900字范文 > 人文救赎 the humanities redeem英语短句 例句大全

人文救赎 the humanities redeem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-02 18:17:49


人文救赎 the humanities redeem英语短句 例句大全

人文救赎,the humanities redeem

1)the humanities redeem人文救赎

2)cultural salvation文化救赎

1.The theory of modernitycultural salvation is one of the most fashionable narratives concerning modernity.现代性文化救赎论是最流行的现代性问题的叙说方式之一。

3)the redemption of human nature人性救赎


1.Power of Morality Enables the Lost Angel to Wing Again--On Hester Prynne s Rebirth under the Salvation of Humanity;重振天使的道德之光——论人性救赎下海斯特·白兰的重生

2.The Redemption of Humanity: An Important Theme of Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter;人性的救赎——霍桑《红字》的重要主题

3.The Redemption of Humanity--the solving of the puzzle of not killing in"Candle"人性的救赎——破解《蜡烛》的不杀之谜

4.The Human Nature Redemption--Discussing the Isomorphic Heterogeneity between Dong Xi s and Yang Ying-chuan s Novels;人性的救赎——试论东西、杨映川小说的异质同构性

5.It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.<The Shawshank Redemption >坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。《肖申克的救赎》

6.To deliver from sin and its consequences.赎救从罪恶及其后果中把人解救出来

7.The Strait of Humanity,the Redemption of the Law--A dialysis of the legal phenomena in The Crime and Punishment;困厄的人性,法律的救赎——透析《罪与罚》中的法律现象

ments on The much-weather-beaten lady By Tiening;人性的自审意识与自我救赎欲——评铁凝的新作《大浴女》

9.A New Man-Woman Relationship as Conceived by D.H. Lawrence-Resurrection of the Modern World劳伦斯笔下的两性关系—现代文明下人类的救赎之道

10.The Redeeming Of Humanity--The analysis of Ajtmatow"s Plaha from the perspective of eschatology人性的救赎——从末世论角度解读艾特玛托夫的长篇小说《断头台》

11."For the Lord has given a price for Jacob, and made him free from the hands of him who was stronger than he."因耶和华救赎了雅各,救赎他脱离比他更强之人的手。

12.Zion will be redeemed with justice And her repentant ones with righteousness.赛1:27锡安必因公平得蒙救赎、其中归正的人、必因公义得蒙救赎。

13."Upright acts will be the price of Zion"s forgiveness, and by righteousness will men be living there."锡安必因公平得蒙救赎,其中归正的人,必因公义得蒙救赎。

14.Salvation or Survival: On the Promotion of the Western Spiritual Salvation from the Confucian Perspective;在救赎与生存之间——从儒家思想中为西方哲人的精神救赎寻求通道

15.Inuse happened to see her and redeemed her back to her father.伊努斯为救命恩人赎回女儿。

16.Sauron falls; mankind is saved.索伦崩溃,人类获得了救赎。

17.A Comparative Study of Superman by Bing Xin and Laboring Spider by Xu Dishan;慰藉与救赎——《超人》、《缀网劳蛛》比较

18.Desire and Redemption: the Perspectives of the Sensual-Love in Literature of the New Phase;欲望与救赎:新时期文学性恋描写透视


cultural salvation文化救赎

1.The theory of modernitycultural salvation is one of the most fashionable narratives concerning modernity.现代性文化救赎论是最流行的现代性问题的叙说方式之一。

3)the redemption of human nature人性救赎

4)One who redeems.救赎的人

5)Chinese cultural redemptive ideal文化救赎理想


1.Significance and approaches ofsalvation of cultural relics through tourism development in TGP reservoir area;旅游业救赎三峡库区文化遗存的意义及途径

2.Tuya’s Marriage: Tuya’s Love Salvation;《图雅的婚事》:图雅的爱情救赎

3.The Lost Life, the Romantic Salvation;迷途的人生 浪漫的救赎——小说《蓝色的马》解读


人文1.指礼乐教化。。 2.泛指各种文化现象。 3.人事。指人世间事。 4.习俗,人情。
