900字范文 > 参加 Motives英语短句 例句大全

参加 Motives英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-22 22:01:10


参加 Motives英语短句 例句大全



1.Investigation and Analysis into College Teachers"Motives in Physical Training and the Restraining Factors高校教师参加体育锻炼动机和制约因素的调查与分析


1.Shall you be at the dance? - Such thing!你参加舞会吗?--当然参加!

2.partake of a light, sumptuous, etc repast参加便宴、 盛宴等.

3.I take part in the 100-metre race.我参加100米赛跑。

4.hold chapel(教皇等)参加礼拜

5.-- Participating in emergency rescues and disaster relief work.--参加抢险救灾。

6.enter in a union参加联盟,加入协会

7.adherence, by virtue of accession to the Protocol通过参加议定书而加入

8.One that participates, shares, or takes part in something.参与者参与、分享或参加事物的人

9.Certainly, not only in management, but also in transfer.当然,不仅参加管理,还可以参加转让。

10.To take part in or as if in a drag race.参加参加或好象在进行拉力赛

11.The students take a prelimanary test in March, and the main exam in July.学生在三月参加初试,七月参加大考。

12.(c) participants shall have access to all proceedings;(c)参加人应可参加所有程序;

13.To enter into a suit as a third party for one"s own interests.参加诉讼出于自己的利益参加诉讼

14.Shall you enter the Army or the Navy?你要参加陆军还是要参加海军?

15.To participate in religious rites of worship.参加礼拜参加表示崇拜的宗教仪式

16.The students take a preliminary test in March, and the main examination in July.学生在三月份参加预考,七月参加大考。

17.Look, Nick has to pay. If he doesn"t play, nobody can play.我说,尼克得参加比赛。如果他不参加,就没人能参加了。

18.could we also take part in management?我们也可以参加管理吗?


take part in; participate in参加;参与

3)Take part(in)参加,参于

4)participate in; take part in参加;加入

5)To participate in;engage in.参加参加…;从事于…

6)machining parameters加工参数

1.It is time-consuming to determine appropriatemachining parameters in milling process.分析铣削加工参数匹配关系及其知识表示,针对产生式规则难以全面、高效表示加工参数定量匹配知识的问题,提出应用规则推理与人工神经网络(ANN)混合技术构建知识库的方法,给出了参数定量匹配知识表示的神经网络模型和改进的Vogl知识获取方法,运用手册上提供的最复杂样本集数据进行实验验证,结果表明提出的方法具有较好的知识表示性能。

2.How to compile NC processing technology under CAD/CAM system is described and themachining parameters optimized are also analyzed.首先阐述了在CAD CAM集成环境下编制数控加工工艺的过程以及优化加工参数的必要性 ,接着 ,分析了需要优化的加工参数。

3.Quick and accurate selection ofmachining parameters and prediction of the accuracy of the machined profile may reduce times of experiment,shorten the cycle of trial machining and lower down production costs.工件成型精度的预测是实际电解加工的重要研究课题,快速、准确地选取加工参数并预测出工件的形状精度可以减少试验次数,缩短试制周期,降低生产成本。


参加1.交加。 2.加入某种组织或某种活动。 3.犹提出,表示。
