900字范文 > 联合产权理论 the united property rights theory英语短句 例句大全

联合产权理论 the united property rights theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-07 22:57:13


联合产权理论 the united property rights theory英语短句 例句大全

联合产权理论,the united property rights theory

1)the united property rights theory联合产权理论


1.The Chinization Of Marxism Property Rights Theory:the Core of the United Property Rights Theory马克思主义产权理论的中国化:联合产权理论的核心

2.The Theory and the Measurement of Fair Distribution in the Enterprise in the View of the Joint Property Rights Institution;基于联合产权制度的企业内公平分配理论及度量

3.The Theory of the Growth of the Firm --the analytical framework of the growth of the firm based on the united property rights institution;企业成长理论——基于联合产权制度的企业成长解析框架

4.The Application of Contingency Theory in the Collaborative Education of Graduate Students among Government,Business,University and Institute政产学研联合培养研究生模式中权变理论的应用

5.The Relationship Between the Study of Managing Technique Economy and Managing Intellectual Property;论技术经济及管理与知识产权管理学科关联性

6.On the Incentive Constraints Mechanism of the Entrepreneur under the United Property Institution;论联合产权制度下企业家的激励与约束机制

7.On chattel mortgage register effectiveness principle"s rationality论动产抵押权登记生效原则的合理性

8.On The Reasonableness Of Its Intellectual Property Characterization Of Scientific Discovery Right论科学发现权之知识产权属性的合理性

9.On integration of western capital structure theories--Based on property right theory;西方资本结构理论的整合——基于产权理论

10.Seminar on Human Rights in the United Nations联合国人权问题讨论会

11.On the Cause of China"s Abstaining from Voting for United Nations Security Council 678 Resolution论中国对联合国安理会678号决议弃权的原因

12.On the Rationality of Risk-taking Mechanism Concerning the Technological Innovation of the Tripartite Complexes of Production, Teaching and Research;论产学研联合技术创新风险承担的合理性

13.On the Relationship between the International Criminal Court s Jurisdiction and the Security Council s Authority;论国际刑事法院管辖权与联合国安理会职权的关系

14.On the right of joint registration--Protection of marital property“联名登记权”论——夫妻共有财产权的保护

15.The integration of interest and justice helped to bring about the voting procedure of the UN Security Council.利益与正义的结合促成了联合国安理会否决权的产生。

16.The Evolution of Firm Organization-- The analysis based on the stage evolution theory of the union property right institution;企业组织的演变——联合产权制度阶段演化论下的分析

17.A Theoretical Study of the Ownership System in Cooperative Enterprises in the Country;农村股份合作企业产权制度的理论分析

18.Advertising Effect Produced under Cooperative Principle and Relevance Theory;合作原则和关联理论下广告效果的产生


theory of co-production联合生产理论

1.On the basis of the view oftheory of co-production,resourced-based theory and network-based theory,this paper highlights the mechanism of business incubator in the process of new venture creation and development,puts forward model of co-production,resource capability and network utility about business incubator,and points out the key factors of successful business incubator.运用联合生产理论、资源理论和网络理论等观点,着重分析了企业孵化器在促进创业公司生成与成长过程中的有效运作模式,提出了企业孵化器的联合生产模型、资源能力模型和网络效用模型,并指出了企业孵化器成功运作的关键因素。

3)combining title联合产权

4)A Discussion in United-propery Rights and Efficiency论联合产权与效率

5)the theory of property right产权理论

1.This thesis interprets disorder of urban land market withthe theory of property right, it summarize some experiences and lessons.本文运用产权理论对城市土地市场秩序失范进行解释,总结一些经验和教训,这对于完善我国城市土地市场秩序有着积极的理论意义和现实意义。

6)theory of property rights产权理论

1.Western economists credit Coase with the foundation of thetheory of property rights.科斯被西方经济学家认为是产权理论的创始人。


