesian net;基于贝叶斯网络的航班延误波及研究

2.In chapter 1, the problem of flight delays, the analysis of flight delay anddelay propagation, the summary of present research conditions both at home and abroad are introduced.在以上理论研究的基础上,采集了实际民航航班数据,分别学习构建了大型枢纽机场航班离港延误模型,大型航空公司连续航班延误波及模型,进行了航班延误波及分析,分析结果有助于领导层进行航班延误相关问题管理决策。

3.The result shows that the model based on probability statistics could reflect the delay reason distribution,the difference of turn around time distribution anddelay propagation in different periods of sequential flights clearly.通过贝叶斯网络推理进行连续航班延误波及分析,并用实际航班数据进行测试。


1.Flight delay propagation research based on Bayesian net;基于贝叶斯网络的航班延误波及研究

2.Flight Delay Propagation Analyzing and Predicting System of Civil Aviation of China Based on SOA基于SOA的民航航班延误波及分析与预警系统

3.Flight Delay Propagation Analysis Based on Improving Bayesian Networks Structure Learning基于改进贝叶斯网络结构学习的航班延误波及分析

4.Research on Flight Delay Propagation DAG Based on Critical Flight Resources基于关键飞行资源的航班延误波及DAG模型的研究

5.The Estimation of Flight Delay and Propagation Based on Bayesian Networks基于贝叶斯网络的航班延误与波及预测

6.Model for Predicting Flight Delays and Analyzing Delay Propagation Based on Bayesian Networks基于贝叶斯网络的航班延误与波及分析模型

7.Bayesian networks analysis for sequence flight delay and propagation连续航班延误与波及的贝叶斯网络分析

8.Research on Flights Delays Statistical Indicator System and Delays Rating Assessment;航班延误统计指标体系及延误等级评估研究

9.When Vacuum Height Adding Delayed Avoid the Electrified Wire Netting Fluctuation Switch Mistake Moving真空高防加延时避免电网波动开关误动

10.The Integration Method of Saturation Flow and Signal Control Delay Survey;饱和流量及信控延误“综合”观测法

11.On Disputes Arising from Flight Delay: Present Situation, Causes and Corresponding Solutions;我国航班延误纠纷的现状、诱因及对策

12.The Brand Extension Operating Mode and Mistake Elusion;品牌延伸的运作模式及其失误的规避

13.The algorithm analysis of boundary extension for Orthogonal Wavelet Transform;正交小波变换及其边界延拓算法分析

14.The design on spatial pre-filtering of minimum variance and error analysis最小误差空域预滤波器设计及误差分析

15.The Study on the Cause of Delay & the Model of Early Warning in Construction Project;工程项目工期延误原因及预警模型研究

16.Property Rights Analysis and Contractual Governance on the Group Events of Flight Delay;航班延误群体性事件的产权分析及契约治理

17.Rapid recovery model of flight delays based on immune mechanism;基于免疫机制的航班延误快速恢复模型及实现

18.The Economic Loss of Airlines and Passengers Caused by Flight Delays;航班延误引发的航空公司及旅客经济损失


propagated delay波及延误

3)Flight Delay Propagation航班延误波及

4)flight delay propagation DAG航班延误波及DAG

1.Then algorithm for calculating the property values of each vertex is presented,andflight delay propagation DAG is constructed by rendering the vertices of initial DAG,thus the delay propagation information of the downstream flights is gained.首先根据航班计划和机组计划构建以一个初始延误航班为根顶点的全体下游航班DAG,然后给出算法以求解各顶点属性值,通过对初始DAG的顶点进行"染色"构造出航班延误波及DAG,得到完整的下游航班波及延误情况,结合提供的延误航班指数、延误时间指数等综合指标,为航班延误问题提供了有效的定量分析手段。

5)Flight delay propagation analyzing航班延误波及分析

6)speed and delay study车速及延误调查


